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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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Celticgirl said:
Got my CT offer this week...Reg F as of 1 Feb 12!  All of my quals were granted on the PLAR!  Very happy!  ;D

Congrats to you! :piper: Well deserved
I like many here have been following your adventures.  ;)

I spent some time with 413 in Summerside. Had some great times, saw a lot of the Atlantic provinces.

FYI: Started in Borden May, 1, 2011, sat on PAT platoon for a while, on my common course now, my ACS 3's start in May 2012. Trade course went from a 9 to a 14 month course, with the changes came a very big back log of students. So basically it went from a long wait in PAT to a longer wait.  So in total it's going to be 2+ years before I'm "not a student".
Baden  Guy said:
Congrats to you! :piper: Well deserved
I like many here have been following your adventures.  ;)

I spent some time with 413 in Summerside. Had some great times, saw a lot of the Atlantic provinces.


Thanks, Baden Guy!  :)

I do not know yet if I will get to stay at my current unit or will have to move.  The only thing I know right now is that I'll be staying in Greenwood.  My VIE is 3 yrs, so hopefully I will stay put until then at the very least.  My hubby and I both love the valley!
I put my CT/OT in, in December and I haven't heard anything back. I'm going to talk to my unit about it soon.
AgentSmith said:
I'm in the same boat as you. I put my CT/OT in, in December and I haven't heard anything back. I'm going to talk to my unit about it soon.

Are you guys serious?

Get ready for a LONG wait.
Hi i'm currently a Pte. in the reserves. I wish to do a CT to a Weapons Engineering Technician and I entend to do it soon (ASAP). I understand the Navy trades tend to have a harder time recruiting and the numbers from last year (for general recruitment) was 31 regular training and 85 NCM-SEP. I understand that there are different numbers for CT's but the NCM-SEP seems to be the choice best number wise. I wish to do the NCM-SEP program which would be best to get into before college starts next year. So my question is how long does a CT for NCM-SEP take (approximately) and would I have enough time to get in before the school restarts?
AgentSmith said:
I put my CT/OT in, in December and I haven't heard anything back. I'm going to talk to my unit about it soon.

Talk to your unit next December, you may hear something then.

Eaglelord17: If you're OTing as well, you're looking about a year wait before you hear back. Trying for next college semester may be a longshot.
Hey Folks.  I'm about to transfer over from PRes to RegF and I have a couple questions that I hope someone here can answer for me. My Transfer Date is 6 Feb, and COS date is 7 Feb.  I do not have my posting message yet (another issue altogether).  I've been told that I will start being paid as a RegF member as of my Transfer Date.  So 2 questions:

1.  Is that true.
2.  If I negotiate my Report for Duty (RFD) date 30 days to the right as I'm entitled to do, am I still being paid for that 30 days leading up to my RFD date?

I'm hoping to iron out these details before I give my current civi employer a departure date - as I don't want to have a gap in pay.

1.  Your Reg F pay will commence the day your CT is effective.

2.  You will have to allow for the gaining unit/admin processes to get your entered into the Reg F pay system (CCPS).  When you RFD, you can ask that as part of your in-clearance.  If you are asking your report date be moved 30 days to the right, I am not sure where you are, but you could be looking at local/AR payment until you get to your unit and get into CCPS.

I strongly advise you, if you do receive Local/AR payments for Reg Force pay, keep track of when, how much, keep any paperwork WRT to them and give them to the OR on inclearance.  That way, they can protect your pay so you don't end up getting a double payment thru CCPS if the AR paperwork doesn't follow you in a timely manner.

This happened to me when I CTd a few years back and my CCPS/Reg F pay account was out of whack, and was a PITA to me and the pay folks.
Eye In The Sky said:
This happened to me when I CTd a few years back and my CCPS/Reg F pay account was out of whack, and was a PITA to me and the pay folks.

Happens to everyone, I had to go every payday and get a cheque for 2 months.

Problem with you changing your COS date, is that your TOS starts on 6 Feb and you are supposed to be paid from that date but you won't belong to a unit until your COS date so you'd be in limbo. You can request to have your whole CT date moved to the right, did you just get your CT message? D Mil C was very accommodating in moving my date to the right as I was on a career course.
Some more to my situation. I've accepted my offer and am awaiting my Posting/ ETP message.  I'm moving unnacompanied and planning to go IR, so I can't arrange accomodations until I can talk to Brookfield - which apparently is not until my Transfer date.    This all seems to be waiting until the last minute, and thats why I'm concidering trying to move my RFD date.  I need my "Start Pay" date to be set. I don't want to change my Transfer date,  COS date or TOS date.
The IRP folks moved my date with my gaining CofC for me.  Not sure how it works now.  They should know the deal.  Read the manual!
The IRP manual does not really deal with the CT process and says very with regard to moving of dates and pay.  Thanks though.

edit: Also, I cant talk to teh IRP folk (Brookfield) until my transfer date.
I should have worded that better sorry.  Read the manual!  There are benefits, etc CF mbrs are entitled to that the IRP folks will not tell you about.  Read it from cover to cover.
Has your gaining unit's CO approved you to move IR? Its a different system now, IR is not automatic.

You should be able to talk to IRP as soon as you have a posting message, which you're waiting for. They shouldn't care whether you're being paid or not yet.
I'm the one who cares about pay.  ;D 

Yes, I know that IR has to be approved first.  I'm going on an unnacompanied move first, then applying for IR.
It sounds like you are going to do an occupation transfer (OT) along with a component transfer (CT) as well as switching environments.  The big hold up will be the OT as you may have guessed from previous posts.  The decision makers gather twice a year to decide who gets to transfer into the regular force.  It's a competitive process that is further complicated if the trade is in a hurt locker for folks.  W Eng Tech is doing well so your file will need to be in top form and there is no guarantee that there will be slots open.  If you do get in during the next round, you'll have time enough to go to school in the fall.
Don't become a PITA to your unit asking for updates.  This is one of those 'don't call us, we'll call you' scenarios.  Just make sure your info stays up to date and that all your i's are dotted and t's are crossed.
PuckChaser said:
Talk to your unit next December, you may hear something then.

Eaglelord17: If you're OTing as well, you're looking about a year wait before you hear back. Trying for next college semester may be a longshot.

Talking to your unit about a CT you put in, is like going to McDonalds and asking what the deals are at Harvey's.  Your unit will at some point get a request for your pers file and thats it.  If you wanna know whats going on with your CT, you talk to the person in Ottawa who emailed you.  If you put in last month, you definately won't hear anything for a while 1) the xmas leave block, people are only now  all coming back to work and catching up.  2)Most trades are closed until the new fiscal year anyways.
Didn't catch that I said unit, I meant D MIL C. I totally agree that the unit is going to be in the dark. I notified mine about my CT, and I gave them more information than they got through official channels and messages.
emanthal said:
Yes, I know that IR has to be approved first.  I'm going on an unnacompanied move first, then applying for IR.

What if they say no? You've already signed the dotted line... IMO this is a backdoor way to get IR and probably won't look good on you.