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Dress rules established for transsexuals in military

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Technoviking said:
That's it, I ******* quit.

Well, I can only assume that they've tried everything else they could think of up to this point, and this must have been the Hail Mary play (pun intended)    ;D
I could care less if the person I'm in a crew with is straight, gay, lesbian, transgendered, whatever.  A switched on solider is a switched on soldier.

What I DO resent is MY tax dollars being used to fund their operations.  I'm sorry, but if the CF won't pay for soldiers to get laser eye surgery they sure as hell shouldn't be paying for sex change operations.....especially on my dollar.
RCDtpr said:
I'm sorry, but if the CF won't pay for soldiers to get laser eye surgery they sure as hell shouldn't be paying for sex change operations.....especially on my dollar.

Pfft, laser eye surgery isn't essential to a person being able to carry on with their day to day life!!! Get with the program.

If you're a man trapped in a woman's body, then having your big toe amputated and jerry-rigged into a semi-functional penis is DEFINITELY essential. Ever try to pee standing up without one? (Me neither, but I can only imagine...)

Same for women trapped in men's bodies who need their penises turned inside out. Having to shift it around every time you sit down to pee CLEARLY impedes their ability to function from day to day.

RCDtpr said:
I could care less if the person I'm in a crew with is straight, gay, lesbian, transgendered, whatever.  A switched on solider is a switched on soldier.

What I DO resent is MY tax dollars being used to fund their operations.  I'm sorry, but if the CF won't pay for soldiers to get laser eye surgery they sure as hell shouldn't be paying for sex change operations.....especially on my dollar.


Oh man I'm boned...  :'(
Technoviking said:
Now, as to the "really important" stuff, which standard of the CF Expres Test would he/she/it have to pass?

Solution, one Expres test standard for BOTH Men and Women.  Same job, same standard  ;D
Technoviking said:
Not one person in here can raise their hand and say that they didn't feel disgusted by that creep Williams' image in bra/panties.

There are a lot of naturally-born women whose images in bra/panties I would not care to see either.

But would you dislike his image any less if he was wearing a banana hammock?
And just to avoid any confusion regarding the byline under my user name, given the topic, that refers to the blue dress uniform that I am forced to wear, not women's clothing.
I'd be curious to know how many people here have actually met one of the fifty-or-so transsexual CF members.
- I'm accepting of homosexuality. Who you choose to have a relationship with on your own time is none of my business, and doesn't affect me in any way.
- I'm tolerant of trans-sexuality. If you really feel that nature gave you the wrong toolbox, by all means, go all out and live your life as the opposite gender.
- I just flat out don't understand transvestitism. I'm only familiar with the concept in relation to erotic fetishism, and the diagnosable mental disorder in the DSM. It has nothing to do with your gender, your sexuality, or your self-identification of either one.

In the case of the first two items mentioned, I can see how these would be fundamental to a person's self-identity. In the case of transvestitism, I just fail to understand completely why it qualifies as necessary to accommodate in the workplace.
Technoviking said:
I disagree.  By letting transvestites (eg: individuals) choose to wear male or female uniforms, we have indeed jumped the shark.  Not one person in here can raise their hand and say that they didn't feel disgusted by that creep Williams' image in bra/panties.  And I imagine that they would feel the same had he not been a rapist/murderer/thief.  They may not want to admit it in public for fear of offending someone, but I could care less:
If you're a dude and you want to be a lumberjack of Monty Python fame, then go be a lumberjack.

How very cathloic of you. Compare williams to people in the gay community. Nice.

I personally dont know any transgendered soldiers personally (but there is one in my combat arms unit) theres also married gay guys married gay women,cathloics and even a scientologist.

Get a life buddy. Who cares if a member changes their sex? I know plenty of soldiers who spend more on Dr bills due to being in the UMS everyday...strait anglo saxon males.

As long as they show up to work to soldier I could care less.

As for scott taylors little dig at timings...what does the two have to do with each other.

As for being a laughing stock....praying to Zombie Jew's (i.e jesus) seems foolish to me. yet I TOLERATE your beliefs.

Technoviking said:
Not one person in here can raise their hand and say that they didn't feel disgusted by that creep Williams' image in bra/panties.  And I imagine that they would feel the same had he not been a rapist/murderer/thief.

I was disgusted that it was Williams, specifically.
Otherwise, I would've considered it a fetish that a bunch of people are into behind closed doors. There's a ton of fetishes that I consider disgusting, but as long as I don't infringe on me, I don't care. Men dressing in women's clothing? That's pretty normal on the scale of fetishes. Taking pictures of your sexual endeavours? Pretty normal.

Seeing pictures of people in the act of their fetishes out of context is obviously going to make people feel awkward. Hell, if I'm at work and someone shows me regular old fashioned heterosexual porn, it's still awkward. My boss (who was some 20+ years older than me) at a warehouse used to sit and watch porn on his computer as early as 10am, calling me over to watch 'the good parts'. Friggin' awkward. I quit pretty fast.

The policy is clear and doesn't infringe on anyone's rights or freedoms. The concerns being brought up seem to be the same ones that are brought up with allowing homosexuality in the military. I.e. "What shower do they use?" crap.

I'd mention some other crap such as the Kinsey scale or the invention of heterosexuality under Augustus, but I'll leave it at that.
dogger1936 said:
How very cathloic of you.

It's "Catholic", with a capital "C", and the "o" comes before the "l", and every time.

That is not only an insult against one man's faith, and a faith shared by many other members here, but also a personal attack.

I will not tolerate either again. Clear?

dogger1936 said:
Compare williams to people in the gay community.

He did not, at least not in the quote provided by you, and I am not going back to look for any other possible instances.

dogger1936 said:
As long as they show up to work to soldier I could care less.

On that we can agree, and that is all that should matter. Some people, especially the older ones among us (which would, chronologically, include me) are somewhat less comfortable with certain things and it may not be as easy to accept them however. Understand that.

dogger1936 said:
praying to Zombie Jew's (i.e jesus)

Do not, EVER, post in such a fashion here again.

I am neither Catholic nor Christian, nor do I hold any other faith, but I will not stand for attacks on others' core beliefs.
Technoviking said:
That's it, I ******* quit.

We truly are a fourth-rate armed force.

I'm going to have to call the waaaaaaambulance for you on this one. Its not really an issue.

We aren't perfect, but I am amazed everyday by the quality of the people that I serve with (subordinates, peers, superiors). I've served with a variety of armed forces from around the world, and I am curious how you derive our fourth-rate ranking.
This has already circled the bowl way too long. The same points are being made time and again. The personal, and core belief attacks are also increasing and becoming more blatant. It long ago left the subject of the thread and has degenerated to exaclty where every one of these threads ultimately ends up.

This thread is done.

Milnet.ca Staff
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