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  • Thread starter Thread starter maniac779
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I had a similar situation. Your best bet is to read through CBI chapter 204 and find the section that best applies to your situation.  
I did some further checking and cannot find the reasoning behind the vested rights in pay for NCM's. Another guy today got his transfer to Hull Tech from MESO, he gets to keep his PO2 pay Class C until his other pay catches up. This is second hand info of course, but it seems this has been like this for a while, I suspect. If you don't question your first offer, you probally won't get the vested rights pay.
I had a friend that CTed from an OS NCIOP from the reserves and was in for like 4 months before going into the ROTP. She got to keep her OS pay (since it is higher then the officer cadet pay) until the officer pay would have surpassed it.

I'll send her an e-mail, maybe she has the reference.

Found this with google http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/DAOD/5002/3_e.asp little part in the administration section talks about pay level.

CFRG determines terms of service and transfer entitlements for all selected applicants as follows:

    * rank, incentive pay category, incentive credit, time credit for promotion and seniority are determined based on qualifying service, as well as military and civilian competencies;

    * Reserve Service is counted as pensionable service for purposes of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act as follows:

          o 100% of Class B and C Reserve Service; and

          o 25% of Class A Reserve Service; and

    * annual leave entitlement is calculated based on qualifying service in accordance with QR&O 16.14, Annual Leave.

I am no professional but if I read that right does that mean that there isn't really a reference for it and it's a case by case?

References for DAOD 5002-3 so if the awnser is anywhere I think it might be in one of those

    * DAOD 5002-0, Military Human Resource Requirements and Production


    * QR&O 2.034, Reserve Force Sub-Components
    * QR&O 6.01, Qualifications for Enrolment
    * QR&O Chapter 10, Transfer, Attachment, Secondment and Loan
    * QR&O 16.14, Annual Leave
    * CBI Chapter 204, Pay of Officers and Non-commissioned Members
    * DAOD 5031-1, Canadian Forces Military Equivalencies Programme
    * CFAO 9-13, University Training Plan – Non-Commissioned Members
    * CFAO 9-70, Special Commissioning Plan
    * CFAO 10-1, Officer Transfer – Military Occupation Regular Force
    * CFAO 11-6, Commissioning and Promotion Policy – Officers – Regular Force
    * CFAO 11-9, Commissioning from the Ranks Plan
    * CFAO 11-12, Occupation transfer of Non-Commissioned Members – Regular Force
    * CFAO 16-1, Leave
    * CFAO 49-10, Terms of Service – Officers – Primary Reserve
    * CFAO 49-11, Terms of Service Non-Commissioned Members Primary Reserve
    * National Defence Security Policy
    * A-PM-245-001/FP-001, Military Human Resources Records Procedures
    * ADM (HR-Mil) Instruction 07/05, Canadian Forces Component Transfer
The Dunnminator said:
Look for CBI 204.11(10) I had the same question earlier.

I'm not able to find that CBI.  It goes from 204.09 to 204.20.  I could very well have missed it, but if someone else sees it here.  Or maybe you're quoting the wrong one?
Chapter 204.11


Page 17 of this link http://www.dnd.ca/dgcb/cbi/pdf/204_e.pdf

BTW Again if I understood properly it is for someone going to officer. It doesn't contain (not in 204.211) information about an NCM going to another NCM trade.

Also the last reference "ADM (HR-Mil) Instruction 07/05, Canadian Forces Component Transfer" looks interesting but I don't have DWAN access. Direct link : http://hr.dwan.dnd.ca/docs/instruction/instructions/engraph/home_e.asp if anyone wants to check it out.
Here is the HR Mil link that can be accessed from home: http://www.forces.gc.ca/hr/instructions/engraph/0705_admhrmil_e.asp
Something interesting, especially the last sentence... but then again sometimes this legal jargon is a little hard to understand.

ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 07/05
7.10 Time Credit for Promotion (TCP)/Incentive Pay Category (IPC) on CT

Time Credit for Promotion (TCP) and Incentive Pay Category (IPC) will be based on FTPS calculations (refer to CBI 204.015 Incentive Pay for CT from Res F to Reg F and CBI 204.511 for CT from Reg F to Res F). There is no pay protection on transfer from the Res F to the Reg F.

Also in CBI 204 on page 5 I found this

204.015(7) (General) Following the initial
determination of the rate of pay on enrolment,
component transfer or change in class of service,
an officer or non-commissioned member shall be
paid at the monthly rate of pay for the next higher
pay increment for the member’s rank and, if
applicable, pay level or trade group or both, as
established in the applicable CBI in this Chapter,
if the member has:

(a) met the performance standards
established in orders or instructions issued by
the Chief of the Defence Staff; and

(b) has completed one year of qualifying
service, or after such lesser amount of
qualifying service as may be authorized by
the Chief of the Defence Staff.

It looks pertinent but again with the legal jargon a little hard to understand so if someone want to see if I am on the right track please go ahead. I tried to read through all the stuff and get you guys the most relevant parts.