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Dead soldier's home vandalized

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Dead soldier's home vandalized

Kokomo, February 27 - For the family who lives in a modest home in Kokomo the fatal Iraq attack came last week.

Then the attack at home followed.

Vandals defaced the home of Sgt. Rickey Jones' family. Eggs were thrown and flags were stolen. Sgt. Jones, a Kokomo High School graduate, was one four soldier's with the 101st killed west of Baghdad last week.

So who, one week before his burial in his hometown, would vandalize a fallen hero's house. Neighbor Robyn Ousley is at a loss to explain.
"I have no idea. Somebody pretty, pretty awful."

Another friend, Bill Swaggerty, says there is more than vandalism for the family to deal with.

"They're calling here and saying 'I'm glad your son is dead' and it's wrong."
The family's neighbors have closed ranks, bringing food and flying flags at half-staff. All are signs of respect for Sgt. Jones.

But there is a threat of disrespect from out of state.

The same Kansas church group that has been picketing soldier's funerals around the U.S. and Indiana will be in Kokomo too. The group claims U.S. soldier deaths are punishment for U.S. tolerance of Gays.

Kokomo police will have extra security and are running extra patrols at the house. Swaggerty, a veteran himself, says he convinced Rickey Jones to join up. He can't believe Sgt. Jones' memory would be attacked in this way.

"It's wrong. He would come home on leave. His friends (were) very respectful to my wife and my family. He was a very good kid."
Swaggerty supports a move in the legislature to keep protesters back from military funerals.

Neighbor Ousley agrees. "He just went over there for us. I think it is awful."
Services for Sgt. Jones are set for next Monday. In the meantime Kokomo police have increased patrols around his family's house.

That is just horrible - no one's family should have to endour that.

Freedom of speech - done to death...
Right to Peacful Protest - yes I know....

...but calling the house and defacing their property - that is just plain Harassment.

Words cannot express the anger I feel towards these cowards.  :rage:


From the Criminal Code:
27. Every one is justified in using as much force as is reasonably necessary

(a) to prevent the commission of an offence

(i) for which, if it were committed, the person who committed it might be arrested without warrant, and

(ii) that would be likely to cause immediate and serious injury to the person or property of anyone; or

(b) to prevent anything being done that, on reasonable grounds, he believes would, if it were done, be an offence mentioned in paragraph (a).

And I would have to think that this sort of thing would require an awful lot of "reasonable force".  Also consider, from the Code:232. (1) Culpable homicide that otherwise would be murder may be reduced to manslaughter if the person who committed it did so in the heat of passion caused by sudden provocation.

What is provocation
(2) A wrongful act or an insult that is of such a nature as to be sufficient to deprive an ordinary person of the power of self-control is provocation for the purposes of this section if the accused acted on it on the sudden and before there was time for his passion to cool.

Questions of fact
(3) For the purposes of this section, the questions

(a) whether a particular wrongful act or insult amounted to provocation, and

(b) whether the accused was deprived of the power of self-control by the provocation that he alleges he received,

are questions of fact, but no one shall be deemed to have given provocation to another by doing anything that he had a legal right to do, or by doing anything that the accused incited him to do in order to provide the accused with an excuse for causing death or bodily harm to any human being.

So don't kill anyone.  Seems like "provocation" would apply. 

Oh, right...forgot the disclaimer...I am in no way encouraging or suggesting that violence is a good solution to a problem.  In fact, as a good Canadian, you should tolerate everything that is done to you, because we are a tolerant people.  :salute:
The people who perpatrate or condone such actions are the lowest of the low.  This just disgusts me.  What type of total blithering idiot could inflict more pain on a family at such a time.

Sometimes, some people just deserve a 9 mm brain hemorrhage
I have a hard time believing that anyone really 'believes' that attacking the families of slain soldiers or disrupting their funerals is really in the best interest of the nation.

They have an agenda and think that if they are brazen and obnoxious someone will eventually listen....

BTW terrorists believe the same thing...A point to ponder.
man I would truly enjoy meeting one of those activists... the activist wouldn't.
What a bunch of fuck-sticks, they deserve to be tortured and hung in the streets.

Nothing beats justice like mob justice.

RIP Sgt.
Well, I think that was just a bit harshly said,

But really there is no proper "humain" way to treat someone who did that.
The difference between the US bible belt and the Islamic hardliners is very small. They just can't seem to see past the blind hatred so as to team up and control the world.

I have no patience for either telling me how to think.

Radical church group debussing in open, VT in effect, Adjust Fire.
I am not sure whats worse the fact that this horrible act took place, or the fact that there are low liefs out there who are sick enough to do this to a family who is grieving. It's just sad and there is no excuse for this kind of cowardice . I hope that if the police catch these people that they lock them up and throw away the keys let em rot . I  personally think that its time that we revised the whole free speech thing this is going way to far . In a final note my thoughts and best wishes go to the family who are the victims in this tragedy
You can't call something a right if it damages someone else's rights in a more grievous manner. This is truly despicable.
I dont't understand why this super religious church is protesting at pretty much every soldiers funeral in the area.  Aren't religious people supposed to be tolerant of others?
People like this make me want to kill, or well, maybe just maime...
This church is very extreme. Indiana passed a law making these protests a felony. Not sure if the governor signed the bill yet. Bill has been signed. If Phelps shows up to protest he and his bunch will be arrested.

tomahawk6 said:
This church is very extreme. Indiana passed a law making these protests a felony. Not sure if the governor signed the bill yet. Bill has been signed. If Phelps shows up to protest he and his bunch will be arrested.


It shouldn't have been necessary but...good. If that what it takes to give the families of these heroes some peace in which to grieve.
Koenigsegg said:
I don't understand why this super religious church is protesting at pretty much every soldiers funeral in the area.  Aren't religious people supposed to be tolerant of others?
People like this make me want to kill, or well, maybe just maime...

Because they are extremists. It would be a mistake to lump all "church or religious" folks together and blame them all in the same way as it is wrong to say that all Muslims are radical suicide bombers.

The majority of Spirituality/religion is a force for good in our world. We enjoy the freedoms and democracy we have today in our country because of our Christian/Judaic laws and work ethic. Unfortunately there are people out there who twist good into bad....right into wrong.

This was an appalling act which should be condemned and the perpetrators should be found and punished. The protesters should be banned and constrained from attending funerals. Let's all remember this when it happens here....we're always just a little behind whatever happens south of the border.

My prayers are with that grieving family.