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CSIS training

Oh, Lex, you seem to shoot your mouth off a lot, but can you prove to me that most cops end up corrupt like you claim they do?

You don't really have to do because I already know you're wrong, but I still wanted to ask.
Lex is a miss, not a mister.  And I'll bet a 15 year old one (mentally, at least).  Lex, talking about sheep is every teenagers angst moment, the "I'm rebelling against society" crap we all go through.  When you couple that with a complete lack of knowledge when it comes to the simple things in life (a house, clothes, food, etc.) you're just confirming my suspicions.  Throwing the "all police are corrupt" in makes me wonder if you're also wearing your black trenchcoat with your goth look, glaring at everyone you meet in hopes of feeling tough.  Seriously, we can do with out it.  We've tried to be polite, to further discussion, but it is apparent that you are incapable of even this simple act.  Go back to your horrible life living in your middle-class parent's basement, try and do something more productive than bothering us "sheep", and continue writing that evil poetry you are convinced will make you respected by all.  Martyrdom is reserved for those who earn it, not for children who dream about it.

And with that, I think that this deceased equine has been flogged long enough.

Sorry to add on to your lock, Scott, but I missed this last night.
"Lex" I will give you 24 hours grace to either back this up with FACT or PM  a retraction to myself that I will post here or the warning system will come into effect. The fine men and women of our Police forces have a tough enough job to do without kife like this being spouted on our public forum.
Quote from lex,
however, most of the people who join police, for instance, don't go there for money, but end up corrupt, why?

Clocks ticking......
"Lex" decided [like Torlyn predicted] that he was correct in his/her statement and was quite rude at it also.
Thanks to those who tried to steer him/her right ,without resorting to the lowest denominator that a lot of other forums seem to relish in.
Take a bow.

EDIT: now that the unpleasentry is gone I will re-open this thread as I think there is useful info to be had here.
Geesh...go away for a bit.....

So....now what?

As for pay...I live quite comfortably on my income from the CF...mind you there were some tight times when I was a Trooper.....

As for the CSIS topic and getting back on track..... They will let you know if they want you through the interviewing process. You do not need a Doctorate or uber degree to join their ranks.

I considered CSIS a couple of years ago, and called their office in Halifax and spoke with an individual who was more than happy to spend his time answering all of my questions.

My undergrad was in political science (international relations) and I had just finished my grad certificate in Project management. I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to work in Latin America, and East Africa, and travel on business throughout Western and Eastern Europe. I, unfortunately do not have language skills.

If you are interested in CSIS, I would suggest calling and asking. Have a set of questions prepared prior. Also, I would suggest that you redevelop you cv to highlight leadership, analytical, and other kinds of skills you believe are applicable in this area.
