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Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Havok
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Honestly, until the courts decide your fate, they won't even entertain an application with your name on it.

Then if you're convicted... Well, you'll have to serve out your sentence/conditions, possibly gain a pardon on top, and very very rare chance of getting anywhere close to MP.

For now, concentrate on going through court. In years time when its all been decided, then you can revisit the option of a military career.
Hello, I understand matters in regards to this are handled on a case by case basis.

I just off the phone with a recruiter from my local recruiting station who has looked at my file, but was not able to offer any consultation in matters of foreign implications.

I am a dual-citizen and have been for the last 10 years, (Canadian and American), I was born in the U.S.. I have resided in Canada now for the last 6 months.

I have 3 felony warrants in the U.S. issued 7 months ago, 2 of which are bench warrants, and the other an arrest warrant. My criminal background consists of felony drug and theft charges.

I have absolutely no criminal record in Canada. I moved here to start a new life and have worked really hard to change my life around and have been succeeding in staying clean and working a full time job, and living a healthy lifestyle.

Does my past exclude me from my dream of the future? Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.
cole4722 said:
Hello, I understand matters in regards to this are handled on a case by case basis.
I just off the phone with a recruiter from my local recruiting station who has looked at my file, but was not able to offer any consultation in matters of foreign implications.
I am a dual-citizen and have been for the last 10 years, (Canadian and American), I was born in the U.S.. I have resided in Canada now for the last 6 months.
I have 3 felony warrants in the U.S. issued 7 months ago, 2 of which are bench warrants, and the other an arrest warrant. My criminal background consists of felony drug and theft charges.
I have absolutely no criminal record in Canada. I moved here to start a new life and have worked really hard to change my life around and have been succeeding in staying clean and working a full time job, and living a healthy lifestyle.
Does my past exclude me from my dream of the future? Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.

If you have "judicial" obligations, then you CANNOT be processed, ALL STOP!!!  So as you mentioned above, you appear to have certain commitments south of the border that need tending to.  As a result, you need to deal with those prior to your application to CF going any further.
cole4722 said:
I have 3 felony warrants in the U.S. issued 7 months ago, 2 of which are bench warrants, and the other an arrest warrant. My criminal background consists of felony drug and theft charges.

I really hope you're just trolling, and don't think someone with open felony warrants will get enrolled in the CF? ESPECIALLY with drug and theft charges?  :facepalm:
hi first time poster on this site. I could use some help regarding my situation. I will keep it as brief as possible but it could take a decent amout of writing to get what I think is the necessary info out.

when I was 15 (18 now) I got charged with x2 attempted armed robbery. I eventually pled guilty to x2 theft. I was given a conditional discharge. no restricted firearms, no check ins etc, just a flat discharge. my record will be dropped in may. the judge took into consideration my wanting to join the army and that's why she decided not to restrict my firearms. id like to add that the "attempted armed robbery" was a joke with a fake gun on someone who I thought wouldn't take it seriously. but that's besides the point now I guess..

i also have some things that could be on my record from when i was like 12-15. just stupid things like warnings and stuff. no actual charges. i haven't had any trouble with the law in over 3 years. im not some criminal i just did some dumb things when i was younger. im super motivated and determined to join and maybe transfer to regular force.

so will they let me in with this situation. thanks in advance for any replies. not exactly positive if this is the correct section of the forum to post this but it seemed the right place. if any extra info is needed for a solid answer just say so and i will post it.
matthew709 said:
im not some criminal i just did some dumb things when i was younger.

Canadian law would argue you're still a criminal, you have a record. I wouldn't even bother applying with 2 theft charges on your record still.
PuckChaser said:
Canadian law would argue you're still a criminal, you have a record. I wouldn't even bother applying with 2 theft charges on your record still.

The OP mentioned there "record will be dropped come May". Would need clarification if that is the same as a pardon or something else?

Matthew709 you are best to ensure that your record is good to go and then speak to a recruiter. Always remember to be honest when asked questions about your past.
matthew709 said:
hi first time poster on this site. I could use some help regarding my situation. I will keep it as brief as possible but it could take a decent amout of writing to get what I think is the necessary info out.

when I was 15 (18 now) I got charged with x2 attempted armed robbery. I eventually pled guilty to x2 theft. I was given a conditional discharge. no restricted firearms, no check ins etc, just a flat discharge. my record will be dropped in may. the judge took into consideration my wanting to join the army and that's why she decided not to restrict my firearms. id like to add that the "attempted armed robbery" was a joke with a fake gun on someone who I thought wouldn't take it seriously. but that's besides the point now I guess..

i also have some things that could be on my record from when i was like 12-15. just stupid things like warnings and stuff. no actual charges. i haven't had any trouble with the law in over 3 years. im not some criminal i just did some dumb things when i was younger. im super motivated and determined to join and maybe transfer to regular force.

so will they let me in with this situation. thanks in advance for any replies. not exactly positive if this is the correct section of the forum to post this but it seemed the right place. if any extra info is needed for a solid answer just say so and i will post it.

Your record won't be dropped the CF will see it (A person at CFRG HQ anways).  Unless you have a pardon your record is never dropped.
Teager said:
The OP mentioned there "record will be dropped come May". Would need clarification if that is the same as a pardon or something else?

If its a Young Offender conviction the record should be sealed when he turns 18.
PuckChaser said:
If its a Young Offender conviction the record should be sealed when he turns 18.

Not for the CAF, I explained this in another thread, the information in a YO record is sent to a very select few at CFRG HQ.  Based on the information they receive, they will simply tell the applicant's recruiting centre, to continue processing or cease processing.  There is a reason the security forms don't exclude YO offences.  And that reason is they do get checked.
thanks for the replys. I think things will go well with it. I will just have to contact the recruiter in may, be honest, and hope I don't get denied.
Hi everybody,

First time poster here, and wanted to know what the general consensus would be if I applied to the Canadian Forces.

I am 26 years old.  When I was 21, I was convicted of robbery (not armed).  I was sentenced to 18 months probation, and 5 years of weapons restrictions.  My understanding is that because the weapons restriction is imposed after my probation, I cannot apply to join the Canadian Forces until it expires (June of 2014).

That was my only charge, ever.

Once my weapons restriction is lifted, would the nature of my crime prevent me from joining the forces/clearing a security clearance for them?

Thanks for any response!
Have you read any of the above? You will need a pardon as well as any other judicial restrictions being lifted, and even then you will find yourself with a considerable disadvantage compared to other recruits who carried themselves within the boundaries of the law.
Absolutely right Occam, my mistake.

The rest stands though. Criminal record? =  pretty well down the list for 'people the CF would like to hire'.

Good luck.
Hi every one,
I read this current thread from the first page and it seems no one asked the question that I have.
What about arrest(s) records/petty charges/ but no convictions whatsoever? And those arrest records/finger prints have been officially destroyed years ago through proper channels. Court records indicate that no conviction was ever received and the charges were dropped. Can those arrest records possibly prevent a potential recruit from joining the CF? Do they even show up on the background check?
Thank you.


You are good to go on that front.

A stated numerous times in this thread and others, a criminal record will not necessarily affect your ability to join the Canadian Forces - although it may.  Depending on what the criminal record is for, and a variety of other factors, a criminal record may or may not have an affect on someone joining the CF.

Even with a criminal record, a person may make it through the recruitment process and join the CF.  An absolutely critical factor that is looked at is whether or not the person has any "legal obligations" - ie, probation, parole, alternative measures, court ordered fines, etc etc.

So - as someone with no legal obligations, and no criminal convictions, and a confirmed file destruction of your police file - I don't foresee this being any sort of issue in regards to your CF ambitions.