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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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  Let's just say it takes a looooooong time!  Of course it depends on the level of clearance, but, yeah it takes a very long time!
yah i assume i dont need a very high level of clearence because i am only going reg force infantry
Your initial clearance (enhanced reliability- the one you apply for while at the recruiting centre) shouldn't take that long. Of course there are factors which may make it take longer, eg. living outside of Canada for long periods of time, being born in a scheduled country, etc. It's those higher levels of clearance that take FOREVER.
I applied in mid September for ATIS Tech, and AVN Tech.  I did all of my testing including the interview in one day.  The Captain who did my interview said that my Enhanced Reliability Check would take 2 - 3 weeks, which it did.  My medical would take 4 -6 weeks, also true.  I was merit listed by late October.  BTW, I was born in Mexico so I thought my reliability check would take a lot longer than it did.  I guess Mexico is not one of the "scheduled" countries.  Whatever that means. Perhaps Sig Bloggins can provide is with clarification on the term.  Anyhow, I'm  "busy" waiting for the call which I imagine I will get after the January or April selections.  (with any luck)
Exactly what is looked at for an enhanced reliability check - I know there is a criminal background check and a credit bureau check, but is there anything else?  :cdn:
When you sign your Personel Screening Consent and Authorization From you will initial beside all the items which may be checked in the course of determining if you can be granted an ERC and/or Security Clearance.   In addition to the Criminal and Credit checks there is also Personal Data, Education, Professional Qualifications, Employment History, Character Refs etc.

If you've already signed the consent then you've signed something you didn't understand.   If you kept your copy, pull it out and have a read of it.
There's a whole list of scheduled countries out there, I believe there was a thread on it a little while back. I believe that countries on the list include ones that Canada doesn't have particularly amicable relations with, or hasn't in the recent past. (For example, I know all the countries that made up the former Soviet Union are on that list, there's a whole lot more and it's always changing, so if you really want to know what they are, your recruiter would probably have the most updated list.)

Hope that helps somewhat.
the reason i need one is because when i was 18 four years ago i  was charged with possesion of a controlled substance.... and u you know what the kicker is, i think within six months of that happening they changed the law and made so u only receive a fine, but dont get me wrong i take full responability for my actions
gryphon664 said:
For your Lv 3, it's much more complicated.. MUCH more complicated... CSIS comes a knocking on the doors of your neighbours, takes your friends out for coffee.. they'll know everything!

hope this helps

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I got a few questions. We've had troubles with our old neighbors (new people moved in a month or two ago) including what I guess would be called a restraining order (I never saw the legal paperwork, so I don't know if it was actually that, but I was told that a regular visitor to our neighbor's couldn't come within 100m of the house or from me or my dad, so...), and I don't exactly know the rest of my neighbors, would that be a problem? (That's what you get for living in the big bad city!) By the way, how far back to they go? I doubt people from my neighborhood 7-8 years ago will remember anything about me. Even a lot of people who lived in my neighborhood for a few years before my moving to the city don't know me!

And do they really talk to your friends? (How do they know who your friends are, anyways?) If so, would it be a problem if some of my friends are a bit on the far-left side? (A few are regular protestors) I don't hang out with anarchists bent on destroying the government or anything, but I know some people who probably aren't held in high regards by the various security/law enforcement agencies.

I haven't really had a troubled past or anything, but there's been a few snags along the way, like the neighbor thing.

Anyways, the whole security clearance thing is making me nervous, and I haven't even done anything wrong... I think? Anybody else get nervous like that?
rmc22208 said:
Since September 11th, all (repeat all) level III sec clear must now undergo the following:

Background check
Reference Check
Work History Check (past supervisors)
Neighbourhood reference check

A full fledged, field investigation will be instantiated by CSIS upon reception of the request from DMP Secur 2.  

A CSIS Intelligence Officer will personally meet with people mentionned in your application.   As I was told, by people of experience, the preferred way of meeting them is by contacting them at work, CSIS employees also work on a 9-5 schedule.

So what kind of trades would this apply too?  Is the level 3 a secret right after enhanced or is it a level of secret clearance?
MILPO said:
So what kind of trades would this apply too?   Is the level 3 a secret right after enhanced or is it a level of secret clearance?

From what I can remember (from the security clearance form) Level 1 is something like Classified (can't remember exactly), Level 2 is Secret and Level 3 is Top Secret.
I'm in the process of filling out my application for level III and where it says neighbourhood reference, does it HAVE to be someone on your street? Because I live by apartment buildings and in my whole 19 years of living there never knew anyone really well, and if I did they moved within months. I have tonnes of people in my close neighbourhood I have known for ever, but none on my specific street... So does it matter if my neighbourhood reference litterally a 20 second walk from me, but on a different street?
Frederik G said:
And do they really talk to your friends? (How do they know who your friends are, anyways?) If so, would it be a problem if some of my friends are a bit on the far-left side? (A few are regular protestors) I don't hang out with anarchists bent on destroying the government or anything, but I know some people who probably aren't held in high regards by the various security/law enforcement agencies.

I believe you may be required to disclose some of that information (although I'm not aware of the extent of your situation) ...if it is asked, it would be best to disclose, as you wouldn't want the BGI to find any hidden surprises during your background check.   If your going through a level II or III clearance, I'm sure it would be pretty thourough.   Being honest throughout the process will take you a long way.
What positions would level 3 clearance be required for?  Just Curious? 

I am also wondering about the neighborhood part.  Since I've been in my current town- 11 years - not once have I gotten to know any neighbors - not one.  For the most part I couldn't even tell you what they look like.  So how would neighbors even remember me?  Thanks ::)
Frederik G said:
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I got a few questions. We've had troubles with our old neighbors (new people moved in a month or two ago) including what I guess would be called a restraining order (I never saw the legal paperwork, so I don't know if it was actually that, but I was told that a regular visitor to our neighbor's couldn't come within 100m of the house or from me or my dad, so...), and I don't exactly know the rest of my neighbors, would that be a problem? (That's what you get for living in the big bad city!) By the way, how far back to they go? I doubt people from my neighborhood 7-8 years ago will remember anything about me. Even a lot of people who lived in my neighborhood for a few years before my moving to the city don't know me!

And do they really talk to your friends? (How do they know who your friends are, anyways?) If so, would it be a problem if some of my friends are a bit on the far-left side? (A few are regular protestors) I don't hang out with anarchists bent on destroying the government or anything, but I know some people who probably aren't held in high regards by the various security/law enforcement agencies.

For your referances, you're required to include a referance from your neighbourhood. Just include a neighbour who you have more friendly relations with, I guess. The neighbour I put down didn't even know my name at the time, but I occassionally said hi to them in the morning if I saw them. I would think the main thing they want to know from them is how long they've known you, and if there's been anything "suspicious" happenning in the house.

If you include your friends as referances, you'd include their name, address, phone #, etc. You'd probably want to include friends that would say good things about you, and it doesn't really matter what they're political views are, the interviewers aren't really concerned with them. They're more concerned with you, and what your friends know about you.

Remember, not all trades require Level II, and even fewer require Level III.
shootergurl said:
What positions would level 3 clearance be required for? Just Curious?

Certain trades that could handle sensitive equipment/ classified material. For example, sig ops might use equipment with crypto in it, so we need a clearance to do so.

Hope that helps.
Bobby147 said:
I applied for DEO position a few months back. My security clearance is under processing....

My question is do they(CFRC) really call the three references you give????  

I called my references and they told me that nobody called them yet....


Wow since this thread has delved into every aspect of the security clearance except the one you are referring to, so I thought I would jump in.  If you were required to fill out the 330-60E form (the long one) and you are only applying for the CF then you must need a pre-enrolment security assessment because you have not lived in Canada for the last ten continuous years or you are from a scheduled country or you have relatives that live in a scheduled country.  As mentioned in some of the threads, CSIS is the agency that will contact the references you have indicated on the form.  This pre-enrolment security assessment ascertains whether or not you will be a security risk to Canada and it can take a very long time to do so it is not unusual your references have not been contacted as of yet.  You may have done something as innocent as travelled in the UK for 8 months but you still have to have the check done.


It is your responsibility to make sure that the information you provide on the form remains current because if CSIS encounters any difficulties verifying the information everything will come to a full stop.
Well, I've decided to send off an application from England, in the hopes that most of the process will be done when I get back home. Since I've been living here for about a year now, it appears that I'll have to fill out the long form for a background check. Problem is, I can't find a copy of it online, and I don't exactly live near a CF recruiter. Can anyone direct me to the form?

(On a related note, do online samples of filled out forms exist? There are a couple of fields I'm not certain on, and if I imagine that the slightest imperfection could delay my application by at least the time of two ocean crossings.)


Are you sure you can apply from there? When I first tried to apply I was out of the country, and the recruiters said I could not until I returned to Canada...don't let this keep you from trying to apply, just forewarning you that it may not pan out.

Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I'm in that situation. I had to fill out a 330-60E because I've spent a lot of time working outside of Canada. They told me it would take up to 2 years. Does that sound right?