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Did the Army Loose A Lot Of Troops?

Tow Tripod said:
Forget moving to Shilo. If and when the British Army leaves Suffield I could see units from Edmonton moving down south again. There is just to much sound infrastructure there to go to waste. I'm sure their are people in i
senior positions eying that place up.

I have heard that one as well, but the resistance is significant due to the requirement for a) investment in order to save money in the long run, b) concerns about political impact, and c) it is hard to do...
The experience of 2 PPCLI moving from Winnipeg to Shilo should give the CF a clear vision of the turmoil a move like that would make....
There are already other units that may benefit from placing some troops; not all, into Suffield.  The NBC/CRBN School in Borden.  Trg Section of CJIRU. 

We already know that the Trg Area alone offers a lot of room for large scale Ex's, that would provide a large and different environment that both Gagetown and Wainwright do not. 
Many ifs but if the Conservative government lost the next election and JT is our next PM I think all bets would be off the table. The cost cutting that the Conservatives have started could roll into "high gear". It would take one study to show the cost effectiveness of moving units from CFB Edmonton to CFB Suffield and the new PM would be all over it like a fat kid in a candy store. That of course would be depended that the British Army does infact close shop at CFB Suffield.
I'm pretty sure the Liberal party of Canada was in power when we made the big move from Calgary to Edmonton in 1997.
Journeyman said:
Lucky bastards!

Believe me that doesn't bother me in the least. I respect both the RCR and PPCLI, but the PPCLI has a rich history in my family. I hope to one day call the regiment my home as well.

On another note, I'm a bit confused about people comparing attrition rates in both infantry regiments. What are some factors that contribute to the unbalanced effect? Does it have anything to do with the relationship of CFB Edmonton and Petawawa to their surrounding area?
try reading the posts above the one you are responding to.......amazingly they have the information....
cjette1 said:
On another note, I'm a bit confused about people comparing attrition rates in both infantry regiments. What are some factors that contribute to the unbalanced effect? Does it have anything to do with the relationship of CFB Edmonton and Petawawa to their surrounding area?

You may find some answers here.

Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases 
mariomike said:
You may find some answers here.

Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases 

Appreciate the link Mario, but my question was about why (for this year specifically) recruiting numbers seemed a lot higher for PPCLI than the other two regiments.
cjette1 said:
Appreciate the link Mario, but my question was about why (for this year specifically) recruiting numbers seemed a lot higher for PPCLI than the other two regiments.

It was already explained like 4 posts up. Attrition to the oilfields.
cjette1 said:
Appreciate the link Mario, but my question was about why (for this year specifically) recruiting numbers seemed a lot higher for PPCLI than the other two regiments.

Ahh... you may find some answers here... http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/111423.0.html
ballz said:
Ahh... you may find some answers here... http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/111423.0.html


ballz saves the day once again!  :salute:
Ostrozac said:
Swapping 1 or 3 PPCLI with one of the RCR battalions in Petawawa might be the most elegant solution -- that way both the PPCLI and The RCR can share the attrition problems of Edmonton -- and each regiment has a battalion in the low-attrition zone of Petawawa.
That's harsh. 

I'm mean, sure, the addition of a VP Bn would do wonders for broadening the DNA pool north of 7....but you'd end up with a Bn of broken Royals -- not understanding why no one wants to paint rocks with them; the RSM marching up and down the parade square all by himself; the neighbours shunning them for keeping chickens in the yard...in lingerie.  Look what happened when they tried putting RCR in Winnipeg; by the time the backlash worked its way through various bureaucracies, 2PPCLI wore it by getting shipped out to Shilo.

It just wouldn't work.

          ;D  <--- this means "not too serious"
E.R. Campbell said:
Here is a link to the article which is Major Mark Popov's thesis for a Master of Defence Studies degree awarded by the Royal Military College.

Fig 1.2 on p. 6 and Fig 1-6 on p. 19 are of interest.

Interesting read, though I think his conclusions on retention bonuses were a bit "soft" instead of actually stating the CF should use targeted RB as the Aussies do as it clearly works.  Despite the CF rhetoric that they don't work.  Yes as he stated there are many other very valid factors that keep people happy and retains them, but all other things being equal, if you offer someone that is basically happy some money to stay in and retain his/her skill set for 5 more years, rather than lose them to the oil fields or other industries.  They will work and are well worth the investment.
