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Everyday training


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What kind of physical training do you do everyday being in the infantry?
I tryed doing a search, but i couldn't really find what i was looking for. What i'm looking is what you do everyday like when u roll out of the bed say you do x amount of push ups, x amount on sit ups, x kilometers of running and that sort of thing. If that makes it any more clear. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Jagd said:
I tryed doing a search, but i couldn't really find what i was looking for. What i'm looking is what you do everyday like when u roll out of the bed say you do x amount of push ups, x amount on sit ups, x kilometers of running and that sort of thing. If that makes it any more clear. Any feedback would be appreciated.

It's never the same. Just be ready to do your best, and then some.
roughly, figure about 10 km in about 40 mins every morning, 100-200 push-ups & sit-ups, 21 pull-ups/chin-ups. One day a week, you'll hump a ruck about 55 - 65 lbs for about 10km. That answer it for you?
He said for average Paracowboy, not what you're capable of  ;)
Is he serious, that much?? Everyday? I expected it to be hard but I guess i'm gonna have to do a little more training then i thought before I join.
I ain't braggin' or anything. That's basically what we did in 3 RCR for PT. Doug or excoelis can back me up here. Not everyone could run like an antelope, and not everyone could bench-press a Volvo, but that was essentially the week's PT. It's not much different here in 3VP.

Don't get your panties in a twist about having to show up and run 100 kms, then pump off 2000 push-ups. You'll get built up to it. The calisthenics are done in sets of 25, with a 30-60 second break between sets. The standard in the Para Coy was 10 km in 40 mins. You didn't always do it in that time, sometimes, you stretched it out to 50 or even an hour. Sometimes you only ran 8 km. Same with humpin'.

Don't start thinking "Ohmigod! I'll nver make that!" Start thinking "Holy crap! I'm gonna be built like a Greek god! Chicks are gonna dig me!" (It may not be true, but it will help keep you focused.) Relax, kiddo. The Army can be a lot of fun, No matter how much I grumble and complain, I'm still here, ain't I?
Well that's a lot of PT but that's probably be neccesary isn't it?!

well i suppose you'll get other occasion,else than chick idggin you, togain advantage of your new greek god body  right? :cdn:
I'm looking forward to all of the physical fitness training. I'm more concerned about being able to do all of the physical portions of BMQ and SQ with very few problems, so what I'm doing is sticking to a regular fitness routine. I do a 5k run 3-4 times a week, 3 sets of pushups to failure, same with situps, as well I'm adding in some weight training.
Well I'll give you some personal experience from my BMQ FutureTrooper...

Basically get as prepared as you can, but the staff will find a weak spot in you and exploit it... or it will naturally come out during PT and glare infront of them :)

Personally I suck at running, I know this... so on the runs I had trouble keeping tight in the pack, and the 1.5 mile my time always sucked...

Pushups were average until I popped my shoulder out again :p

But situps I could knock off 80 before the timer ran out...

I saw guys there that obviously had worked out often, large biceps and the look of a regular weight trainer.... but they still fell out on some PT exercises, or you would look over and see them down in the rest position while everyone else was bashing on.

Basically just go in and give all you got, if you can't get that 25th pushup right away, you will probably get it the next morning.

Thanx for all the help. I'm starting to do a regular workout now, i can do lots of pushups and situps and 7 chinups, i guess the biggest thing i'll have to work on is the running, but right now i'm play 8 games of soccer a week, so that will do for now. I've got a year and a little before i'm even eligable for service, so that will leave lots of time for training, and convincing my parents lol.
Jagd said:
Thanx for all the help. I'm starting to do a regular workout now, i can do lots of pushups and situps and 7 chinups, i guess the biggest thing i'll have to work on is the running, but right now i'm play 8 games of soccer a week, so that will do for now. I've got a year and a little before i'm even eligable for service, so that will leave lots of time for training, and convincing my parents lol.
don't forget to take time to be a kid. Do stupid shit and get yourself in trouble. Chase girls. Study. Hang out with your buds. You don't get to be a kid forever (unless you go infantry). Enjoy this time, it goes by very quickly.
O don't worry about that, i get into enough trouble as it is, getting into shape just helps you not get caught as easy!
Finally, a thread from a younger guy, that didn't have his question answered with a dozen ' If your in doubt don't join' replys.
Thankyou Paracowboy!!