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Do I have any chance at all


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After reading this site for weeks and with no luck at finding the answer I decided to create an account and ask instead.  I'm waiting for tomorrow to resubmit my application for the army after sending it in too late last year (trade closed up) but I'm starting to panic and over think things..

The trade I'm applying for is very popular but the only trade that I'm passionate about (armoured crewman).  The thing is, I only (at this current moment) have a grade 10 level of education with all my English credits and all my math credits (incl. MCR3U) so I don't feel like I have a chance at all.  I'm currently taking online HS courses to get my OSSD (expected by June'11) and have very high marks in my classes especially my sciences.  I'm just wondering if I should even bother handing in my application since there are so many people who want this who have a diploma and look really good on paper.  I feel like I'll just be wasting the recruiters time but at the same time I feel like I've come too far and waited too long to give up on what I want.  I can't really ask anyone here for advice my family is very negative and against me joining the military so I'm hoping someone here could give me some advice? What are the chances of me making it? Are HS graduates given a higher shot than someone without? I've heard that they are, not a bad thing I'm just wondering.. 

I'm usually a confident person but I've never been this nervous about anything and I don't know what to do..

Thanks for your help
No matter WHAT you decide to do in the future, spending time to get your HS diploma will be time well spent.
milnews.ca said:
No matter WHAT you decide to do in the future, spending time to get your HS diploma will be time well spent.

I second that. The military will always been there when you're finished.
My recruiter told me that if I finish up HS then apply I'd have more chances at getting hired. I applied anyways. If the military is something you really, really want, keep applying. You can continue to finish HS while enrolling.
I think you should just keep trying and eventually, you'll get in. As for your family being against it, I know how you feel. A have a few "anti-war" cousins that chew me out from time to time. They just don't fully understand the military, I suppose.

Don't give up, keep your head high and keep pushing. It'll be worth it in the long run.  :salute:
I will have a college degree in about a month, and even I'm wondering if I have a chance to get in this year for armoured haha
mwc said:
I will have a college degree in about a month, and even I'm wondering if I have a chance to get in this year for armoured haha

Good luck. I'm hoping to be able to get into BMQ within 2 years. Doesn't look like it's going to happen, haha. Infantry looks kind of full. Does anyone know how long it takes for Combat Engineer and Field Artillery to fill up? haha.
I only had my GED but did "very well" on my CFAT and got a job offer this week. You can have all the education in the world but if you bomb your CFAT, thats whats going to matter in the end.

My advice is to study up with a GED book, go in and write your CFAT, and see what happens. One thing is certain - if you do not apply, you will not get hired.