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Hey im in the infantry reserves and our excercises are never more than a weekend .i was wondering how long are the reg force excercises?Infantry or armoured.thanks
Well, not Reg Force related, but we have CAC, Concentration, Milcon, Maple Lightning, whatever it‘s called this week. It‘s approx. a 7 - 10 day long Brigade ex. held in August. That‘s 31 Brigade, may differ in other Brigades.

Other Ex‘s like Southern Drive in the States, approx. 1 week long.

Week + long ex‘s seem far and few between in the Reserves. Once in awhile an ex will turn up were we have the opportunity to train with the Regs...typically a week long again.
Same with here. We usually have one week-long ex in 39 CBG (B.C.) and 41 CBG (Alberta) usually comes along. It‘s called Cougar Salvo, and it‘s usually held in the Spring in Ft. Lewis, WA. We didn‘t have one last year, but I‘m told there will be one this year.
31 Bridgae is starting more combined ex‘s. Last years Summer ex was combined, most of the Bridage was there. But all the Combat Arms pretty much ended up as Infantry or as targets for the Infantry. So, combined Arms so far from what I have seen, don‘t work, and that really disapoints me. We have one this weekend, so we will see what this turns out to be like...
Our exercises can be anywhere from 1 day (or night) to over 6 weeks. Our brigade (2) has an Ex in Wainright this spring that starts after March break and ends in mid May. Lets just call it RV 03‘. An Exercise doesn‘t have to be long to be good though. Some of the best ones are the short ones. A typical "annual" Reg ex lasts about 3 weeks. For example the spring, fall, or winter ex.
And how many ex‘s does the reg force infantry or armour get a year?
It is usually sheduled in the yearly traing guide however factors contributing to the # is budget $$$
about 1-3 a month but it depends on traing cycles and taskings so one soldier would be on all exercises and one soldier may only be on 1 if he is tasked away from the batallion.
Other Ex‘s like Southern Drive in the States, approx. 1 week long.
I heard that this years Southern Drive has been cancelled due to lack of funds, any truth to this?

I have also hear that this year‘s CAC will be a live fire ex. from more than one person.

Our exercises can be anywhere from 1 day (or night) to over 6 weeks.
*shudders at the thought of a SIX WEEK ex.* :eek:

Tyler, this year‘s southern drive will be devoted towards the training of the roto 13 (reserve) personal. I‘m not sure if non-roto 13 guys will be included in the training but i can see it happening. Maybe acting as enemy force or some kind of force on force deal.

If their going to have a live fire cac excersise you can bet it will be 2 days of live fire with 5 or 6 days of trainign towards it. I remember for one cac excersise the FTX plan was to fight our way to a river and do a live fire river crossing with support elements (C6/mortars) firing OVER the river (over the heads of the troops below) and the assault teams taking rafts across then assaulting the other side).
I had heard several rumours, mostly on this site, regarding the strange disappearance of Southern Drive for the 2002/03 training year.

This past weekend, the CO of my BMQ course straightened things out for us, on this matter.

Apparently attendance for past summer ex‘s hasn‘t been that good in LFCA (or was it just the brigade? can‘t recall). The new general decided that in order to encourage more people to attend the summer ex, which is held in Petawawa, the Southern Drive ex would be cancelled.

This way, those full-time workies (like me) who only get 2 weeks vacation a year (not like me) won‘t use up all their vacation time before the August ex. The students who are in get screwed, as they get March break off anyway. Oh well, off to Spring Break in Florida for them I guess! Quite a blow, I‘m sure!

In fact, for this reason, we are doing three weekends of SQ at the end of our BMQ course. This way, when the SQ summer course comes along, it will be shorter, ensuring that we are trained up to the level necessary for us on BMQ right now to be able to participate in the big ex this summer.

You heard it here first...
Which part of SQ are you be doing?

The support weapon stuff or section attacks?
Portcullisguy Im pretty sure your CO was incorrect. All the information i‘m getting is the march training excersise is devoted to roto 13. It came right from our chain of command and we have the dates for it.

Southern drive isn‘t ‘just for the troops‘. If an infantry section can do advanced to contact at platoon level level in their home town, they can do it at brigade level 1000 miles away. One of the main reasons for these large ex‘s is to train the officers and admin/logistical peoples. This gets them used to working in a bigger organization and helps them iron out the bugs.