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Couple questions about the reserves...


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Hey guys, I've been floating around this website as a guest for a few weeks now, and this is my first post, so please dont scold me if this has already been posted.

I'm about to turn 15, and I'm starting to think about a future career in the military, and I was just wondering if you could answer these questions for me:

1. Is it possible to join the Reserves if you're in gr. 10 and still attending highschool?

2. Do you get paid in the Reserves? If so, how much is base pay for an NCM?

3. If I was in the Reserves for, say, 3 years, and then I decided that I wanted to join the Regular Forces: would I still keep my rank, or do I go back to being a Private?

4. Do the Reserve Officers have to have the 4 years of University like Regular Officers?

Thanks guys, and once again sorry if any of these questions have already been posted.  :)
1. Yeah.

2. Yep, it's posted up here a lot.

3. I'm not too sure, someone should be along here soon to tell you.

4. I will say no, but I'm not too sure.

Try a search next time, since these have been answered before.

BigLou42, use the "Search" function at the top right hand corner, there are many threads regarding the reserves.  ;)
BigLou42 said:
Hey guys, I've been floating around this website as a guest for a few weeks now, and this is my first post, so please dont scold me if this has already been posted.

I'm about to turn 15, and I'm starting to think about a future career in the military, and I was just wondering if you could answer these questions for me:

1. Is it possible to join the Reserves if you're in gr. 10 and still attending highschool?  FIRST OFF - Do you meet the 3 CRITERIA ?

2. Do you get paid in the Reserves? If so, how much is base pay for an NCM? PAY Scales - Reg and Reserve

3. If I was in the Reserves for, say, 3 years, and then I decided that I wanted to join the Regular Forces: would I still keep my rank, or do I go back to being a Private?  Component Transfers (Reserve to Regular): Q&A and Componet Transfer Res to Reg

4. Do the Reserve Officers have to have the 4 years of University like Regular Officers?  All officers are expected to attain a Degree.

Thanks guys, and once again sorry if any of these questions have already been posted.  :)
Hey guys,

I'm a 15 year old from Vancouver, and I'm thinking about joining the Reserves next March. I really, really want to join the Army, but I don't think I'm anywhere near being prepared to join. I know my fitness could use a bit of touching up, but so does the mind. So, my question is, what should I expect when I join the Reserves? And how can I get mentally prepared to take whatever the Army throws my way?

1. Stay in school and steer clear of drugs and booze.

2. Keep reasonably fit, do a search on here for that.

3. Mentally prepared? Don't worry about it. No one is really ready for it. You'll be fine.

4. Apply when ready, study for the tests, and pay attention to detail.


I have to agree with OWDU. Especially with staying in school, it is the most important thing to do and will serve you well the rest of your life.

As far as mentally prepared, you are 15 don't stress too much about it as it is something that will just come by doing it as OWDU mentioned. One thing that has helped me personally through some tough times is a quote by Churchill "If you are going through hell, keep going". I take it to mean don't give up and don't quit, if the CF is something you truly wish to pursue then do what you can to make sure it happens. You have plenty of time to get in shape and prepare.

Just to repeat what everyone has already told you and will continue to tell you: Finish school. It might not seem like it to you now, but it is the most important thing you can do for yourself.
Hey BigLou42

I just joined the Reserves, send me a private message if you have any questions...

If you want to join as an officer in the reserves you need to have at least started a bachelor's degree.

You can always get some experience in the reserves as an NCM, and once you get a bachelor's degree you ask for a transfer to the regular force as an officer... keep your options open, NCM and officers have different responsabilities and it is not because you own a degree that you have to be an officer.

anyway let me know if you have any questions
good luck