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DUI - Effects on Joining?

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ARMY_101 said:
Very true, but the comment to which I was responding was suggesting that the person stall the case simply because we live in a country where that can be done.  Stalling a case shouldn't happen, especially when the person knows what they've done (they admitted to it).  If there were legitimate grounds for the challenge like I said above (e.g. the police were abusive or doing something illegal to force him to blow over the legal limit) then sure, challenging the case is totally acceptable.  But to just stall for the sake of stalling just makes a mockery out of the situation and prolongs the inevitable conviction anyways.

Deliberate stalling could blow-up in his face. Nothing like wasting precious court time to will peeve-off the judge big time; not exactly the best course of action.
Retired AF Guy said:
Deliberate stalling could blow-up in his face. Nothing like wasting precious court time to will peeve-off the judge big time; not exactly the best course of action.

Right. The guy should just consult a lawyer, discuss his options, and hopefully get some mileage out of it. Sorting out how you're going to resolve things at first appearance is a better bet than "adjourn, adjourn, adjourn".

I applied for RMC a few months ago and did all the tests I had to do and was recently merit listed. I called this morning to make sure they received my latest report card from school and they told me they did.

What my recruiter also told me is that before further actions were taken with my admission, somebody had to call me concerning my security check (which was fine last week). He told me that they found "something" and that someone was going to call me today or tomorrow about it.

I had my license suspended 4 months ago for driving under the influence. I HAVE NOT been judge guilty and I am currently contesting the charges.

I am thinking they are going to call me to ask me about my license getting suspended but I wanted to ask if anyone had similar problems or knew about this case.
On a criminal records check, charges currently before the courts (which you stated your's are - you are currently contesting the charges) normally show up, so it's likely in relation to that.

Also, if you're not a currently enrolled member of the CF, please lose the rank as an avatar. There are many people on here who've worked hard to get where they are and to earn the insignia. And yes, it actually does matter quite a bit to many of the people on this site.
Call the Recruiting centre and talk to them about it, they will tell you what will apply to your specific case. A DUI won't look good though, just IMO.

Also, untill you are actually in the CF, you may want to change your avatar as you are not yet a OCdt.
-Skeletor- said:
Call the Recruiting centre and talk to them about it, they will tell you what will apply to your specific case. A DUI won't look good though, just IMO.

Also, untill you are actually in the CF, you may want to change your avatar as you are not yet a OCdt.

Just did, thanks for the tips. Looking for more info if anyone has any. Going to call the RC soon.
Philippe.Boisseau said:
I HAVE NOT been judge guilty and I am currently contesting the charges.

Guilty or not, if it is before the courts it is a legal obligation. As far as I understand you must be free of all legal obligations before enrolling. This doesn't necessarily mean you are guilty as even being a witness to a crime needing to testify is considered a legal obligation. It is just easier for all parties involved not to have to deal with anything of that nature.

That being said, I am neither a recruiter nor a lawyer so take it with a grain of salt if you so desire, but I am fairly certain my information is accurate.
Sapperian said:
Guilty or not, if it is before the courts it is a legal obligation. As far as I understand you must be free of all legal obligations before enrolling. This doesn't necessarily mean you are guilty as even being a witness to a crime needing to testify is considered a legal obligation. It is just easier for all parties involved not to have to deal with anything of that nature.

That being said, I am neither a recruiter nor a lawyer so take it with a grain of salt if you so desire, but I am fairly certain my information is accurate.

I'll stand by you on this one. I was asked about Legal Obligations (pending charges, witness to an event, and even Jury Duty) during my interview and again when they called with my Offer. They won't process an application if you have any.
Precept said:
I'll stand by you on this one. I was asked about Legal Obligations (pending charges, witness to an event, and even Jury Duty) during my interview and again when they called with my Offer. They won't process an application if you have any.

Talked with the RC ealier today. So basically they're putting my admission file on hold until I am done with the legal process. So when I am done with this in early september they want me to get back to them with the court papers and verdict. Then they can proceed to next step with my file.

I know not much people are in my situation but if it can help anybody... Also, you guys were right, they will not go on with your case if you have ANY legal obligations.
I am a registered pharmacist and want to join as a Pharmacy officer.  I have an impared driving with body harm charge (due to a car crash and 2nd party injury)  This occured 4 years ago. All legal issues have been dealt with.  How badly will this impact my ability to join?
This post may help:
While it won't prevent you from enrolling keep in mind that if a selection has to be made between you and another person, who has no criminal record, you will more than likely not be the person getting an offer.
I would encourage you to apply.  We are in dire need of Pharmacy Officers in the CF right now and in fact are offering a signing bonus at this time.

As long as all the of the personal admin and legal stuff is in order and you can articulate to the CFRC that this was inexcusable and and an isolated event you should be competitive for DEO.


rivings said:
I am a registered pharmacist and want to join as a Pharmacy officer.  I have an impared driving with body harm charge (due to a car crash and 2nd party injury)  This occured 4 years ago. All legal issues have been dealt with.  How badly will this impact my ability to join?

If you go through the process of getting a Pardon (before they make the rules more strict) you should have NO problems.
Just looking for OP to follow up on what happened with this if he still uses the forum..I realize this is an old thread, but nonetheless, one on almost exactly my same situation...let me explain.

September 2012, I smashed my car into a pole, and got charged with DUI. I plead guilty (with a lawyer) at the "earliest opportunity" in the court system (aka next court date after getting disclosure) which I was told shows taking accountability (by my lawyer and the judge). I was thus sentenced to one year of "probation" for which my only conditions are to keep the peace, to complete community hours which I've already completed a third of, and to pay a fine which Ive made arrangements to pay this month. My major question is, because I know nobody can give me an exact answer, how likely is this to affect my application? I'm solid in all other areas (average credit, physically fit, college graduate, lots of work experience and references, etc..) but is this considered a "legel obligation" even if by the time I meet with a recruiter the fine will be paid and the hours completed? I would not need to meet with my PO until the end of my probation at that point, and since my interest is in the ROTP, this would not affect my ability to be deployed or anything since thats way down the line anyway...I wouldnt even be able to start school until the probation is over judging by university application deadlines.

If anyone has an answer or any type of similar experience with something like this, please share it! Obviously, no two situations are the same and nobody can give me a definitive answer, but I'm sure I can at least get an idea of what to expect from some replies. FYI for those of you in a bad mood today, Ive already read that criminal record can affect your application, Im just looking for lived experience applying with a DUI or someone who has applied to CF with a record, or even someone who thinks they have a good answer. If you've read all of this, you deserve my thanks already, so, thank you!
The proper term is "subject to a judicial obligation".  Hence, probation and the suspension of a drivers licence would fall into this category and make you ineligible for processing and or enrolment in the CF.  Once you have met your "judicial obligations" then you would be eligible for processing.  The next hurdle would be the Criminal Records Name Check and subsequent granting of a "Reliability Clearance" which is part of the processing.  Your previous indescretions would definitely come up and it would be addressed by an MCC at your local recruiting centre at that time.

So after you have met and completed all the judicial obligations awarded, then it would be up to your respective CFRC as to whether or not they would grant you a Reliability Clearance.
Alright, fairly clear, thanks for the quick reply, and I'll be sure to use the correct terms next time, haha. My next question is then, based on the fact the waiting periods seem to exceed the term remaining on my probation, and my license will be reinstated prior to then as well (though I dont understand why that matters, Im sure theres applicants who get in with no license to begin with), should I file my application documents and wait to speak with a recruiter, or should I wait until the probation period has totally completed? Wait until the last month? Obviously, like everyone else, Id like to get my application processed as quickly as possible, so I'm just trying to figure out the best time to begin all of this.

Also, if this is even an answerable question (maybe from someone who applied with a record before), how likely is this to get my application denied even if I should apply post-probation and license reinstatement? I understand theres a lot of applicants, but it's not like I robbed a bank or molested a kid, and I'm sure many of them wont have the education, experience, physical fitness or whatever their case may be, that I do. Basically I'm asking if I'm on a level playing field with people not scoring perfect in the other areas. Previous posted mentioned it'll be up to a recruiter, I get that, again just looking for an idea of what to expect based on others experiences and knowledge. Thanks again everyone!
Not like you robbed a bank or molested anyone? What if that pole you hit was a minivan and you wiped out a family? DUI isn't not just an "aww schucks" offense. You'll never have an even playing field until you get a pardon, you have been convicted of a crime, no matter how you look at it.
pointfiveoh said:
Alright, fairly clear, thanks for the quick reply, and I'll be sure to use the correct terms next time, haha. My next question is then, based on the fact the waiting periods seem to exceed the term remaining on my probation, and my license will be reinstated prior to then as well (though I dont understand why that matters, Im sure theres applicants who get in with no license to begin with),

What matters isn't whether you have a license or not, but that you lost your license and why it happened...the military takes a dim view on DUI these days.

pointfiveoh said:
I understand theres a lot of applicants, but it's not like I robbed a bank or molested a kid, and I'm sure many of them wont have the education, experience, physical fitness or whatever their case may be, that I do. Basically I'm asking if I'm on a level playing field with people not scoring perfect in the other areas. Previous posted mentioned it'll be up to a recruiter, I get that, again just looking for an idea of what to expect based on others experiences and knowledge. Thanks again everyone!

Like Puck Chaser said, you'll  likely need a pardon, since IIRC, DUI is actually a Criminal Code offence - they don't care how many pushups you can do or how many letters are after your name at the time of application, but they do care about CCoC offences.
