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Customer Service Rant


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I am FED UP. I don't know if customer service has always been as bad as it is now in Canada (or at least here on the East Coast), but it sure is abominable in most places of business today.

Example #1: Yesterday, I went to Canadian Tire for a few things. This particular store was laid out a bit differently from the other CT's I usually shop at, and I could not easily find what I was looking for. So, naturally, I decided to ask someone who worked there. Well, I swear it's not just my imagination: no fewer than 3 of the workers I approached quickly turned down a different aisle and kept walking. I had to basically follow one and *corner* her to ask the question. After that, I took my daughter's skates to get sharpened and had to again try to nab someone on the fly and ask if someone could work the machine for us. I was told someone would be out "in a minute". More like TEN minutes. I finally get to the checkout to pay for everything, and the clerk is actively carrying on a conversation with the customer who had just gone through (apparently he knew her and was giving his email address to her to pass on to someone). So distracted was he that he didn't hear me all three times I told him I was paying for a skate sharpening, not skates, as he tried to ring my daughter's year-old skates in.  ::)

Example #2: This morning at Sobey's, the clerk rang in my goods, told me the total, and then said "Here ya go" as she handed me a pile of change - a bill, coins, and receipt all in one big pile. "Here ya go"?? No smile. No "thank you". No "come again" or "have a nice day". Just a 'kill me now' look on her face. Okay, it might not be your dream job, lady, but you work in customer service - at least try to be pleasant and polite.  :P

Example #3: After leaving Sobey's I went through the drive-thru at a local Tim's. I bought a large coffee...total cost: $1.54. I gave the lady at the window $1.60, which she promptly put in the till. She then closed the till and turned her back to me. No change. Now listen, I didn't want the six freaking cents back and would have told her so, but it irks me that she just assumed I wouldn't and didn't even offer me my change back.  :rage:  Until I tell you that you can keep it, it's still MY change!

I think back to a student recruitment trip I went on to Tokyo a few years ago, and how AMAZING their customer service was/is there. It actually shocked me. I enjoyed going into stores and coffee shops because everyone smiled and greeted me and even waved goodbye when I was leaving. They may have disliked their jobs, but you would never, ever know it! Why is our customer service so deplorable in comparison?
Ah the Maritimes customer service creed "We will get to you when we are ready"  Ironically the same people who will slam on their brakes on a major highway to let someone in.  My favourite customer service incident was at the Sears store in Fredericton a couple of years ago when I had to bang the frying pan I was trying to pay for on the cashier's counter to get some service as she was yapping with her friends and glancing at me like I was bothering her.
Around Halifax, I honestly find the best customer service is at Mountain Equipment Co-op.  I don't know if its because they love their jobs, or what.  If you look like you are fine, they leave you alone.  If you look alittle like you're lost or have 'that look' on your face, they ask you if they can help you find anything.  The only thing I could say is sometimes, they are really busy with people who are new to buying or using gear, which is no big deal. 

Conversely, the WALMART out at Dartmouth Crossing, you'd almost have to set an aisle on fire to get an employee's attention sometimes.  The staff that *man* those self check-out rigs need a good kick in the junk sometimes too.  When that effin machine locks itself up, they come over like "why can't you figure this out?".  Hey, sorry for having to make you waddle 20 feet because your machine is AFdU.  That is if you can get them to stop talking together at their little 'control booth' rig they stand at.  Ummmmm.  You work at WALMART.  Your key card just fixes the self checkout machine, you aren't holding the f**king launch codes for NORAD.

Customer service is not what it used to be, for sure. 
I thought customer service was bad out west. Everybody is severly understaffed and although age has nothing to do with customer service, a lot of 14 yr olds are getting jobs and they only last a short time, so the high turnover rate causes a severe lack of knowledge of how to handle a customer's problems (even though that generally gets pointed at the kid's AGE unfortunately).

But when I moved back to NL, where there's no labour shortage here on the west coast (contrary to what you might hear) for people to work at Subways and Wal-Marts, and there is no possible excuse for hiring plain idiots except for incompetence in the higher-ups, well I was shocked/pissed off and a bit ashamed.
Celticgirl said:
I am FED UP. I don't know if customer service has always been as bad as it is now in Canada (or at least here on the East Coast), but it sure is abominable in most places of business today.

Fixed your quote for you. Your welcome. ;)

It's not you. Customer service in Canada today is f*cking non-existant. Gone the way of the dodo and smoking indoors. It's this that makes me think we should ban all weapons in Canada before I decide to go postal. (The post office would probably be my first stop!) :o
2 Cdo said:
Fixed your quote for you. Your welcome. ;)

It's not you. Customer service in Canada today is f*cking non-existant. Gone the way of the dodo and smoking indoors. It's this that makes me think we should ban all weapons in Canada before I decide to go postal. (The post office would probably be my first stop!) :o

LMAO!! Well, the good news is I'm not walking around with some "kick me" sign on me, as others seem to be coming to the same conclusions. I am just so tired of bad customer service. I feel like I'm bothering them, for gosh sakes.  ::)
The employee's are probably showing the same reflected attitudes that some ignorant customers have shown to them once or twice... It's a catch 22.

You get new employees who show good manners and happytudes and then throw them a few "unhappy customers" who **** up and down all over these people like it was thier direct and personal fault that this customer is now unhappy and voila, two way street of bad moods.

Don't even factor in the handmedown crap that the front office unloads on staff these days.

Snafu-Bar said:
The employee's are probably showing the same reflected attitudes that some ignornat customers have shown to them once or twice... It's a catch 22.

You get new employees who show good manners and happytudes and then throw them a few "unhappy customers" who **** up and down all over these people like it was thier direct and personal fault that this customer is now unhappy and voila, two way street of bad moods.

Exactly - I worked in sales/service for years, and it can be hard to stay positive. I was never as bad as the examples posted at the beginning of this thread, but bad customers can make it hard to have a good mood at work. Additionally, a lot of those positions are actually woefully underpaid for the amount of work you have to do, but that's another topic entirely I suppose.
2 Cdo said:
Fixed your quote for you. Your welcome. ;)

It's not you. Customer service in Canada today is f*cking non-existant. Gone the way of the dodo and smoking indoors. It's this that makes me think we should ban all weapons in Canada before I decide to go postal. (The post office would probably be my first stop!) :o

You must have alt with a certain individual in the Post Office here in Petawawa...
This is rampant everywhere.  I remember when I first moved to Dartmouth from Cape Breton.  I stopped into Subway for a meatball sub.  I used to get extra cheese and layered.  When I asked the "sandwich artist" for extra cheese, she ROLLED her eyes at me and proceeded to b**** me out saying "if you wanted extra cheese you should have said so".  Um, I just did.  Anyway. 

Then, two weeks ago at the Independant I was in line to pay for a couple groceries.  The cashier was complaining out loud to the customer in front of me about how much she hated her job, and then went on to berate the customer (who she apparently did not know) for not having reusable bags with her.  I was stunned.  In all my years of dealing with the public, I have never been so blatantly rude to a customer.  There are others, and I could go on ad nauseum, but these are the two that stick in my head.

Eye In The Sky said:
Ummmmm.  You work at WALMART.  Your key card just fixes the self checkout machine, you aren't holding the f**king launch codes for NORAD.

Oh my... I"m in tears now. That made my day. My 9Der is on her way to that WAL MART now.  ;D
Our local stores with the exception of Canadian Tire are staffed on the whole with very cheerful, helpful people. Maybe there is something in the water.
Lil_T said:
This is rampant everywhere.  I remember when I first moved to Dartmouth from Cape Breton.  I stopped into Subway for a meatball sub.  I used to get extra cheese and layered.  When I asked the "sandwich artist" for extra cheese, she ROLLED her eyes at me and proceeded to b**** me out saying "if you wanted extra cheese you should have said so".   Um, I just did.  Anyway.

The reply that comes to my mind is "Hey, Brainy Smurf.  I DID just tell you.  Unless they pay you extra for attitude, how about you make the sub the way I want it.  If your brain functions were as advanced as you seem to think they are, you'd be re-engineering the NASA shuttle program instead of standing here saying "did you want that heated".   

(Hey, its not like I am trying to win a popularity contest with these people)

Then, two weeks ago at the Independant I was in line to pay for a couple groceries.  The cashier was complaining out loud to the customer in front of me about how much she hated her job, and then went on to berate the customer (who she apparently did not know) for not having reusable bags with her.  I was stunned.  In all my years of dealing with the public, I have never been so blatantly rude to a customer.  There are others, and I could go on ad nauseum, but these are the two that stick in my head.

"I'd like speak to your manager please.  Whats your name again?"

I used to work customer service when I was young.  I was never like that to customers, even if they were out to lunch.  Their business was why I had my job afterall.
When I worked at a hardware store I once had a manger come to me with a customer in tow.  He stood back and let her rip in to me as incompetent, as the piece of glass I'd cut was the wrong size.  It should be 8x10!  The one I cut was wrong in both dimensions!

I took it from her while my manager apologized for my incompetence.  I measured both dimensions, then rotated it 90 degrees and handed it back.

Her eyes went wide, my manager never mentioned the event again (in fact, her tried to slither away when he realized what had happened), and I never saw her in the store again.
Lil_T said:
This is rampant everywhere.  I remember when I first moved to Dartmouth from Cape Breton.  I stopped into Subway for a meatball sub.  I used to get extra cheese and layered.  When I asked the "sandwich artist" for extra cheese, she ROLLED her eyes at me and proceeded to b**** me out saying "if you wanted extra cheese you should have said so".   Um, I just did.  Anyway. 



dapaterson said:
It should be 8x10!  The one I cut was wrong in both dimensions!

I took it from her while my manager apologized for my incompetence.  I measured both dimensions, then rotated it 90 degrees and handed it back.

How many nails did you throw out because the head was on the wrong end?
Eye In The Sky said:
The reply that comes to my mind is "Hey, Brainy Smurf.  I DID just tell you.  Unless they pay you extra for attitude, how about you make the sub the way I want it.  If your brain functions were as advanced as you seem to think they are, you'd be re-engineering the NASA shuttle program instead of standing here saying "did you want that heated".   

(Hey, its not like I am trying to win a popularity contest with these people)

"I'd like speak to your manager please.  Whats your name again?"

I used to work customer service when I was young.  I was never like that to customers, even if they were out to lunch.  Their business was why I had my job afterall.

That just made me laugh out loud... thanks for that.    I was just too taken aback to even think to speak to a manager.  I just don't understand why she thought it was ok to do that.