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Cormorant Down-July 13/ 2006

There were three shots at the bar this afternoon. Sobering experience to see them there, and look around at your buddies knowing that our life has risks.

My thoughts are with their families- and mine.

"So others may live"
In battle, or practicing to help others, the loss, and the pain, remains the same....



"So Others May Live"


My thoughts and wishes are with the families and wounded.
It didn't take long..... >:(

Expert suspects pilot error
Chris Lambie, Chronicle-Herald (Halifax), 15 Jul 06

Crash investigators say it’s too early to tell what caused a Cormorant military helicopter to plunge into the ocean off Canso on Thursday morning, killing three crew members.

But according to one expert, it may have simply been flown into the sea.

"This is far, far too early to talk about cause factors at this point in time," said Maj. Michel Pilon, the military’s lead investigator from the directorate of flight safety.

But a former Royal Navy helicopter and jet pilot who examined photos of the downed chopper and read eyewitness accounts said he suspects human error caused the crash.

"Quite obviously, looking at the wreckage, I am certain that they must have flown into the sea," said Peter Jago, who was also a Top Gun instructor for the U.S. navy’s special fighter training school.

Engine failure is unlikely to have caused the accident, said Mr. Jago, who still flies.

"If it was an engine failure, the guy would have immediately hauled back and would have settled into the sea," he said from California. "I am certain that they must have flown into the sea because they were in an extreme nose-down attitude." . . . .

So, we have someone who has flown in the past, looking through photos, reading second-hand accounts (eyewitnesses' words, filtered through the media's lens), coming up with his best guess?  I'd be happy to hear from any aviators or other air types on this one.

If it bleeds, it leads....

I've seen helicopters fly, and I've been passengers in some.  Big Deal.

Here's an analogy.  Probably most people on this site have their driver licence.  Would people who have driven a car before be able to make a call like this with regards to a motor vehicle accident?  I doubt it!

Friggin' media.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled surfing.....
Extreme Nose Down  ???  - maybe it lost the main rotor and acted like a dart

* see I'm not even a pilot and I can have a theory  ;D
Publishing and circulating reports that "second guess" what happened helps no one.  They hurt the process and those involved.  We here should not involve ourselves like this by circulating reports such as this.  Please keep the faith with our own and wait for the official report.
Now that's the kind of parasitic pathetic slime-bag type journalism that the "Ruxted" group have been railing about.

EXPERT?.......on flying is not the same as an expert on crashing and/or investigating.

Chris Lambie....shame on you and shame on those above you who excepted this worthless piece.
Good to see Lambie isn't just writing tripe about the Sea Kings and Navy.

Of course it couldn't be a hard over or any other malfunction like a rotor brake, electrical failure, or any number of things that will put you in the drink, either engine failure or pilot error. I love the media.
Or failure of the auto-hover control system?

Opinions abound... I saw a helicopter once.
I'm not a pilot, but I've seen them on TV.  It appears to me, quite plainly, that the filbert flange was incorrectly meshing with the grapplegromitt. This led to a catastrophic failure of the gypsum saddle pump, and into the augie she went.  Now back to that cold fusion thing I've been tinkering with.  ::)
milnewstbay said:
Crash investigators say it’s too early to tell...But

"We have no facts so I'll just make some shit up to justify my paycheck, and ensure that my name is splashed around."

I say again: STFU.
What paracowboy said......

I've worked on choppers and I fly in them....I could put out many speculations on why it crashed...but I'm not going to......like some moronic wanker seeking his 15 minutes. :rage:
Having spent a fair bit of time on the ship end of a hoist operation, it is clear that when something goes wrong, there is little time for the pilot to react, I suspect equipment malfunction, unless it was a pilot in training. Either way, what a terrible loss, glad it happened where a rescue boat could have responded otherwise the whole crew would have likely perished.
Quote from VG,
I've seen helicopters fly, and I've been passengers in some.  Big Deal.
Here's an analogy.  Probably most people on this site have their driver licence.  Would people who have driven a car before be able to make a call like this with regards to a motor vehicle accident?  I doubt it!

Friggin' media.

...and on a similar note, I see the RCMP are bringing in NASCAR drivers to reconsruct car accident scenes.....
Jago is an ***### and should have kept his mouth shut.  Military Helo drivers have already sent him personal emails saying as much.

We pay people to discover the reasons behind military accidents - the rest of us keep our mouths shut and eyes open.
Kat Stevens said:
I'm not a pilot, but I've seen them on TV.  It appears to me, quite plainly, that the filbert flange was incorrectly meshing with the grapplegromitt. This led to a catastrophic failure of the gypsum saddle pump, and into the augie she went.  Now back to that cold fusion thing I've been tinkering with.   ::)
Wrong, wrong, wrong!  It was the Johnson Rod, I tell ya'!

But in all seriousness, your explanation holds exactly the same amount of water as the media's so-called "expert" who's already trialed and judged the pilot.
Is the Cormorant fly-by-wire?  because if it were, that would open up a whole bunch more "reasons" for the media to play with...
I don't suggest anything, because I don't know what could have happened. 
But the want to talk about things that I only have limited knowledge about (which is probably more than the media from what I read in that article, sadly) I will break my rule once to tell you that from what I am reading, the helicopter crashed quite similarly to the two or three Apaches that crashed in Kosovo.  ...  I don't remember what caused them, but who knows, same thing may have happened here.
That was my moment of enlightenment right there.