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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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Actually, I was told by my recruiter that if I‘d taken vacations longer than 3 weeks in the last 10 years that my application would take longer. And if I‘d taken any vacation to a proscribed country (don‘t know which those are) it would take longer too.

Thankfully I‘m too poor to take vacations. heh.
My argument is that I am former serving Soldier,and the fact that While I was residing
in Britain I was in the military. The Recruiters here I taught to become troop leaders!! They are appalled too and I feel 6 months has gone by already and I Know I can get this clearance in weeks. This is not an acceptable time frame.
To give you a bit of perspective, I am in the process of updating my security clearance. I have 14 years in the CF and my clearance will take at least 6 months to complete.

Security clearances and preassessments are very in-depth and involve various agencies and governments. In addition, security officials are probably working on several hundred to maybe even thousands of the these requests at any given point in time.

CFRC‘s know it is frustrating for applicants to wait for something for which you already know the answer.

If you still feel that this is unacceptable or if you feel that you are not being treated fairly, you can either contact your Member of Parlement or the Canadian Forces Ombudsman http://www.ombudsman.forces.gc.ca/
Hi all,

This question is for all the people who applied for DEO and got selected (or in waiting list)......

I have applied for DEO and going through Security Check (applied last week). My file manager told me today that they will do a initial security check to find any criminal record and check my credit.

Then they will send me a form by mail and I will sign it and send them back.

Was your Enhanced Security Check the same way ????
Honestly I don't see why they need to do a credit check.

I havn't had mine done yet, but from searching in the boards this happens to most people.
CFRC wants to check if you have a loan and you are not making payments.

In my case I have some student loan on me....  I am not sure if it is a negative thing.  ???
Yeah exactly, its one way they have of checking your reliability.  If you can't be responsible enough to manage your own finances and be reliable with that, they take it as an indicator of negative reliability.  I believe everybody has to go through this, not just most people.

Bobby147: Yeah, thats exactly how it went.  Fill out the form, then wait a little bit, and if there are any problems they'll get back to you.  I have student loans as well, including one that was rather problematic, but I cleared everything up with the bank, took in evidence of that, and I was told that it was no longer an issue.
I had to get a credit check to get into the reserves, and Im 16. Im not even old enough to get a loan so I'd imagine its everyone not just most people.
The Enhanced Reliability Check is the same no matter if you are applying to be an Officer or an NCO. Once you get to basic though or shortly there after everyone has go though a more in depth background check to determine security clearance. Most officers require secret security clearance. But for now as long as you have no criminal record or out standing loans, you'll be fine. There is the slight chance though that it could take a while for the Reliability check to come back, but hopefully not.
Since when do officers get Secret clearance?! I only know one or two people with that kind of clearance; one is an Engineer NCO who was doing some HumInt tasking overseas, and the other is an INT NCO. The majority of information that comes through a typical unit will be Protected A or B. Even when I spent time working in a BOR or with medical records, I never saw anything marked beyond Protected B. With the exception of Int Officers and people working in NDHQ and the like, why would Joe 2Lt require a Secret clearance?
People like technicians are given classified clearances at different time depending on what they are working on, especially in regards to schematics etc..
combat_medic said:
Since when do officers get Secret clearance?!

I think that actually quite a few officers end up getting Secret clearance.   Such as MARS people, and CELE/Sigs who work in Leitrim.   I'm sure there are many more.   I know that at my place employment (for the next two months anyway!   ;D) all of the Signals Officers that come here have at least Secret, and a couple have Top Secret.   Indeed, I even have secret because of the equipment we work on.   So I think if I, a civvy, require Secret to work on this stuff, it stands to reason that the officers on the project also have at least Secret.
Secret clearance is given to people depending on where they go on tour as well.  My entire pl got secret clearance last year for Op Apollo, just because that is what they decided was the minimum clearance needed.  It's not like anyone really needed it in our Pl but it was what we were given.
Also, I don't think Secret is such a big deal. It's actually rather easy to get--I have it. It's when you start talking about Top Secret that it becomes a big deal and much more goes into obtaining it.  And there better be a pretty good reason for it.
I understand that Secret is given out as needed, but it's hardly SOP to give every officer that walks through the door Secret clearance unless there's some reason they need it.
...unless there's some reason they need it.

Yes, very true!   However, you also said you knew "one or two people" thereby implying that Secret clearance is rare indeed, which just isn't the case.
Never forget just because you have a certain security clearance that you get to view everything at that level, its still need to know. I had secret when I was in the Battery CP just to program a scrambler[if you will] ,this did not give me access to anything I didn't need to know.
Example:  The base housing NCO is top secret and I don't think he has the launch codes with him.
Casing: I DO only know 2 people who have (had?) secret clearance. Then again, I am a reservist in an infantry unit and have not yet been operational, so my exposure to people who have or require that kind of clearance would be understandably minimal.
Just out of curiosity c_m.....how would you know if people have or don't have a security clearance?  Is this public knowledge? 
Well, when I worked in the OR a ways back, I knew that virtually everyone in my unit (and the CF, apparently) had enhanced clearance. In all my course loading notices, it had the security classifications of all candidates, and the only time I saw either "unknown" or "enhanced" was the one candidate on my PLQ who was in INT. I asked him about it, and, while he was rather vague about the exact classification, he mentioned having at least Secret clearance while he was overseas. Also, when I was on basic, my Sect Comd had recently returned from overseas, and when he taught us about security classifications, mentioned his was upgraded to Secret (or maybe it was Top Secret, I don't remember, but it was impressive at the time).

But to answer your question, typically, no, you won't know everyone's classification. But, if you're in the reserves with a unit that isn't privy to classified documents on a reguar basis, most people will not have the clearance. However, if you're working in a brigade, area or NDHQ, chances are a lot higher percentage of people will have it. As for me, I was curious about the way the different classifications worked and who gets them, so I picked my INT coursemate's brain for a while.