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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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I am trying to get in the reserves right now but plan to switch to regular force later on. I was just wondering what complications i'd run into and if the switch from reserves to reg would be a lot different. I was also wondering what the vets thought of new guys.
I wonder the same thing myself..... im in the reserves now, and would like to establish myself first and get a few courses under my belt first before I try the regforce.One of my main concerns is the general feeling of the regforce guys towards reservists, as from what Ive seen so far, it usually isnt good, and Id hate to be in a place where everybody is alreayd predesposed to not like you =p
Well, I can't think of how to sugar coat it so I'll just say it. It's been my experience that if you go Res to Reg and think that you'll be automatically respected and advanced because you spent a 100 days as a reservist, then you'll be in for the shock of your life. Nobody likes a know it all, especially one that only did it on weekends. If you're looking for respect, it helps people to know that you went through the same trials and training that they did.

I'll give you an example that I experienced. When I joined the CF I had 225 hrs of flight time, when I got to Moose Jaw, they "taught" me how to fly again. I just STFU and learned the way they wanted me to learn, I used my experience but never tried to do things the way I had done before. Just because I had done things a certain way as a civvie pilot, didn't mean that I would be doing things that way as a military pilot.

I hope that makes a little sense, you shouldn't have any problems with the transition as long as you don't come off as a jackass know it all minor leaguer.

I figured that when i went there i'd have to earn there respect anyway and already know that they are better than i am because they get way more practice and better equipment so i'm not going to walk in and start shooting my mouth off. I was also wonder what people think of the grey and simcoe foresters B coy?
i kind of agree with inch, when i went to the reg's it was a different ball game.  even if you tried to hide the fact you are ex reserve, they find out through the grape vine.  just laugh and say you found the light now and wonder what you were thinking then.  It defiinately is a change though.
well if thats how it is. I wasnt looking to go into the regs and tell people the right way to do things, obviously they know what theyre doing, so id just listen and take in what they want me to know.How many days in as a reservist do you need before you arent required to repeat SQ and BIQ ?
Well i guess it would depend on where you were comming from.  Were you a combat arms trade? and what quals did you have before?  I was an armored gunner in the reserves, CPL4 with QL4 gunner crse. and I didn't have to do that stuff (SQ, BIQ)  when I went reg force, but just like the annual express tests, even if you were exemt status, your unit could tell you otherwise.  So even if you think you are exempt they can send you anyways.  I also learned (but it was to late for me) that in going regular force, before you sign, that you can bargain with the recruiters on some things.  Ask them "Is this my only option? "  or what quals carry over to the regs etc, time towards promotions etc. They like to leave you with little details. It dosent hurt to try after all you could say no and wait it out or ask thier next in the chain.
My trade is a combat arms, Infantry.
My ideal situation would be able to transfer to regs as a corporal and keep as many courses as I can, and not have to repeat any courses.I assume it would probobly take 3-4 years at least in the reserves to do that?
I've seen sgt's in the reserves come in as privates in the regs, but they went from artillery to wpns tech.  And besides, all full days class A, or B I think are counted as 1/2 time, (1/4 for half days) and all class C are 1 for one days when counted for time elidgible for promotion, provided you might also need MOC requirements to back you. But it also counts for pesionable service if you buy you pensionable service back.  Now if you are going from INF to Reg force INF, You may be able to keep Corporal with enough time in, and most quals should carry over.
If you went from Reserve to Reg infantry, its pretty much a guarentee your have to do the Reg Force BIQ, on my brothers BIQ there was a guy who was a Cpl in a reserve infantry unit, with his jump an recce course, an only his QL2 an Jump qualification carried over into the Regs.
fcseme said:
  And besides, all full days class A, or B I think are counted as 1/2 time, (1/4 for half days) and all class C are 1 for one days when counted for time elidgible for promotion,

Actually, Class B and C time count day for day.  Class A time (regardless of how many days you paraded) counts as 1/4 time.
so how many days do you need? =p

A friend of mine told me that nomatter what youll have to repeat BIQ as a refresher. =/
To keep Cpl on transfer....you would require four years.  That is four years of full time service after the calculation is done.  (counting up all of the B and C svc and 1/4 time Class A)  Even then, you are not guaranteed anything.  Make sense?
It's not quite that simple. You can use the advice above to calculate (roughly) how much time you might be awarded on Component Transfer (CT) towards incentive pay rates and time towards promotion. As far as what rank you would start at and what courses you may have to retake, that will depend on what equivalencies are being recognized at the time and what positions the service is looking to fill with CT candidates.
Is it mandatory to take a regforce BIQ course after you transfer?
Yes, if your Verification of Former Service (VFS) conducted as part of the Recruiting process on Component Transfer (CT) says that you do.
Michael OLeary said:
As far as what rank you would start at and what courses you may have to retake, that will depend on what equivalencies are being recognized at the time and what positions the service is looking to fill with CT candidates.

As was stated in the quote above, it depends.  I know that I have seen people do a CT and enter as skilled (meaning they did not have to retake BIQ), though I found that to be rare.
I echo Inch 100%. When I transferred to the RegF, I had eight years of Res Service. My policy was to keep my mouth firmly SHUT. The way I used my previous knowledge was to help the guys who were having trouble. No matter how bad the instruction got (and I saw some RegF instructors who, had they worked in my Pl when I was a WO, I would have sacked on the spot...), no matter how much I knew about what was being taught, I bit my tongue. One of my peers, a former Res Sgt, often failed to keep his yap shut and developed quite strong forearms from multiple pushups and running around with his rifle over his head.

(Mike O'Leary knows who I'm talking about.....)

The last thing the instructor (or the other recruits) want to hear is : "Well, when I was in the Royal Numptyville Fusiliers, we didn't do it that way yadda yadda yadda....". Do the best you can by putting your knowledge to good use, and the instructors will recognize your ability.

As for attitudes of people in the RegF: well... they're all humans.  We'll probably never get rid of the Militia-haters, just like we'll never get rid of the Res people who see the Regs as a bunch of drunken layabouts who couldn't get "real" jobs. Cheers, and best of luck.

When I completed my training after a component transfer, I had the dubious privilege of wearing a rank that the rest of the course could not have yet achieved.

. . . the course staff didn't give me the option to  keep my mouth firmly SHUT.  :warstory: