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Drill (Parade) in FFO

blackberet17 said:
are we calling it all :bullshit: then?

I wonder if it is less bullshit and more a young troop inexperienced in the ways of the world and exaggerating their story to make the perceived slight to be more slighting than it actually is.
Too funny... Buttons, oh Buttons.

At least you didn't say you were marching in Full FFO Order!!

There are several people on this board that you don't want to "over exaggerate" around or they can eat you alive... ooops - you just woke them ALL up!!

Buttons oh buttons.
His rank in his profile is "Sgt" and unit is "Inf". He registered on 21 April 2016 at 20:24:18, posted thirty-eight seconds later, and hasn't checked back since 22 April 2016 at 03:38:47.
Hee hee...

He said FFO 5 times... maybe he plays that shooter video game my son plays and wanted to say FFO to real men and women... Vern - you're both to me!!
Whenever I got a really bright idea as CO, the RSM would come into the office and close the door.  We'd talk.  (No. Really.) When he left, I had an even better idea: his.
sandyson said:
Whenever I got a really bright idea as CO, the RSM would come into the office and close the door.  We'd talk.  (No. Really.) When he left, I had an even better idea: his.

That's awesome - RSM-ocracy at it's finest!
(Couldn't watch this without remembering the  :2c:  :2c:  :2c: from this thread... )



Toronto Mayor John Tory honoured the Royal Regiment of Canada today at the Freedom of the City Ceremony in Nathan Phillips Square.
sprl said:
(Couldn't watch this without remembering the  :2c:  :2c:  :2c: from this thread... )



Toronto Mayor John Tory honoured the Royal Regiment of Canada today at the Freedom of the City Ceremony in Nathan Phillips Square.

Good thing their allied regiment is the Coldstream Guards.
sprl said:
(Couldn't watch this without remembering the  :2c:  :2c:  :2c: from this thread... )



Toronto Mayor John Tory honoured the Royal Regiment of Canada today at the Freedom of the City Ceremony in Nathan Phillips Square.

Google Maps says it's 3.3 Km from City Hall to the RRC home station at Fort York Armoury, or 39 minutes at a brisk pace. I wonder if the OP was exaggerating a bit. BTW I thought  the FFO looked horrible, especially them all wearing ballistic eye protection. I guess whatever numpty at 32 Bde who planned this just got his leading change bubble filled in.  ::)
Maybe I missed something here, Danjanou, but I watched the whole clip and the only person I saw wearing the FFO is the Lcol of the regiment. The other people all seem to be wearing only their CADPAT without the FFO, and of course, the Army cadets in the background are all wearing the old plain olive combat of lore.
Sadly this is likely more a case of:

"Let's do this in scarlets"

"We don't have enough decent scarlets to go around."

"Ok, in DEU then."

"Yeah, none of our new recruits or BMQ guys can get initial issue and the rest are missing parts are won't be ready on time or don't have enough points for what they need."

"Hmn, combats then, in FFO for good measure."

The end.
Again Remius, I see the Lcol in FFO, but everybody else in CADPAT with berets only, unless someone has other videos or pictures that show otherwise.

The press release, however, invites people to "witness the military pageantry of the Royal regiment of Canada".

Not much pageantry in a bunch of guys and gals in CADPAT if you ask me  ;D. If the logic is as you posted Remius, it would have had more pageantry to have a third of the regiment out in scarlets, with guns and bayonets fixed, followed by another third in DEU and a last third in CADPAT. 
As with most parades on film, the focus was (unfortunately) on the folks in front jabbering and not the troops on parade.

I strongly suspect that if the CO was in FFO with BEW, then so was the rest of the unit.  Unless the RSM changed the order of dress and told everyone except for the CO.  Which would be the all-time greatest RSM stunt in history.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Maybe I missed something here, Danjanou, but I watched the whole clip and the only person I saw wearing the FFO is the Lcol of the regiment. The other people all seem to be wearing only their CADPAT without the FFO, and of course, the Army cadets in the background are all wearing the old plain olive combat of lore.


yeah you're right dude no FFO on parade  8)

Remius said:
Sadly this is likely more a case of:

"Let's do this in scarlets"

"We don't have enough decent scarlets to go around."

"Ok, in DEU then."

"Yeah, none of our new recruits or BMQ guys can get initial issue and the rest are missing parts are won't be ready on time or don't have enough points for what they need."

"Hmn, combats then, in FFO for good measure."

The end.

I think you're right. mind I've seen all three orders of dress on the same parade and even in the same guard  :o
Like I said Danjanou, I watched the video clip only. Thanks for the picture, which I hadn't seen. So obviously FFO.

However, I stand by the fact that the logic proposed by Remius doesn't cut it.

In fact, I found this interesting little clip from one of their Church (?) parade in 2008. Obviously mixing Scarlet's, DEU's and CADPAT was not a problem then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzc2tJTQcsY

Seems to me this may be a case of a Colonel that needs a RSM that is not a gofer but a nofer, i.e. one that can tell his C.O. "Nofer gawd's sake, Sir! That is a bad idea".

I stand by my other comment: Not much military pageantry in a bunch of people dressed in CADPAT with FFO  [:D
I agree, it don't look right and neither does the mixed dress either. I know the RSM. I'm sure he had counsel and advice for his CO, however apparently it was not entertained.
Danjanou said:

yeah you're right dude no FFO on parade  8)

I think you're right. mind I've seen all three orders of dress on the same parade and even in the same guard  :o

I know the Foulds family. A long line of 'Royals'. Andy Foulds was a friend of my Dad's and served with the regiment throughout WW2. His son was on my Phase III Inf.

Would they would be outraged? Pretty much....
Danjanou said:
I agree, it don't look right and neither does the mixed dress either. I know the RSM. I'm sure he had counsel and advice for his CO, however apparently it was not entertained.

Maybe done with mind to spite the Liberals.  You know... *low menacing growl* "Canadian cities. Soldiers with guns. In our cities. In Canada." 

Mission accomplished.