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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

  • Thread starter Thread starter fusilier
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It has been 366 days and counting for a transfer from CIC to Pres...

And I was told today that I would get my offer withing the next 2 weeks.

Hope its the same to you :)
Applied for CT to 226 in early May '06.  CFAT/Med/Interview June '06.  File selected Nov 06.


Remember, you are competing with others for an offer in a MOC.  I wonder if Image Tech is above PML?  Did you receive anything at all, like...PLAR results??
yes we are competing against other people...but...in my case there are several position open at mmy res unit.

why does it take so long? I could give you a 100 reasons....but the good one would be.... All I know it is worth the wait. I cannot wait do "decomission" and becom PRes NCM and start with new challenge...
So I am not the only one in this boat .

Thanks guys hope everyone gets in soon.

I know this tho there is 1 pos every 6 weeks for my trade so thats probly why.

I put in a ct from the naval reserves to reg force navy on nov.7,06 and I'm still waiting. To date I have been told I should receive an offer in about 2 weeks.
I'm waiting on a transfer too (Naval Res to Reg AF), I'm going in as an AVN Tech and was wondering if anyone knew when the courses for that trade were starting?  I was told that they would be starting some time in September because of the basic training courses finishing a little before that.  If that's the case, do you think they would call sooner and have me as PAT until the course started, or just call me shortly before the course begins? 
I too transferred from NavRes to AF.  I put my application in on 31 Mar 06 and officially transferred on 6 Dec 06.
hourclock said:
I'm waiting on a transfer too (Naval Res to Reg AF), I'm going in as an AVN Tech and was wondering if anyone knew when the courses for that trade were starting?  I was told that they would be starting some time in September because of the basic training courses finishing a little before that.  If that's the case, do you think they would call sooner and have me as PAT until the course started, or just call me shortly before the course begins? 

You could PM Sparkplugs...she just finsihed BMQ, did the PAT thing and is about to, or just started, her trades training in AVN Tech I believe...
8) ummm 2 weeks      >:D and then  just under 2 yrs from infantry to navy . but i wanted to go airforce ...
You are goinh AVN i was AVN for 2 years. Sat on PAT platoon for 2 months then after 6 months. Very fun. Coarse is now 20 months long eh just to let you know if you have any questions. Let me know.
OK here is my explaination lol

I enrolled in sept 2003 did my BMQ went to borden with a corse date of january 07 2004. Well was suppose to be a 121 day corse they changed it to 52 weeks and my name was not on it. So I waited 2 weeks and my name was not on the febuary one so i complained and there was a spot on the Feb corse so i went on it. We were the 4th corse on the new 20 month trail. Ginni Pigs. Well point being as you can tell my english skills are not the best. So on corse i strugled with the book work but on the hands on stuff i was 98 %. The corse SGT always congrated me for my skills. Well did good on Comon Core Then when it was time for Electrical as in circuit boards and so forth i was great with the hands on stuff but had a hard time with the computer learning as nothing now in the CF is done on paper. It was a US based computer corse that was difficult to understand and asking questions to the senor staff was like talking to the wall cause they did not wanna learn it either. So alot of the students would assit each other. Well i failed my 3rd PO and they sent me to a PRB review board were they told me i had english skills problems and would look into it. Well then we were off to electrical wiring 7 months into the corse were I wizzed by everyone in the class. We would have to do wiring on boards and lay down cable and I would always finsih a day or 2  ahead of the class then i would help others. Every single piece i did passed 100%. So aug they dragged me out of class had to say good bye to my fellow PTEs and i was brought to PAT platoon were the SGT told me i was going to be Put on another corse in the ELEC circuits to redo my part and also get a English skills assesment done. Well month went by in PAT platoon nothing asked the SGT in the PAT office what was going on he says you are going to see the PBSO tomorrow. So went and saw her and she told me there would be no recorse for me and so forth and my options were this RED FLAG TRADES only. Infintry, armoured and cook. Sorry i told her those trades are not for me they may be good trades but not for me. She told me to take 2 weeks think about it.

So the next day i filed a redress and so forth. The redress was taking too long and so forth and basicly the next interview she did not even want to hear anything i wanted to say and She handed me a VR . So asking advice from fauther and other CF members including the CF CWO telling me there is a flaw int he 500 series trade that will not allow you to drop one series. So i VR'd to the SHR Supplymentry Holding Reserve as a reservist in as a VTECH. So feburay 2006 the CF has changed there means as to Tranfers from trades.

Basicly I have been a RES since januray and its been hell sorry my unit is not the best and there is more stories to that too.

Point taken If this is the trade you want and are willing to wait then go for  it. If you are not willing to wait do not do it. Turn around time for a non skilled AVN your looking at 20-30 months.

I have a bunch of people who VR'd and transfered to RMS clerks and some that made it threw. It all depends on you.

If you want more info let me know.

Currently I am a VTECH 411 with the RES i put in a CT in feb 2006 to go in as a PH TECH in the air force. And my name has been merited so waiting now.

Wow, that's quite the story.  Don't they have a French course that you could have attended?  I knew that they were going through some trial periods with the new course and a lot of it was screwing the pooch for the most part.  I'm really sorry to hear that.  I hope everything works out for you. 

What did you mean by the turn around time?  Does that mean that there is less of a chance for promotions, or half decent postings?  I figured as much as they are recruiting 20 AVN Techs per region as opposed to 2 AVS Techs throughout all of Canada, for example.  I know there's a huge demand for AVN Techs.  Although, being a Corporal with Spec Pay 2 isn't bad after all the IPC's.  Besides, I really want to sail with this trade.  I don't know of many Air Force NCM Trades that offer attach-postings to ships other than AVS.  FE, is another but that's only through advancement on the AVN side of things.
I mean from the day u tranfer tell u get the corse done.

Spec pay does not come tell u are POM and CPL.

Like i know in pat right now at CFSATE there is over 100 people and the corses go every month 14 troops or there trying new stuff out 14 every 2 weeks
That means there is a new course starting every 2 weeks?  That's pretty frequent.  But 100 people on PAT for AVN?  No wonder things take forever...  What probably happens is that the recruits go directly to PAT once there BMQ is done.  So the numbers stay pretty high as long as there's a steady rate of new recruits, they probably don't want to have trained sailors/soldiers wasting there time in line waiting for there course to start.  Actually, that doesn't make sense because we'd never get in then.  Either way, it's crazy that it takes so long to get in.  I feel for those people who have been waiting over a year.  That's just crazy.
hourclock said:
I'm waiting on a transfer too (Naval Res to Reg AF), I'm going in as an AVN Tech and was wondering if anyone knew when the courses for that trade were starting?  I was told that they would be starting some time in September because of the basic training courses finishing a little before that.  If that's the case, do you think they would call sooner and have me as PAT until the course started, or just call me shortly before the course begins? 
A guy from my unit CTed to that trade over the summer.  When he came by around remembrance day he was already on course.
Was he coming from another AF Trade?  I ask because, as we all know, sometimes it's good to know someone on the inside.  And I also know that if, for example, you have a RMS Res going RMS Reg, the transfer is reallly quick.  But for some reason, once you start changing elements it begins to lag, so it seems.
I think what you mean is...if you are doing a straight Component Transfer into the same MOC, it is quicker than if you are combining a OT (Occupational Transfer) with a CT.  Which is what I am doing, which is one of the reasons my CT is as long as it is.

I also had some medical stuff to get thru, which also added to my timeline.

There is usually lots of little factors in the background that stretch out the length of time it takes.

If the trade is above PML, it would also possibly take longer...etc.