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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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And do you know if the United States would ever be able to then draft me in the future (that is if they ever re-instated that law).    

See post further down.
Mike_NavRes said:
I have the upmost respect for all the help Kincanucks has given to this website, but wow, I think that was an honest question asked by a rookie who is new to all of this, and that didn't require such a sarcastic and mean spirited answer.   If you are so sick of questions you deem "stupid", then why even respond to them Kincanucks.   At least someone else can have a chance to answer with respect to the new guys on this website.   We want the questions to keep flowing, because even if some senior level guys think they are worthless and stupid, others such as myself my be thinking that same question in my mind.

I hope I didnt cross the line for the directors, but I believe a mature comment was needed,

Thanks for reading

Did I say it was stupid?  However, I did reread the post and I honestly didn't notice the question.  In fact I first thought it was a statement.  However, I don't need your crap or your mature comments and I certainly don't want your respect.  Next time try the PM route.

To Charlie;

It is not possible for another country to draft someone who is legally serving in the military of another country.  So I don't think you have anything to worry about.  Good Luck.
" is not possible for another country to draft someone who is legally serving in the military of another country.  So I don't think you have anything to worry about.  Good Luck."

Even Reserves?  Knew a guy in the 70s in the mo, might have been declared NEF, then went back to Italy - where he was born - and they said "Just in time, Nino!"  They got'im.  Cyprus 78/79, guys ran into Turk soldiers who were Canadian duals who went back to Turkey for a visit and...

Man, what a shock, a spoiled Cdn tourist one day, a Turkish conscript the next.  In the 70s, no less.

I have a dual citizenship with the states, and i had no problems, except the odd american joke.
kincanucks said:
Did I say it was stupid?   However, I did reread the post and I honestly didn't notice the question.   In fact I first thought it was a statement.   However, I don't need your crap or your mature comments and I certainly don't want your respect.   Next time try the PM route.

To Charlie;

It is not possible for another country to draft someone who is legally serving in the military of another country.   So I don't think you have anything to worry about.   Good Luck.

Eh, you might wanna double-check on that chief.  They wouldn't worry about tracking your ass down, no, but it's quite possible for them to draft you.  I know of several Serb-Canadians who were "drafted" during that war while serving in the CF.  Ofcourse, none of them even bothered to respond, let alone actually go and serve, but they did receive the notice.  If by some miracle the US ever instituted the draft again, the same thing could theoreticaly happen.

Now, Charlie, this is a bit of a silly thing to worry about.  The US isn't going to bring back the draft, and even if they did it would more than likely be based on the same system as the vietnam-era draft, which means there's a good chance your name would never get picked.
And even if you did get drafted, what the heck is wrong with actually showing up and doing your duty?

Accept the responsibility, or relinquish your citizenship.

TCBF - I think the idea is that you are already doing your duty to the one country  (ie serving canada).  But I appreciate your moral ideal... its just that people do not think about moral ideals anymore. They think about what would be best for them.

But thats another topic.
Hi everyone,

Well, I got a little story pertaining to being a dual citizen, namely swiss and Canadian. I went to Switzerland in 03 because I spent my early years there and wanted to check out learning opportunities. Since my stay was undetermined length I registered with an address with some family. So about a couple of weeks after I was there I got a letter to  go for a three day selection process to determine my suitably for the army! ;D
So I got entered to serve the country last July for 18 weeks leading horses through mountains. lol So my temporay job experience turned into an army experience! Was pretty neat, except the fact that my finaces hurt , about 40 bucks a day minus tax and other stuff.
Yeah so if journeying to your other country you are part of, definitely check out their service policy.

One question though while I'm at it. I am back in Canada now and want to apply to the Forces. Anyone know if theres any penalty aside having the pre security check done for having been in a foreign army?

Later All  :salute:
I don't think you will have any trouble with your Swiss Army experience.

How did you like the SG 552? Or whatever.

Do you still have to qual on the range once a year?  The Swiss in Edmonton use the Spruce Grove Gun Club for that.  I think the consulate brings in a container load of ammo once a year.

Swiss Trooper, any good contacts you could use to get more info on this?

I went into the Recruting office and the recruiting officer gave me a application, he said that I have to have 2 references knowing each atleast 5 years.  Problem is that I can't find anyone Iv known for 5 years accept friends and family which i was told I can not use.  I tryed to call the recruiting officer at 310-ARMY  but the number is not in use, i called the operator and she can't find a number either.  I don't have much time to go down to the recruiting office.  Does anyone know what I can use for references.  The recruting office is in Calgary at the Mewata armouries.  Im applying for the army reserves.

Thanks alot
You can use teachers, employers, etc as references. Contact number for the CFRC in Calgary is
CFRC Calgary
Suite 245, 220-4th Ave SE
Calgary, AB
T2G 4X3

Phone : (403) 974-2920
Fax : (403) 974-2896

Email : calgary@recruiting.dnd.ca

Hey Cpl Bloggins or anyone else....I noticed that you registered in Oct 30th, 2003 and you have 2 years military experience. How many times do they check your security clearance or references. Is it something that has to be continuously reviewed regardless of military experience ?. Wish I could help you with your question but I'm just applying right now thats why I'm asking. Thanks    :cdn:
Depending on the level of clearance granted, it is updated at 5 years or 10 years.  Your file can also be reviewed outside these time periods "for cause".
I had to fill out the long form too for the same reason.  Just make sure you keep checking with your CFRC once you submit it.  They lost mine twice which really delayed the process.  I applied almost 2 years ago and I am still waiting.  :(
They lost it....ahhh thats not cool. I'm not looking forward to that part of the process of enrolment. However, it is understandable considering the mounds of files they have and have to update. 2 years is a real long time though, sorry to hear that. Is that long form your speaking of the same as the application process form. Cheers  :cdn:
It is the long security clearance form.  I was out of the country for over a year so they said I had to fill in the long form which could take up to 6 months to process.    I applied in August of 03 and it finally came back in March 05.  So, now I am just waiting for them to finish up with my file and get me on the merit list.  Hopefully that will happen soon. 
Is it because you went to a country longer than 6 months that has security sensitivity issues with Canada ? Anyways.....hang in there. Im sure you will be merit listed soon.  :cdn: