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Crumpets and Marmite


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I am a crumpet and Marmite addict. I need help....better yet, I need more marmite, in baigger jars. And I need crumpets to be sold in packs of 10 or 12 instead of 6.

And no, not together obviously. But Marmite on toast with becel margarine is something I could live off, morning, noon and night, forever. And Crumpets, morning noon and night, again something I could live off forever. Red hot with melting becel. The olive oil stuff......my mouth is salivating as I write this.

Any other Marmite or Crumpet addicts out there?

My husband used to LOVE marmite....Would put it on everything. He would bring it overseas with him and get the guys to try it!!! They pretty much had the same reaction as me....YUCK! LOL  An old neighbour used to make Marmite tea...Marmite and hot water...ewwww! 

His aunt was a flight attendant and everytime she did a run to England, she would pick up the big jars and bring them back for his family. As far as I know, that's the only place to get the big jars. It must be a British thing.... 
It is indeed a British thing. A crazy wacko British thing. Much like frying a piece of bread in the left over sausage fat in the pan after making breakfast. Or Blood pudding. Marmite is NOT on my list of things to eat ever again.


bacon grease, not sausage fat.  Marmite is the cruelest trick ever perpetrated on generations of British children.  Crumpets and jam however; Line em up!