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Do you believe in UFO's?

I believe that there is intelligent extra terrestrial life

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Something kinda neat to think about is....is there any non-intelligent life out there, right next door to us??

Think about it....Mars has polar ice caps on both poles.  The ice is water ice.  Therefore, I would imagine a pretty strong possibility of bacterial life, no??

Or several moons orbiting Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune - that have vast oceans underneathe a thick layer of ice on the surface.  Some may not be oceans of water, but still...does that eliminate the possibility of life?  Definately not.

Considering that we've discovered bacterial life in places we never thought we'd find it (lava, huge subterranian oceans that haven't even been named yet, amongst other places) -- I'd say the chances of there being unintelligent life elsewhere in our solar system is pretty high.  And thats a whole lot closer than going to other star's solar systems looking for life.
Its too much to think about when you get into it.  I have lost sleep thinking bout it.  The way I see it, and the reason I don't really think about it anymore, is that there are three outcomes.

1.) We are utterly utterly alone as a human race, which is a huge shame but those are the breaks.  Go Humanity!
2.) We are so useless and uninteresting as a race, that "aliens" really just could not care less about us, and our paths will never meet.
3.) We get interesting, eventually, and as we get smarter and smarter, we shall develop more advanced and intriguing super-weapons.  And one day ET shows up and decides to either play nice and we trade some blueprints back and forth.  Or, ET does not play nice, pushes a button, and bye bye world.

No matter how it goes, I can't change anything so I'l just wait and see.   ;)
We still fight over religion.  Why would any advanced race bother with a bunch of clowns like we conduct ourselves?
Okay i guess nobody took the time to watch my video :P
So I guess I'll do it this way


Scientists stared at the same spot in space for 10 days with the hubble telescope and absorbed as much light over those 10 days and that is the picture they came up with.

There are INFINATE possibilities of life on other planets.
Every little point of light and smudge of light is an entire galaxy there, and all those galaxies have BILLIONS of stars, all those stars could harbour planets, which could have life.
Earth just got lucky, and is the right distance away from the sun, which is what made us, and all our species. It's what lets grass grow and life live.

You're trying to tell me this can't happen somewhere else?

those ufo fleet videos are convincing
    Just go to Youtube and type in UFO FLEET.....some of these videos are nuts!!!  Seems convincing to me .
TH :cdn:
zipperhead_cop said:
We still fight over religion.  Why would any advanced race bother with a bunch of clowns like we conduct ourselves?

Marketing rights as our new gods.
Greymatters said:
A subject discussed over beers but never in a professional capacity.

Because anyone who believes in UFO's or extra-terrestrial life cannot be trusted as a military, government agency, or law enforcement professional - they're obviously crazy!  :o

That's the party line anyway....

Sad but true. it's frustrating to see people get attacked for their beliefs and possible sightings. those stupid tinfoil hat comments. I don't feel anything for people who are unwilling to open their minds to the possibility. they are only kidding themselves in the end.

I'm also happy to see that on Larry King there have been several shows now on E.T. disclosure in which he has had many US airforce officers. the most compelling incidences are those concerning the united states strategic missiles and UFO's.

We can't even begin to talk about this subject. another interesting incident is the battle of L.A. shortly after Pearl Harbour. the ground defences fired over 1000 rounds of AA at what they thought was a Japanese craft. they had direct hits yet no damage to whatever it was they were shooting at.

glad to see people like you guys are able to have a serious discussion about the subject without childish name calling and the like. As the world situation worsens more and more of the world's population will be looking to the skies for answers simply because there is nowhere else to put your faith in.
JayJay144 said:
Sad but true. it's frustrating to see people get attacked for their beliefs and possible sightings. those stupid tinfoil hat comments. I don't feel anything for people who are unwilling to open their minds to the possibility. they are only kidding themselves in the end.

I'm also happy to see that on Larry King there have been several shows now on E.T. disclosure in which he has had many US airforce officers. the most compelling incidences are those concerning the united states strategic missiles and UFO's.

We can't even begin to talk about this subject. another interesting incident is the battle of L.A. shortly after Pearl Harbour. the ground defences fired over 1000 rounds of AA at what they thought was a Japanese craft. they had direct hits yet no damage to whatever it was they were shooting at.

glad to see people like you guys are able to have a serious discussion about the subject without childish name calling and the like. As the world situation worsens more and more of the world's population will be looking to the skies for answers simply because there is nowhere else to put your faith in.


Friendly advice. Capital letters start sentences as well as paragraphs. Makes things easier to read. ;)
If life can exist as it does here on earth, there is nothing stoppping another galaxy out there from doing the same. Will life be any different than here?...who knows. But if we are here, then there is most definately something out there beyond us.
UFO's have been recorded throughout history in many cultures, The Azteks have some of the most bizarre yet compelling structures aligned to the stars much like the pyramids and temples are in egypt. For all we know we may be some science experiment for some other being in the universe. But since we have managed to get off this planet and are just taking our first baby steps into the dark corners of space, i am sure there are others out there who may have already mastered it or in a similar situation as us.

Undeniable Foriegn Objects exist. Picture one of our deep space probes orbiting saturn or mars, now if life is there it would have the same reaction we already have with UFO's ....what was that and where did it come from....

Finding other lifeforms is just a matter of time and exploration at this point.