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Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

  • Thread starter Thread starter gokul
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OK i actually have some useful info for you as i was permanent resident trying to enlist in the CF from another commonwealth country with previous military service. i was told the following it may have changed but i don`t think so.

reserves - i was told min of 5 years in the country (keep in mind you only need 3 for citizenship 1094 days combined)
Reg F - Canadian citizens only, even with the possibility of the citizenship waver program which may or may not still exist for skilled members, keep in mind i was ex military prior to even considering enlistment and was outright told no.

clearance issues - you have to provide 10 years of residence and employment details and have personnel references for people that have known you for at least 3 years if you don`t have that may take even longer. make copies of absolutely everything and even from criminal history checks that will need to be do, they will get lost or misplaced.

any other questions i`ll  see what i remember from all my issues prior to enlistment
Hate to say it but you will have to endure the lengthy immigration process.

Plain infantryman (none of our infantry are plain BTW) does not count as a special skill.

By that they mean doctors, nurses, and highly technical trades. Those are the ones who, if they are perm. residents, may be enrolled under special circumstances.

From a recruiting stand point and what you have just provided, which is very little, you will NOT get into the CF, RegF or PRes PERIOD.

This is from a former recruiter.
If you are still thinking about joining the CF, you should either go to your local recruiting detachment/centre or get online and chat with one of the internet recruiters.  Make an application stressing your previous skills (provide documents if you have them to confirm your former service record with the US) and say you wish to be evaluated as a skilled applicant.

You never get what you don't ask for.

I just got my permanent resident after living in Canada for almost 7 years (I know eh). I have always wanted to join the Army. I am a third year computer science student at the University of Toronto. Now I read on the Canadian Forces recruiting site that a permanent resident will only be granted enrolment if the "Canadian Forces have need of their skill, when the position cannot be filled by a Canadian citizen, and if the national interest would not be prejudiced". Under my situation, considering my skill set as a Computer Scientist, do I have a fighting chance of joining the Army? I would like to join the Army Reserves; part-time. I don't know if this is the right place to ask the questions but I figured I'd rather start here than go to the recruiting centre.

Any suggestions?

deelaws said:
Any suggestions?

Suggestion #1:

Go talk to your local Recruiting Centre.  They will have the most up to date information applicable to a local recruitment into the Reserves.

Suggestion #2:

Ditch the "Rambo" sig.
deelaws said:
What's wrong with rambo? He's my Hero

Nothing wrong with that. But, when you tell adults that your superhero is a cartoon character, they might will not take anything you say seriously.
After meeting some of the brave, strong men and women that serve in the CF....Rambo looks like a sissy  :nod:

Best of luck to you Deelaws, hope everything works out for you  :salute:
As a Computer Science major you do not hold a skill that we have difficulty finding from Canadian Citizens. If you were a Medical Specialist or a Mlitary Pilot then we would look at your status. Unfortunatly we have lots of people applying with computer skills.

Get your citizenship and we'd be glad to take an application.
FDO said:
As a Computer Science major you do not hold a skill that we have difficulty finding from Canadian Citizens. If you were a Medical Specialist or a Mlitary Pilot then we would look at your status. Unfortunatly we have lots of people applying with computer skills. .

Are you serious? That doesn't sound real because computer science has one of the lowest enrolment among all of the top programs among all universities. Very few people are majoring or specialising in that discipline compared to simple engineering.
deelaws said:
Are you serious? That doesn't sound real because computer science has one of the lowest enrolment among all of the top programs among all universities. Very few people are majoring or specialising in that discipline compared to simple engineering.

Yes, I an assure you that he is indeed quite serious. Sufficient quantities of those "very few" people majoring in Comp Sci are joining the Forces to meet our needs. This is in part because we, as an organization, do not typically have much of our software development and programming done by our officers or NCMs. Most is done either by DND's public service employees, or contracted out to companies with the needed expertise.

As for your dig against "simple" engineering, a related engineering degree is the preferred degree for many of the trades available.
I don't know about you guys, but if I remember correctly some time ago, I believe around April 2009, they actually opened up the doors for PR's as well. But only for a 3 months or so.
At that time when I went to the recruiting centre they were ready to sing me up.
I had final exam around that time so when I went back a month later I was told that it's not like that any more and that it was too much hassle for them dealing with.
Now that the citizenship process is taking double the time, if not more, I suck here. My only hope is if I can get somehow a documentation detailing for the Immigration that because of my application to the CF it would be great if they could speed up my process.

I don't know where do I have to go to get an initiative on this issue, because there clearly something could be done about it.

CF really tries my persistency.

Hedvig (is this spelled like Harry Potter's owl Hedwig?)

Immigration processes can be daunting (most of the time anyway).  Just make sure when you are given your appointment date for citizenship test, you be there.  Request for another date can mean months of delay. 

2Lt Rousseau said:
You're right.

Citizens of another country who have landed immigrant (Permanent Resident) status in Canada may also be considered for enrolment.

The thing is that your security verification during the enrolment process is going to be much longer because they are going to check everything x 2. Your Life here in Canada and your life in USA. Criminal file, where were you living, etc...

I'm a PR and completed my CFAT / Medical and Interview 21 Jul 09, I was informed during the int that my Security Clarence could take some months.  I submitted my application package in the beginning of Apr 09.

I was then informed (via a Friend in the know in Ottawa) that my clearance had come through, 23 JUL 09.

I guess it depends on your past history, how long it will take, I had served in the British Army since 16 years of age then left aged 34 got released while living in Canada and only had one job since, working security on a Cdn Mil base.
I know for a fact that a Landed Immigrant holds the rank of Capt in my unit and he's reg force.
SupersonicMax said:
I know for a fact that a Landed Immigrant holds the rank of Capt in my unit and he's reg force.

So what!

Do you think that the CF will go on a "Witch Hunt" everytime a policy changes? 

Perhaps you should also think of/remember the clause that "if a Canadian can not fill the criteria" then allowances are made.

Your point is moot.
This will be my last entry on this topic. We've beat it to death. However to let everyone know we did a lot of back peddling and apologising when our headquarters directed us to stop processing Permanent Residents. To say this bit us in the A** would be an understatement. I have spent many hours with irate people in my office and on the phone over this. We were told the reason for the turn around was based on the Presecurity issue. If you have been in the country less than 10 years then it could take almost 2 years to do a background check on you plus you need a minimum of 5 years to get a level 1 security clearance. In that time you could get your citizenship. Add to that the problems we would have and the explaining we would have to do if we said that there are no jobs in the CF for citizens because non-citizens have the jobs. I shudder to think of the riots that would cause. I'm not saying it's right I'm saying its a real concern.

Very simply if you want to join the CF we'd be glad to have you. Our policy is to not turn away any Canadian Citizen who meets our entry requirements and we have a position for. No amount of complaining here is going to get it changed. That's what Members of Parliament are for.
forces.ca needs to be updated with this. The waiver is still posted there.

Man, I wanted to fly upon landing! :warstory:
CoolEJ said:
forces.ca needs to be updated with this. The waiver is still posted there.

Man, I wanted to fly upon landing! :warstory:

Where exactly are you finding this waiver? I just went and looked for it and couldn't find it ...

I DID however find the FAQ and the "How to Join" sections, both of which state immediately off the bat that you must be a Canadian Citizen to join.