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Corporate Response to Social Media Pressure

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Army.ca Veteran
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Jarnhamar said:
TMECs recent decision to drop 5 companies from their product list because the companies are owned by a parent company that deals with firearms in the US is bullshit as well. The CEO claimed that MEC got thousands of emails asking them when they will drop companies like Camelback and  Bolle. I call bullshit because I can't picture "thousands" of Canadians realizing that Camelbak was associated with firearms. I sure as hell didn't.
The company made a big scene of discussing the issue and taking imput from their loyal customers, where they finally decided to drop the companies last night. Total virtue signalling. When you look at the majority of feedback across their social media it's 99% against them dropping companies. It looks like MEC just tried to jump on the anti-NRA train. Hoping they suffer for it.

Over on CGN(a haven for actual far right opinions) there is a thread laying out the way to cancel you MEC membership, and they pointed out that MEC seems to be suffering more than profiting from their latest move...

It seems rather disingenuous(lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere:) for MEC to make a stand against Vista Outdoors when most of their product comes from China and various and sundry SE Asian countries. I like a lot of MEC products, but I won't be shopping there any more. Call me old school/uneducated/plebeian  but I think businesses should focus on getting me quality products at reasonable prices, not leading social justice crusades.
WeatherdoG said:
Over on CGN(a haven for actual far right opinions) there is a thread laying out the way to cancel you MEC membership, and they pointed out that MEC seems to be suffering more than profiting from their latest move...

It seems rather disingenuous(lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere:) for MEC to make a stand against Vista Outdoors when most of their product comes from China and various and sundry SE Asian countries. I like a lot of MEC products, but I won't be shopping there any more. Call me old school/uneducated/plebeian  but I think businesses should focus on getting me quality products at reasonable prices, not leading social justice crusades.

Corporate long term strategic planning, for organizations that want to survive into the future, needs to be just that: strategy focused on the long term future.

Changing your strategy everytime someone gets mad at you about something is not strategic, it's the lowest form of pandering style tactics and can lead you to changing direction everytime the good idea fairy popped in for tea.


In the great scheme of things MEC is tiny, and wholly Canadian, so they might not be that badly impacted, neither will their US suppliers with gun connections. But the laws of the marketplace work in mysterious ways and they may find themselves in the hurt locker at some point.

MECs rating continues to drop. The few and far between posters giving it 5 stars are a mix between old ladies (seriously) and people who look like they've never spent a night outside in their life.

Highly recommend anyone not impressed with MECs bullshit politicking head over to their Facebook page and give them a poor review.
I gave them a 2 star rating....from what I was observing, it seems like their 1 star ratings were being watched, and over 200 were arbitrarily removed, and the reviewers were getting warnings.

A 2 star rating will drop them, but slip past the apparent filter that seems to be in place.

If people are surprised that MEC went this way, it tells me they don't really understand the origins, values and core customer base of the cooperative. 

Down voting them on Facebook isn't going to impact MEC, nor is cancelling your membership because there is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of the membership either support the decision or don't really care either way. 

If you really want to have a say in how the cooperative is run then stand for election the next go round.
garb811 said:
If people are surprised that MEC went this way, it tells me they don't really understand the origins, values and core customer base of the cooperative. 

Down voting them on Facebook isn't going to impact MEC, nor is cancelling your membership because there is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of the membership either support the decision or don't really care either way. 

I'm not surprised by their behavior or even the BS claim that thousands of people emailed them about ending sales of those products prompting their "internal review".

While down voting them probably won't impact MEC too too much I think they probably take social media pretty seriously.  There is an overwhelming negative reaction to their move. If that's combined with a serious drop in membership and sales I think they might  reconsider this kind of virtue signalling in the future.  People are pointing out other products they carry which have relationships with firearm selling companies in the US, now the question will be will they drop those products too since they set the bar for it or will they ignore it.
I have demanded that MEC stop selling anything with a GPS in it.

After all, the GPS constellation is owned by the US DOD and its entire purpose is to allow precision strikes in wartime. That does not fit with MEC values, I am sure.


Actually, my big issue with MEC on this subject is that they caved to a social media storm, rather than follow the bylaws of the Co-op. It is now my impression that some members of the Co-op are more equal than others based upon how loudly they can yell. Had this issue gone to a vote at the next AGM in the form of a resolution, I would not have had a problem with either possible outcome (stay with Vista or dump them), as the membership would have spoken. As it is now, all we have now is a successful social media campaign by a vocal faction of unknown strength.

Mods: perhaps we need a MEC thread, or does this somehow fit here?
Jarnhamar said:
I'm not surprised by their behavior or even the BS claim that thousands of people emailed them about ending sales of those products prompting their "internal review".
Not sure what you're basing your BS claim on but I actually wouldn't be surprised if thousands of emails had been sent, particularly on an emotive topic where a few dedicated organizers can get things rolling fairly quickly.  This is an organization that regularly has 50,000+ members voting on elections and resolutions remotely, it wouldn't be that hard, in my view, to get a couple thousand people to send an email expressing an opinion.

SeaKingTacco said:
Actually, my big issue with MEC on this subject is that they caved to a social media storm, rather than follow the bylaws of the Co-op. It is now my impression that some members of the Co-op are more equal than others based upon how loudly they can yell. Had this issue gone to a vote at the next AGM in the form of a resolution, I would not have had a problem with either possible outcome (stay with Vista or dump them), as the membership would have spoken. As it is now, all we have now is a successful social media campaign by a vocal faction of unknown strength.
I agree with you that the best solution would have been a resolution where the full membership could have had their vote.

Having said that, there is certainly nothing stopping anyone who so desires to submit a resolution asking for this decision to be reconsidered.
garb811 said:
Not sure what you're basing your BS claim on but I actually wouldn't be surprised if thousands of emails had been sent, particularly on an emotive topic where a few dedicated organizers can get things rolling fairly quickly.  This is an organization that regularly has 50,000+ members voting on elections and resolutions remotely, it wouldn't be that hard, in my view, to get a couple thousand people to send an email expressing an opinion.
I agree with you that the best solution would have been a resolution where the full membership could have had their vote.

Having said that, there is certainly nothing stopping anyone who so desires to submit a resolution asking for this decision to be reconsidered.

MEC was dead to me after they eliminated the Mountain from their logo. But I still like their return policy :)
garb811 said:
If people are surprised that MEC went this way, it tells me they don't really understand the origins, values and core customer base of the cooperative. 

Down voting them on Facebook isn't going to impact MEC, nor is cancelling your membership because there is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of the membership either support the decision or don't really care either way. 

If you really want to have a say in how the cooperative is run then stand for election the next go round.

If MEC is as far gone as you believe then do you actually think being a member and changing it from the inside will work? I imagine that not spending money there will work faster... The SJWs likely weren't members to being with for the most part so loosing even a few thousand people that actually spend money may be enough of a loss to make them shake their heads.

When I get back to a printer I'll be sending in my cancellation of membership, if for no other reason than to say enough is enough. Sell me quality products at a reasonable price, leave the grandstanding to the politicians.

Changing organizations from the inside seems to work best for the far left, because their platform of promising sunshine and rainbows plays a lot better in a soundbite than fiscal responsibility and making money. So long as people only want soundbites, and tweets to discuss important issues the emotional arguement will always win.
WeatherdoG said:
If MEC is as far gone as you believe then do you actually think being a member and changing it from the inside will work? I imagine that not spending money there will work faster... The SJWs likely weren't members to being with for the most part so loosing even a few thousand people that actually spend money may be enough of a loss to make them shake their heads.
Changing organizations from the inside seems to work best for the far left, because their platform of promising sunshine and rainbows plays a lot better in a soundbite than fiscal responsibility and making money. So long as people only want soundbites, and tweets to discuss important issues the emotional arguement will always win.
Well, you've just proven my point. 

Long before MEC became the outfitter of choice for JTF2 (pre 5.11 days) and those wanting to stroll through downtown Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto with an air of back country authenticity, it started out with the west coast, tree hugging, dope smoking, Birkenstock wearing, granola eating crowd.  As they've expanded, and people have joined just because they have good products at (mostly) reasonable, prices, the core philosophy and values of the cooperative haven't changed all that much.  When I joined as a teen I knew what the story with the cooperative was and, although I haven't paid much attention lately, the platforms of the candidates and most of the resolutions put forward were never surprising to me.

MEC has never been about "making money".  The shareholders are the members/customers so it is better to keep prices low to benefit all members rather than try to make huge profits, which would then end up being disbursed back to the very same people who paid the money to make the huge profits.  They have survived, and thrived, based on their business model which isn't about profit.  They certainly haven't been hiding what they are about ethically, environmentally or socially.  It's just most people, including you apparently, couldn't be bothered to actually do the research to see what they were buying into even though it is right there on their website for any and all to read:  Mission and values

This isn't a case of the cooperative being "far gone" or the "SJWs" taking over, it was already there and they were always in charge.
daftandbarmy said:
MEC was dead to me after they eliminated the Mountain from their logo. But I still like their return policy :)
Indeed.  That simple change was more upsetting to me than the decision to remove product lines (well, except for shutting down Serratus). Nothing they have decided not to sell isn't available elsewhere, or via a different brand in store.
I have always known the MEC ethic and values, as long as I have been a member.

Buying from Vista is not a clear cut departure from those values. It is a bit of a grey area. And it was done by social media mob, instead of using the existing bylaws.

Now that MEC has opened this door and accepted without the full input of all 5 million members that this is the new standard of ethical conduct, is it too much to expect them to do the following:

1) review the ownership chain of every Chinese company they do business with and apply the same standard. Make sure that none of them also make make firearms and that none of them are also owned by the PLA.

2) stop selling any device containing a GPS. The GPS system is owned by the US govt and operated by the USAF. it is primarily intended for wartime precision strikes. The civilian use side of it is useful, but beside the point.

3) stop selling any product made from a petroleum product. That would really be in keeping with its ethics and values.

4) stop sell gear to any military or police force.

But, I doubt any of that will happen, because, certain MEC members want to virtue signal without actually being overly inconvenienced.
SeaKingTacco said:
4) stop sell gear to any military or police force.
Woah, woah, woah!  Careful there, start applying that line of thinking and they will take away our 15% discount!  :tsktsk:
garb811 said:
Woah, woah, woah!  Careful there, start applying that line of thinking and they will take away our 15% discount!  :tsktsk:

But is that not the logical outcome of this line of ethical reasoning?

All guns bad = all gun users bad.
Dick's Sporting Goods have yet to feel backlash from taking tougher stance on gun sales: http://nationalpost.com/news/world/dicks-sporting-goods-have-yet-to-feel-backlash-from-taking-tougher-stance-on-gun-sales

Dick’s Sporting Goods Chief Executive Officer Ed Stack warned investors this week that its tougher stance on guns might hurt its business.

But so far, that hasn’t come to pass — at least in the form of fewer store visits.

Trips to Dick’s locations have risen 0.3 percent in the two weeks since the company ended the sales of assault-style firearms and tightened age restrictions on other guns, according to InMarket, which tracks consumer traffic through mobile phones.

“It definitely shows they have a loyal customer base,” said Cameron Peebles, InMarket’s chief marketing officer. “Consumers vote with their feet.”

Shares of Dick’s climbed as much as 2.7 percent to $35.76 on Friday. Still, they remain down more than 26 percent in the past year.

If this trend holds, the traffic trends may be welcome news for the retailer, which has been trying to convince investors that it can revive growth. The company is dealing with increasing competition from its own suppliers, like Nike, which have started to sell more merchandise through their own stores and websites.
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