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Do reserve officers do SQ?

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I've been searching quite a bit on this forum but I cannot find an answer. I did BMQ as a private, left the army and have now re-joined as an officer cadet in the reserve in Montreal at 3 field. They say I wont need to do my BMQ since it was recent (2005) but I'm trying to figure out what I will do next. I've been told I will do the SQ but might do some different parts near the end. I've been told I don't do SQ but need to do CAP but I don't know what that is.

Any clarification will help. The NCO engineering trade course fpr privates (called NQ3 I believe) is 6 weeks full time in Gagetown only for engineers. The CAP I think is double that but does that mean it includes SQ material? All my further courses will be only full time and only in Gagetown?

To be clear Officers DO NOT do SQ as this is an NCM course.
Not quite, its dependant on the situation at hand, but for your case, you would most likely not go on one.  On my reserve BMQ/SQ we had 5 Ocdt remain on our SQ course, but they had to ask there CO's permission.
mhawk said:
Not quite, its dependant on the situation at hand, but for your case, you would most likely not go on one.  On my reserve BMQ/SQ we had 5 Ocdt remain on our SQ course, but they had to ask there CO's permission.

Regardless they shouldn`t have been there as the course is a ARMY NCM DP 1
Thank you for the replies. In that case what so reserve officers do after BMQ?
You would complete BOTP.

From the DP 1 - BASIC OFFICER TRAINING PERIOD Training Plan A-P1-002-BOT/PH-B01

5. PRes BOTP will be conducted by Reserve units in two blocks:
a. Block I - the officer-cadet successfully completes PRes Basic Military Qualification (PRes BMQ) in accordance with A-PD-050-BMQ/PH-H16; then
b. Block II - the officer-cadet completes the leadership portion of the PRes BOTP. This portion consists of selected elements of the first three POs of the Reg F BOTP;
c. Block II is intended to be conducted at the Brigade or Area level and is not intended to be run or managed at the unit level. A unit may be tasked to conduct block II on behalf of the Brigade for some or all of the units within the Brigade in order to make the maximum efficient use of resources and personnel. Any unit is not permitted to conduct Block II without the Brigade Comd consent; and
d. Block II must be conducted in a manner that allows the course candidates to collaborate and interact with one another as well as be mentored and guided by course staff.
Correct me if I am wrong,

Did you say you were serving with 3 Fd Amb in Montreal ? what trade are you.

From personal experience, I completed BMOQ (same as BMQ) followed by a 5 day course called BOTP (2) - Basic Officer Training Program - a small party leadership course.

This was a common course among all of the junior officers in my course ( I went to Comm Res Scool Shilo with the Sigs).  Right after that my peers went on to their CAP, Common Army Phase training on the east coast.  THis is a section leader training and covers all of the stuff SQ does but with an emophasis on leadership and planning.

As a medical type (Nursing Officer) I am not allowed to go on CAP (ie. non-combatants aren't taught how to plan and lead section attacks etc.).  I found out shortly before the course  I could have gone unofficially, qualifed etc.  but general career and course loading will not see this as an option for us medical types.

Instead I go to CFB Borden for my BNOC (Basic Nursing Officer Course) and BHSFC (Basic Health Services Field Course... or something like this) for 2 1/2 months.  This covers  the green skills a clinician needs to work effectively in the CF.

Everything I have heard about CAP is that it is a pretty tough go.  I wish that I had been able to take the opportunity offered to get on the course then when I was both physically and mentally prepared to do it (6 weeks BMQ whipped me into shape).

Hope this helps.

Thanks sniper. I don't suppose you have more basic info? For example as an enlisted recruit my training sequence would have consisted of the following:

BMQ: 13 weekends (part time) locally in the winter or 4 weeks full time at a base such as Cartierville in the summer.
SQ: 10 weekends (part time) locally in the winter or 3-4 weeks full time at a base such as Cartierville in the summer.
Trade course: usually 6 weeks full time in the summer but depends on the trade. For engineers it was 6 weeks full time only in Gagetown afterwards you become a fully qualified private. For recruits not able to do 6 weeks, the process was offered in 3 seperate blocks of two weeks that could be done independently.

Ian I would joining 3 field combat engineering. Thank you for the info and insight.

That's Sapper  ;D

Anyways you should go ask the 3 FER TRG WO for the correct training sequence.

But since you are going Engr O this should be close to the correct sequence:

BEOC (Baisc Engineer Officer Course)

Next time do a search. Type in BOTP in this link.



The Army.ca Staff
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