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CORs must be complete in 3 months or less


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I can't seem to find anything on this so I am wondering if I am the only person in this position.  I was ceased trained from the AEC trade and sent to the PSOs for a Compulsary transfer.  I was told I had 3 months to pick a new trade from those open on the re-assignment list.  Unfortunately, in those 3 months nothing was available in an officers trade for someone with a general Arts degree other than Combat Arms and MARS (I don't meet vision for pilot).  Knowing I am unsuited for any of the open trades I asked for options and was told I had to take one of those trades, revert or release.  Not wanting to release I have put in for a reversion back to NCM, even though I have done over 6 months of OJT in a trade that is not open yet, but is likely to open in the new F/Y (which is two months away). 

I was also told that since I have previous service once I am QL3 qualified in my new trade I can apply for SCP or UTPNCM to become an officer again.

I am wondering if anyone else awaiting a COR with a general arts degree is being given the same time restrictions to find a new trade and being told Combat Arms, Mars or become an NCM or get out?  I recieved a strong PSO referral, and have no "black marks," in fact the PSO is encouraging me to reapply to become an officer ASAP once I revert (which just seems like a waste of training time and money in the NCM trade).

I find this very confusing....but it could be just me. ??? ???
For the love of god do not revert.  I beleive if you do this you will really hinder any chances you have at becoming an officer again no matter what anyone tells you.  You have obviously commissioned from the ranks to get to where you are so you know its no easy process.  If you go back NCM but you still want to be an officer, everyone else holds all the cards, and you hold none.

Plus its hard to justify that you should be an officer if you so easily reverted before, it just doesnt look good in my opinion.

Why do you feel like you are unsuitable for the combat arms or for MARS?  Which officer trades are you interested in?
ltmaverick25 said:
  I beleive if you do this you will really hinder any chances you have at becoming an officer again no matter what anyone tells you.

Well, allow me to be "anyone" for a moment. I was on my QL3 several years ago with a guy who had failed out as an officer. He did some time as an NCM and i eventualy instructed him on phase 3.
Thats good to know, I still wouldnt want to go through all that again though.  Hope it works out.
I am trying to get into PAO (which I have been working in for 7 months now) or LOG (which I have related experience).  Both trades are closed.  The PSO is telling me I should have no problem going back to officer...but I have similar doubts.  I am also interested in some officer trades I can't apply for as a COR like Training Development.
What exactly does COR mean anyway?

I still strongly recomend you stay as an officer for now.  It seems to me, and others may disagree with me on this, but the hardest hurdle out there is breaking out from NCM land to officer land.  Thats what I found in my own personal experience anyway.  Once I became an officer it seemed to open alot more doors for me that I never felt were available as an NCM.  My experience is reserve though, so perhaps its much different in the regular force.

Which courses, if any have you completed as an officer so far?  If combat arms or MARS are your only options, I would strongly consdier Arty O or MARS.  They are both good goes, though im biased as I used to be with the guns and am now MARS  ;D
COR = Compulasry Occupation Reassignment.

Right now I am working on my 3rd OPME, and I have completed BOTP and phase 1 of AEC training.  Both trades I want to get into will most likely open up in the new fiscal year.  The main issue is that I am being told by the PSO that I should have been reassigned by Christmas, and since it is now Feb I had to put in for three trades available on the Feb reassignment list.  According to the PSO they have been told by their branch that they must do all CORs in 3 months or less, and that is the reason I (and 2 others that I know of) are being put in this position.
Well, I would recomend a combat arms one then.  The benefit is, they will make you do CAP, which you will likely need for Log O, so at least all the training is not a waste.  Other then that, try and identify which combat arms phase training is shortest in timeline.  That will also be of help to you as well.  Having a good understanding of combat arms functions will be extremely valuable as a public affairs officer, and it will certainly be helpful as a Log O.