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Elite athletes in the Canadian Forces


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While I was watching the Ottawa Renegades game last night, the announcer made reference to Ottawa linebacker Jason Kralt's military service.  For those who don't know, he's a Sgt in the Governor General's Foot Guards and #6 for the Ottawa Renegades.  Anyhow, it got me wondering about other elite athletes in the Canadian Forces.  I know about Olympic triathlete Sharon Donnelly, but I was wondering if there are any other CF members competing in sport at the professional or international level.
im pretty sure patrick cote is a van dou im not positive
but anyway he is a professional MMA fighter
A good place to start your research:

CF Sports Hall of Fame
How can you be in the CF and play in the same time for the CFL ??

Wolfe said:
How can you be in the CF and play in the same time for the CFL ??


Read the initial post, the individual in question is a member of the Reserves.
Answers my question so you need to be in the reserves to play in the big leagues. THX Micheal.

Wolf  :cdn:
Wolfe said:
Answers my question so you need to be in the reserves to play in the big leagues. THX Micheal.

Wolf   :cdn:

No, you don't

There is a mechanic in 1 Svc Bn in Edmonton who plays pro Lacrosse in Calgary.

There are all sorts of elite (read national level and up competion) athletes in the Regular CF...several in individual sports such as running, swimming, triathlon, and biathlon...also a few who play on the team sports of volleyball and soccer.

Not to mention the Military Games and international competition called CISM...I forget what the acronym means.
I currently work with a trucker who has recently played in the World Broomball championships.
Armymedic said:
Not to mention the Military Games and international competition called CISM...I forget what the acronym means.

CISM - Conseil International du Sport Militaire - International Military Sports Council.
OK if i work fulltime in the army how can i be able to try for football......

If you work out full time in ANY job, how can you try out for football?
Strike said:
If you work out full time in ANY job, how can you try out for football?

You are right THX  ::)


I'm pretty good at Rainbowsix3..
does that count?

O ye you can try out to be ninjasniperjtfwannabe....joke ;D

I think Sgt Kralt is pretty heavily involved with the Guards during the fall and winter, and takes the summers off.  He was the platoon Warrant on my BMQ.  He also did a tour in Croatia I think.  CFL players don't earn that much and most of them have other jobs during the off-season.