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Election 2015

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jollyjacktar said:
Except for Peter Stouffer, for me there's nothing unfortunate about the Dippers lawn darting.  Love it.

Heck yes! Bye Megan!
At this moment, 2218 Hrs (Eastern) CTV News is showing the Liberals at 170, a majority.
I, for one, welcome our new airhead overlords.  The best possible outcome is a liberal majority of exactly a single MP.  The threat of a blue grit crossing the floor should keep the bozos from doing too much harm.
Why is this surprising?  The current government treated the normal people of Canada, all public servants, minorities and unions with contempt.  This is the result.

Their actual track record of good governance also is poor, the party manipulated the electoral process in 2011, has been abusing the legislative process and repeatedly getting bitch slapped by the Supreme court as a result, and generally has been running amok like a bunch of power mad toddlers while they could.  Also, they have this guy as a member;


I mean, really.

I'm not a fan of any of the parties really, but the Harper Government (TM) needs to go.  Even if Trudeau floats about for a few years and takes the occasional bit of advice from the Mandarins, and decides to occasionally work with the other parties on something, this is a well needed reset on a parliamentary democracy gone bad.  Also, it's terribly refreshing to see people actually get out and vote and be actively involved.

Mr Harper, for uniting large segments of Canada in their hatred of you personally and inspiring them to be politically active and vote, I salute you sir! :salute:

One sad item I've seen so far is that Megan Leslie seems to be out.  I have always had tremendous respect for her personally and she is an excellent MP who is doing it for all the right reasons.
I give up.

You had one job Canada. Vote Republican.

But Noooooo. You had to go for the eye candy.

How do you think we are ever going to convince the 'muricans that they should become the 11th through 60th provinces.

Our great health care system?

Shocker in Quebec: BQ: 9, CPC: 9, Lib: 53, NDP: 6 at 2224 Hrs (Eastern) ~ the NDP vote appears to have collapsed in Quebec.
American blogger Instapundit calls it thus:

BAD NEWS FOR CANADA: Justin Trudeau projected winner.

Pretty sad when even the Americans can peg it so easily.
Thanks Toronto. When we're as broke as Ontario, we know who to blame.
Conservative tears will be our natural resources for the next 4 years.  Although I'd bet oil sands burn cleaner then those tears.
I suppose the rest of Canada can now experience what we in Ontario have lived under the McWynnety regime.  Schadenfreude isn't just a really neat German compound word.  Ain't democracy a hoot!
E.R. Campbell said:
Looks like a solid Liberal majority: 175+ seats, the CPC at 95+ and the NDP at 20+

Time to make sure my TFSA contribution is maxed out before they start rolling back the increase.
PuckChaser said:
Thanks Toronto. When we're as broke as Ontario, we know who to blame.

Well, $10B per year in deficit is much less than we saw for the last four years.
chanman said:
Time to make sure my TFSA contribution is maxed out before they start rolling back the increase.

I hope you have $50K stashed somewhere...  Most Canadians cannot afford maxing out TFSA so it makes sense to reduce it as it only benefit the very wealthy (and some exceptions in the middle class).
Speaking of schadenfreude, am I the only one waiting to see what happens when the new MND, Andrew Leslie walks into the puzzle palace later this week?  ;D

Talk about knowing where the skeletons are hidden.
Navy_Pete said:
I'm not a fan of any of the parties really, but the Harper Government (TM) needs to go.  Even if Trudeau floats about for a few years and takes the occasional bit of advice from the Mandarins, and decides to occasionally work with the other parties on something, this is a well needed reset on a parliamentary democracy gone bad.  Also, it's terribly refreshing to see people actually get out and vote and be actively involved.

Mr Harper, for uniting large segments of Canada in their hatred of you personally and inspiring them to be politically active and vote, I salute you sir! :salute:

I agree with quite a bit of this. A small c conservative for most of my adult life (teenage flirtation with Rage Against The Machine-style Marxism notwithstanding), I've only found myself more and more disappointed with the Tories of late.

This is the party of Cheryl Gallant for Pete's sake. Also the party which argued the government had no social contract with veterans. I could go on of course.

I'm embarrassed that our next PM will be the ludicrous pretty boy/fortunate son that is Trudeau, but I hope, at least, it gives the CPC a chance to regroup, clear out the dead wood/lunatic fringe of the party, and come back in time to limit the damage the airy-fairy party will do.

Oh, and thank goodness the NDP didn't seize power!

So I know exactly what put the Liberals over.  I'm at a bar right now and the place is literally packed with students watching the election.
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