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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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In my current situation I owe in the ballpark of about $23,000. I have never missed a payment ever, and it is a recent debt that I have built up. I am worried that this debt is going to cause me to fail my credit check. Should I be worried? As said above, I have never missed a payment in my entire history of having credit, never had a problem with creditors or collections, and I have had credit for roughly 6 years. I have had debts before and have paid them off in full. This is a newly acquired debt that my wife and I have agrew from moving from one side of Canada to the other, furnishing an apartment, and consolidating our debts together. It is all under my name currently, but a payment has never been missed now or in the past on my record.

Had you taken the time to read the threads on ERC and credit you would have noticed that unless you have debts in arrears or are in Bankruptcy you credit check will come back clean.

Long time listener, first time caller:
I am in a somewhat situation similar to a poster above.  I initially applied in 2002 but when I told them I had used magic mushrooms in the medical, my application was suspended.  So I moved to South Korea to work while I waited for the ban to be over and I finally reapplied last year.  I was just told South Korea is unhelpful when it comes to security checks, and that my first career option (MARS) requires a higher security clearance which, if I do get it, will take a long,long time.  If I take my second choice (ARMD), it will be quicker and successful. Does anyone out there know a) if this sounds reasonable, or do they want me to be an armoured officer b) why and how much S. Korea is worse than other places c) what is it that takes so long (ie. are they looking into jobs, taxes, residences, etc. ) and if there is something I can do to help?
Another thing that has me confused; when I first went and applied in 2002, I was at the stage of interview, physical and CFAT, and I thought the security clearance came after.  After I asked about reapplying, they said the first step is the security clearance and that I do the other steps (besides CFAT, which they said is still valid) later.  Did this change between then and now?  I am assuming they are doing a more in-depth security check because of my admission to using drugs, (not just the enhanced reliability check) correct?
Thanks in advance for any responses
They have to go through the South Korean government as part of your history living there.  When it comes to involving foreign bureaucracies, it greatly adds to the length of time needed to do a security check.  I don't know what MARS is, sorry, but it probably requires a deeper check than armoured, which is why they said armoured would be quicker.
I was thinking that S.Korea may take longer because when a foreigner lives here under most visas, their employers are obligated to get them housing.  The housing I listed on my clearance will actually be listed in my employers name or another Korean employees.  Is there anything else they check?  I find it interesting they also didn't ask for my foreign registration number, as that is what the Korean government here does everthing by.  Damn- I could be an old man before I get in. 
Another thing:  Are these reliability checks the same as those for other government branches? IE. If I was applying to, say the foreign service, and they had to do a check,m I would have the same problem? I should warn other teachers here if that is the case...thanks again
If it is a government security background check, it will most likely be the same regardless of which branch of the government.
I am curious, because I have what LOOKS like a poor track record of maintaining a steady job or address, will that hold me back as far as a ERC is concerned?

I don't want to make excuses for what I did, but I followed my friends when they graduated and left the small town, where we grew up, for the big city. Up until I ran into hour shortages and and other typical civilian crap to deal with job hopping.

My credit is about $1200 in debts, but I went and talked to a counsellor today so I could have some of that issue rectified and have my name started on a better track as far as that goes. The lady I spoke with told me my debts weren't high enough to really justify using a session and repayment plan, but when I told her I had plans to enlist, she right away said it would be a very good idea to do so I would be rolling in the right direction as far as my credit and the forces are concerned.
As for the criminal end of it all, I am in the all clear. I was fairly well behaved at the young age where I screwed up my credit. Kind of kicking my own arse now for the young foolish things I did. Turns out mom was right all this time with the "smarten up, get a good job and quit moving all the damn time" lectures.

I'm probably no new special case, but I could not seem to find any information pertaining to my story. I asked about my issue while in the RC, and a WO told the lady talking to me, to later come ask him about a guy who applied with more than 50 addresses and still got in after some time. He said it was a long story and basically just told me to fill out the application and bring it back. He was of no help at all.

So I guess my question is, does the ERC look at my job and address jumping,
and will that hold me back for months to come?
Or do they strictly look at only credit and criminal history?

Thanks for any help in advance!
            When you go for your interview, or as a follow-up to your interview, you are likely to be asked about your interesting employment history.  Don't BS the interviewer.  After all, they are trying to assess how reliable you are (after all, it is called a Reliabilty Check/ Reliability Status), and are just as likely to call up some of your former employers, especially if they think you are trying to hide something.
I have nothing to hide whatsoever. I always planned to be open and honest. Most of my past employers loved what I did for them and the company. As with everything however, when you take candy from a baby they cry. Alot of them made a big deal out of it. Last job for instance, was an apprenticeship. 8 months into it, I was pulled from that site due to lack of work and stuck on another one. Fine, I like the work, I'm more than willing to help the guys out with the overtime. It took less than 2 weeks. Alot of short hours, because foremen didn't want to work a full day. I lose hours I can't pay bills. I scrape by on the measly pay at full hours. I never looked for a pat on the back, but when everyone pissed off and left the crap to me, I did it no complaints. Along comes client and books future work based on MY work. The cheese head of a foreman took my thunder, cut my hours, used the praise from the client to lock himself in for a raise, and then whined to the sub-foreman I didn't like going home early.
People these days have zero work ethic, no sense of pride, NO understanding of TEAMwork. And to boot, I get the shaft for giving it my all?
The sub-foreman called me when I quit and asked why I didn't come to him.
I'm not gonna cry you a river he said, he did, my feelings hurt stories. He BEGGED to have me back, and when I absolutely refused he got mad and told me I "f***ed him". He even went as far as getting ahold of my mother (I am 23yrs old) and got her to try to reason with me. Wants me that bad. I can't use him for a reference. He wouldn't support my claim to that story. Nothing. I "f***ed him" as he said.

That was the day I finally decided to anty up like I should have done right out of high school. Wanted infantry since I was 12 (no s***).
I get my hours out of the forces. I get guaranteed work. Even if it's watching paint dry on lockers in garrison. I got something to keep the bills paid.
I can take the crap from higher ups. I get to be a part of something, a TEAM. I learn when I must, and get to help where I can. And of course, when all else fails I get to go blast some shells at range or in theatre. Training, for fun, or the real deal, either way I have been around firearms my whole life and love every recoil of it.
Making dreams come true now baby.

(sorry if that seems ranty, my past is a fight I'm sick of fighting. Really just to fight the battles more suited to my dreams)
I have come to understand that an additional security check is required after living more than 180 days abroad with the exception of having lived in a certain list of countries. Unfortunately, Japan is not on that list. I was living in Japan for 11 months on a Japanese government sponsored scholarship. I have two questions:

Would it make sense to provide a photocopy of the visa on my passport plus a few supporting documents from the university I was at in Japan?

Is this going to take up to 12 months? Japan is a friendly country and ally, right? I imagine if I lived in Iran or Pakistan it might pose a problem... but Japan?

I hope to get into the Army Reserves here in Edmonton before the summer training deadline.
Please refer your query to the nearest CF Recuiting Centre. Only they will be able to give you the official and proper answer to your question.

Thanks for looking, and good luck.

Milnet.ca Staff
Has anyone here ever had to request a waiver on their reliability status? meaning that due to poor credit you have to show that you are responsible enough to be taking care of it and therefore can be considered as reliable?

Ability to pay your debts is the reliability issue.  So if you owe thousands of dollars and haven't made any freaking effort to pay and the debt has gone to collections then you are unreliable.  However, if you have made the effort to pay off your debts then there should be no issue. Now stick the waiver question where it belongs.
kincanucks said:
If you have not lived in Canada for the last five years then you have to provide a criminal and credit check from the country you were in because if you don't and the CF has to do out of country checks on you it will take a very long time for those to be completed.  In addition because you have not been in Canada for the last ten-year continuous period you will be subject to a pre-assessment check that can take up to 18 months or longer to complete.  The pre-assessment check will not begin until the Enhanced Reliability Check has been completed satisfactorily.  Have a seat because you are in for a very long wait.

I have been looking for an answer to the following question, and it was touched slightly here in your post above. I have been waiting now for the extended pre-sec to come back as I have been out of country in the last ten years. I have been waiting a hell of a long time now and have hit many roadblocks and because of that have asked many questions at the recruiting center, One very important question that I had asked and I had asked more than once is if , after this 'up to 2 year' wait for the pre-sec, will there be any other bullshit I may have to endure. The answer has been 'no'. But what is this I am reading about me myself personally having to do a credit/criminal check in the country I was in? I remember being told that the 'enhanced reliability check' came back satisfactorily quite a while ago.
My questions : 1.Could this have already came back well before the pre-sec? If so, was it done for the country I was in or just here in Canada?
                      2. If no, can I get it done faster than the CF? And do they accept it if it comes from me?
                      3. Lastly, why the hell should I have to do this? It is a terrible onus to put on an applicant no?

P.s. I applied at McDonald's but they told me I am much too handsome to work there, so thanks for the link anyways!
1.Could this have already came back well before the pre-sec? If so, was it done for the country I was in or just here in Canada? Yes as it had to be done before the pre-sec could start and it would be for in Canada only.  If any credit or criminal checks were required for the country(ies) that you were in then they would have asked you to provide them.

2. If no, can I get it done faster than the CF? And do they accept it if it comes from me? See above and only for country(ies) other than Canada.

3.Lastly, why the hell should I have to do this? It is a terrible onus to put on an applicant no?  Get the credit and criminal checks from the other country(ies)?  Well if you waited for the CF to get it done .... and if you want a job....

You've probably posted how long you have been waiting but I was wondering how long it has been.  I am in the Reg F (have been for 12 yrs) and an update to my security clearance was sent out in Aug 06 and it still hasn't been updated yet.  If it takes that long for someone who is already in, I'm sure the others take longer.
In the PRE-ENROLMENT Security Clearance Pre-Assessment Questionaire in the 2nd page under Biographical Information it asks if I have ever completed a (and I quote) "Government of Canada security screening form" and my answer is yes.
I received Level 2 clearance working with my parents company for the Army Cadet Base in Ghost Lake, Alberta.

My question is this::

Does this Security clearance improve my chances of being selected? Seeing as how I have already shown reliability by working as a civilian in a base of sorts?

P.S: My criminal record is spotless as well.
NO.  It only means that they will have to find another document that will have to be 'covered' in the process.  It simplifies the process in that "they will know for sure" that you have done one before, as opposed to blindly looking for one.  There are no shortcuts in the application process.
kincanucks said:
1.Could this have already came back well before the pre-sec? If so, was it done for the country I was in or just here in Canada? Yes as it had to be done before the pre-sec could start and it would be for in Canada only.  If any credit or criminal checks were required for the country(ies) that you were in then they would have asked you to provide them.

2. If no, can I get it done faster than the CF? And do they accept it if it comes from me? See above and only for country(ies) other than Canada.

3.Lastly, why the hell should I have to do this? It is a terrible onus to put on an applicant no?  Get the credit and criminal checks from the other country(ies)?  Well if you waited for the CF to get it done .... and if you want a job....

Thank you! I asked recruiting if they had any other surprises in store for me (after this pre-sec 2 year wait, my file being lost once and also put in the hands of someone who retired and didn't bother to turn my file in to my file manager, and various other little snags) and they told me 'NO'. Now I know that the word from a recruiter varies from place to place and even when some don't know an answer, they will give a very definative answer regardless, but could after a 2 year wait for this pre-sec, could I have to wait yet again for a criminal/credit check for out of country stuff?

Excuse me if I am a little frustrated, I asked this same question to the French recruiter here in Montreal and what he understood from all of the above is "So , you want to join?" So yes, it is like banging your head on a wall.
OberstSteiner said:
Thank you! I asked recruiting if they had any other surprises in store for me (after this pre-sec 2 year wait, my file being lost once and also put in the hands of someone who retired and didn't bother to turn my file in to my file manager, and various other little snags) and they told me 'NO'. Now I know that the word from a recruiter varies from place to place and even when some don't know an answer, they will give a very definative answer regardless, but could after a 2 year wait for this pre-sec, could I have to wait yet again for a criminal/credit check for out of country stuff?
I would guess that once your pre-sec is approved then they will do another Enhanced Reliability Check on you but it would be only for Canada. That is what I have done in the past when I was in recruitting.
George Wallace said:
NO.  It only means that they will have to find another document that will have to be 'covered' in the process.  It simplifies the process in that "they will know for sure" that you have done one before, as opposed to blindly looking for one.  There are no shortcuts in the application process.

By covered do you mean to cross-reference and triple check to make sure its a legit clearance?
And I also know that there are no shortcuts, but having a previous Government of Canada clearance does help?
