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If we have any national interest in the region at all, it would be focused on North Africa (stabilizing the new regimes in Egypt and Tunisia,regime change and stabilization in Libya) and potentially kinetic actions along the African East Coast from the Sudan, through Somalia and into the Horn of Africa to uproot Al Qaeda cells and eliminate pirate strongholds. The Arab peninsula, Syria and possibly Iran are also areas that "should" be on our radar.  We still have to be prepared for domestic operations and northern sovereignty, ongoing missions in Afghanistan and Haiti, and need to keep an eye on unraveling Mexico, piracy and instability in the East China sea littorals, stand by to help Japan, etc. etc.

Of course we would need a much larger force than we could muster today (at least an Army corps) with appropriate logistical, air and naval assets to provide support while deployed. I await any indication the Canadian public is willing to pay to stand up and support a force that size, or any politician who is willing to go to the wall to support such a thing on principle.
First it was "I had informations [sic] from very sure source that Congo is next," subsequently implying that the source was SOF [oooooh], followed up by the admission, "I saw a journal article..."


If you have a question or a comment, post it -- no lame posing required.
recceguy said:
I'm going to be blunt here. What I'm going to say is a personal observation, as I see it. Fell free to rebutt and change my mind.

Western nations no longer have any interest in Africa. The way I see it, France, Belgium, free Dutch, et al, colonized Africa.

Did they treat the natives as equal? Of course not. Did the start to industrialize, bring mass farming, hydro and common market trade. Did they move the continent into the modern era? Damn right.

Things 'seemed' to progress in Africa for around a hundred years. Things were getting better and becoming modern to where they competed with the rest of the world.

Revolution took over, the native Africans ran the colonials out, by political force or violence. It is still happening today, although most non Africans that owned anything have left.

In a generation, Africa has moved back into tribal groups and activity, torn down any marketable businesses that they had and put themselves back to where they were a hundred years ago.

All they have left is tribal governance and despots. These same despots allow countries like China to set up and rape resources by way of bribes.

No one wants to say it, because 'it's not politically correct', but the basic world feeling is they can stew in their own juices. They made their bed, they can sleep in it. The modern world tried to convert and change the 'dark continent', but they'd rather live their tribal lives and culture.

Sorry about their loss. It sounds crude and insensitive, but every time we try help we get our *** bit.

The world has stopped  :brickwall: to the detriment of thousands of innocent people.

Ahh the true things no one likes to say.
Container said:
Ahh the true things no one likes to say.
I think it's more that some don't want to hear these things, true as they may be....
Waiting for BlackBetty to come in here and sort some people out
The last thing Africa needs are more mercenaries - that vast majority of whom were failed soldiers (if you could call them that) with small brains and smaller penises.*

There were (and still are) a few exceptions - a smallish number of ex-regular soldiers, most from Africa itself; but in my personal experience, which is many, many years old but does include a bit of time in black Africa, mercenary = incompetent and cowardly.

The mythical soldier of fortune was, and remains, just that: a myth.

* And that includes old Etonian and ex-Scots Guards and SAS officer Simon Mann:


Simon Mann on trail in Equatorial Guinea after (another) bungled military operation - the only thing not mythological about mercenaries is their incredible capacity to screw up even the simplest task.

Now that's a real discussion. The article was just something that made me think why Congo. I do agree of maybe CF would be there not for the food distribution but for real missions. I think that Congo is possibly next because it's the one that needs help the most. CF could establish in North Africa or in Iran like they could in Congo. Congo is asking for help.
zakiuz said:
Now that's a real discussion. The article was just something that made me think why Congo. I do agree of maybe CF would be there not for the food distribution but for real missions. I think that Congo is possibly next because it's the one that needs help the most. CF could establish in North Africa or in Iran like they could in Congo. Congo is asking for help.

The CF could establish in North Africa or Iran? Like base our Operations out of there  ::)  I highly doubt any of thouse countries, especially Iran would welcome our troops there.

Why is the Congo the place that needs the most help? What are you basing this off of? Compared to which other countries? What Canadian interest is in the Congo? etc
zakiuz said:
Now that's a real discussion. The article was just something that made me think why Congo. I do agree of maybe CF would be there not for the food distribution but for real missions. I think that Congo is possibly next because it's the one that needs help the most. CF could establish in North Africa or in Iran like they could in Congo. Congo is asking for help.

Have you even read what's been posted? No one is interested, with the exception of the Chinese, some bleeding hearts and late night ads for 'Send me your money, and I'll send you a picture of a starving kid, and you keep sending me money'
zakiuz said:
I think that Congo is possibly next because it's the one that needs help the most.
Based on what?

(Your statement that Congo "needs help the most," not "I think")
zakiuz said:
P.S : Why am I ''watched'' 10% ? What does it mean ?

See here. Some members think you are spouting nonsense, wasting bandwidth, etc; others may agree with you.
Congolese surveyed believe there can be an internal solution to the problems in eastern Congo, with residents most likely to spontaneously mention the government (51%) and the president (33%) when asked to name the party responsible for bringing peace. Despite its presence in the region for more than 10 years, relatively few Congolese view the United Nations as responsible for peace.

poll article: http://www.gallup.com/poll/127556/congolese-hopeful-peace-eastern-congo.aspx
zakiuz said:
P.S : Why am I ''watched'' 10% ? What does it mean ?
Asking means you clearly didn't read the site's guidelines and administrative notes as you agreed to when you joined, which explains such things,......

What it means is that Big Brother is now actively targetting you, watching, tapping your phone, downloading everything you surf online. You really ought to take whatever tinfoil you have left and run......run Forrest run....as fast as you can.  :nod:

I beleive we asked you once if not, here we go. Fill out your PROFILE. Who are you? Are you a 15 year old kid or a 65 year old man? You have already shown a poor ability to structure or back up an argument.

Come up with some credible (or slightly credible) sources for your info. Your bogus SOF source? Yeah sure pal. Real SF types usually know not to talk to people who talk or post alot. Sorry don't buy it and if you beleive it, maybe you should check your source.

Do you have any military expirience? Do you study political sciences? Are you a Conolese Canadian or a Hamitlon tennager? We really would like to know you a little more. At the very least, would PLEASE enlighten us with any military expirience, your approximate age and education level? Anything else would be nice too.
I meant CF could NOT go in north africa or iran, sorry. I did my profile. 10% watched is ridiculous, because people don't agree with you, you should be banned ?
And for the survey, it's an interseting article, but it was made in Nov 2009 and was about bringing peace within the next 12 months, we're in 2011 nothing changed, that's why I'm more likely to think it's not by themself that they will bring peace.