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Diabetics in the CF

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Hello all,
I live in Australia and I am very involved in the Australian Army Cadets. As I am a diabetic I can unfortunatly join the Australian Army. I would love to get involved in the military lifestyle.
So I will ask the question, are diabetics allowed on the Candian Army?

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:
[qb] Yes, I believe you could probably join the Cadet Instructor Cadre. [/qb]
that is true CIC can but at a certain stage only

Since we‘re on this topic.

What would be the border line to not allow individuals in the CF? (health wise)
From reading combat_medic‘s link, it would seem that diabetics are not automatically disqualified from serving - but rather their medical category would depend on MOC and the sate of their condition. Seems to make sense that at least some somewhat sedentary trades with regular hours and access to regular, predictable meals would be alright for diabetics, such that they can manage their condition.

At the same time, I can‘t see a diabetic getting through an infantry course, because of the hours, irregular meals, and irregular/unpredictable levels of physical activity. Anything, I suppose, is possible, but I would think most combat arms trades would be closed to diabetics.
What would be the border line to not allow individuals in the CF? (health wise)

They have any chronic conditions or not in good health for any reason....

But I don‘t make the rules.

It largely trade dependant. It is also truly depends on how generous the Doctor feels when they go over your application at the boards. Some conditions are definately a no-go (diabetes, Epilepsy, MS, to name a few).
I have read threads of people who have been denied enrollment in the CF for medical reasons; asthma, high bp,.....
From what I gather (don't hold me to this ) and I'm sure there are many reason but one being accessibility of meds while on deployment. What about diabetics? The reason I ask is that my mother-in-law (  ;Dthe essence of every mother-in-law joke ever made ;D) runs a diabetic clinic and we were discussing this today. She has a young girl at the clinic who wants to join but has diabetes. How is this disease viewed in the CF
This question would only be able to be answered after review of the applicants medical file during her recruiting process by the RMO (Recruit Medical Officer). There are certain medical requirements for the military, each case is determined with severity of the condition and the ability to regulate the condition.
That was a very politcal answer...technically correct, but still didn't answer the original question.

Diabetes is an absolute no go to join the regular CF. As you are aware there are two types of diabetes:

Type 1 (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM)

Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM)

Insulin dependant diabetes, if develops during your military career, is one of the few conditions that warrents an immediate medical catagory that will require you to release from the regular force. If you have it prior, do not bother even applying.

As for type two, as it tends to be diet related, it is better controlled. You may get in, as per medic2ic's response, but it is unlikely you will be accepted into the regular force. And if you are, the employment which you may apply for is extrememly limited.

In the early stages type II may be controlled by diet but unfortunately it usually degenerates to the point where the individual becomes dependant on medications that stimulate the islets to secrete insulin like Medformin and Glyburide.

In either case it is a ticket to a permanant medical category or release. I believe it is the later but stranger thinks have happened in the reserve world.

I am aware of soldiers who have Type II....

After a physical, the MO will decide.. it is very
trade specific... 

if you go into the field... i'd say your chances are slim.

So, unless you are a Bandsmen, good luck. 
(who see the field rarely, or who don't need to go into the field.. I swear.. not a slight at bandsmen)

BUT.. i could be wrong.. but this is my experience with situations I have seen.
Thanks all!  I'll pass this info along; actually I will give her the site address and let her read for herself. Another member in the making.
That really sucks. I have just applied to the army regular force. And I just had blood work done and it shows low blood sugar which could mean diabetes. Lets hope not!
Thanks for the info.
I have a friend who applied for the CF a couple years back and was denied because she is an insulin dependant diabetic.
Springroll said:
I have a friend who applied for the CF a couple years back and was denied because she is an insulin dependant diabetic.

And rightly so.

unarmedMelissa said:
And I just had blood work done and it shows low blood sugar which could mean diabetes. Lets hope not!

Then they should redo the test. If you levels are low again, and you have a history of insulin dependant diabetes in your family, then you may be at risk of developing it yourself....

Not fun, and not something you want to be in the CF with.
better to find out now.... than later (IMHO)