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Discrimination against homosexuals, races, etc.

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NavComm said:
Fry you wont' be homesick! The newfies were everywhere! In fact we waited at the airport for 'some more recruits' when their plane landed there was about 60 Newfoundlanders on it. I think they should just have their private transport straight to Borden. :D

One of my roomies was from there and I wrote down a bunch of her sayings. I'll have to look that out and we can talk :)

We joked that there were three official languages in the CF...english, french and newfa-nese :D

Oh, I'm not gonna be homesick, I lived away from home for the last couple of years.
discriminate? No.
Make fun of? Constantly.
Tolerate anyone else making fun of our buddies? No.

The infantry runs on insults.

Paracowboy said it best.

When the troops get bored they sit around and cut each other up. A tight group of guys can do this sort of thing and even take it to extremes outsiders might find offensive. But thats just our culture. Its not a reflection of who likes who. Its just having a laugh and killing time.

But when it comes to actually doing the job, I think racism is less of an issue in the army then most other places on civvie street. When you've got your game face on, everyone is a soldier and thats all that matters.
When the troops get bored they sit around and cut each other up. A tight group of guys can do this sort of thing and even take it to extremes outsiders might find offensive. But thats just our culture. Its not a reflection of who likes who. Its just having a laugh and killing time.

But there is a difference between ribbing someone to their face and talking about them behind their back, which was the problem I faced.
You know military is like a world of it's own.  Making fun of people and discrimination is part of life, and every day life.  But like someone else before me told you, it might be tolerated in the real word but not in the military.  When a CO is aware of the situation, action is taken and fast.  But you have to remember, what even happens in your surrounding, when push comes to shove,  you're buddies will always be there for you....  :salute:
depends on who it is. My buddy and I were walking down the main hall, calling each other by our usual terms of endearment, and the RSM was right behind us. He knew his troops well enough that he realized we were just givin' it to each other. Because he knew us.
On the other end of the spectrum, I've had an officer order me not to call a female friend by her nickname. Because he felt it was sexist.
And I've seen weirder things: a black friend get grilled for being a neo-NAZI, being jacked up for calling myself a half-breed, etc.
I joined the army to defend this country, which includes everyone in it.  In my eyes, that doesn't mix with a bigoted attitude.    When things turn pear-shaped, you can't really chose who you're fighting for or who sits next to you in a foxhole.
Not within reference of the last few posts,

I dislike nowadays how people who truely excercise their freedom of speech are referred to as bigots, because as I mentioned earlier, it does work both ways.
2332Piper said:
For example, everyone on this site should know where I stand on homosexuality. However, I keep the opinions to myself and quite frankly


IF you keep it to yourself - how do we all know?  ???

IF you keep it to yourself - how do we all know? 

Now THATS funny,.....I love you, Ke....uhm,..err ...Samantha!!!
Everyone in the army is green in my eyes so when it comes down to it opinions are like...you know the rest.

I resent that remark -- I'm BLUE, or at least my headdress is.  ;D
Strike said:
I resent that remark -- I'm BLUE, or at least my headdress is.    ;D

You aren't in the army though!  LOL  ;)
I was thinking the same :)

If for some reason I can't live my life in the CF, I'd like to be a beach bum.
We can both be beachbums then and sip tea while surfing ;D
Fry said:
We can both be beachbums then and sip tea while surfing ;D

Hey dude  ???

- stand in line -

There is a whole bunch of us that are lined up ahead of you, all vieing for that spot  ;)
paracowboy said:
personally, I just hate everyone equally. Keeps things simple.

There's this great "Life in Hell" comic: two guys are at a crowded New Year's Party, and one guy comments to his friend, "If I wasn't such a people person, I'd kill everyone here."  ;D
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