Bergeron 971 said:
I have no idea what you are talking about, where I'm from, you work on a project and present your idea's when they are completed on paper with references, etc.
I do not waste a superiors time with blable of what you would like to do, it wastes the officers time and its not backed with references.
anyone including a parent can organize an activity and bring it up to the training Officer, if he likes the idea he brings it to the CO.
We do not sit around waiting for things to happen leaving the jobs to one or 2 people in the corps. we all suggest and organize things.
This all just seems like fantasy-land stuff to me. You've been given the required information - get your CO to request for permanent T.I. Lee-Enfield No.4 rifles from your detachment. They'll help you out.
Bergeron 971 said:
As for the idea for C7 training, it would follow the CATOs, being thought BY affiliated unit members qualified to teach the courses needed and a Proper RSO from our affiliated unit would also be on service according to my project.
The only problem is, I don't think you have the appropriate training or base-knowledge to attempt to plan this. If your plan is to follow the CATOs, then you should be stopped by the CATO which details that Cadets are not permitted to drill with the C7 rfile. Plan ended there.
Do you have AFU members volunteering at the moment with your Cadet unit? I doubt they're going to teach the Cadets C7 drill when it's not permissible in the first place. Even then, would you want to be the one who's bright idea it was that had detachment dump all over your RegF/PRes volunteers?
You said you were going to teach them everything they needed to know about the weapons, flags, flag belts, etc. etc. Are you qualified for this?
And hold the phone - RSO? Why do you need an RSO? I thought these were replica weapons we were discussing - and where do you think the AFU is going to get the money to send all these people over to your CC - just to pursue your idea of an 'elite' flag party?
Why are you so intent on having crack troops? Why not work towards these high standards with all of your Cadets instead of the "seven" you've chosen for the flag party (although even if you were using the max. number of flags [2] you'd only need five people in the flag party).
Bergeron 971 said:
Now where is it that you think I have free rain?
It seems as if you've got either: ridiculous amounts of free-reign as a CI/CV - or all of this is make-believe, and your unit's CO has no idea you're even remotely trying to pursue all of these avenues.
As was said before:
Get the unit's Officers to contact detachment about securing some Lee-Enfield No.4 rifles for the unit.