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Experiences with Shaving. >:-(

Journeyman said:
I've been using one of them since last fall, and I have yet to cut myself....(I just jinxed myself, didn't I?)
Why am I not in the least surprised that you shave your legs?



Don't let these fools making fun of you bother you, Baker. At least you can still shave when you want. The doctors all told me that I'm not allowed around any razor blades, as they are too sharp.
P.S: I'm speaking of facial hair here folks. Midget never has and never will shave the legs. They may look like the Black Forest, but at least it saves me money on long-john underwear.

Yup...the ole Brazillian does take your breath away....amongst other things  ;D
straight razor...go with the grain,,,,30 seconds after apply multiple applications of murcuracrome,,,
stptyp pensil,,copious dabs of toilet paper,,,yeah right...
tried all those super razors with the five blades,,,using gillette sensitive shaving cream...
just as itchy as using an electric razor....f***
so i applied neat figuiring  it would desolve the hair ...then splash off
oh right,,,during the screaming i was dosing myself with copious amount of cinnamon
whiskey...with beer chasers of course.....
shaving....just go natural what eh?
just my thoughts,,,,
i do ramble sometimes,,,
                                  best regards all...
                                          scoty b
ps cheers
Vern, your original post has made my wife's night.  She alternated between fits of laughter and wincing with sympathy pains.  :)
I am truly sorry Vern... but I haven't stopped laughing... I know I'm evil for that now... but... ah...poor you.
MedTech said:
I am truly sorry Vern... but I haven't stopped laughing... I know I'm evil for that now... but... ah...poor you.

Mother of Gawd people ... do you all actually believe that I am this incompetant and clumsy??  :-\

I do things like this when I get bored.

When it's a true story, I will say so:

True Story


I actually shaved my legs on Thursday, and will do so again tomorrow morning (yikes -- this morning egads!!).

(OH -- the story about losing half an eyebrow to an incompetant waxer was true ... frightfully so)

ArmyVern said:
Mother of Gawd people ... do you all actually believe that I am this incompetant and clumsy??  :-\
Yes.  ;D

D Squared said:
Yup...the ole Brazillian does take your breath away....amongst other things  ;D
Pics?  >:D
And now we know that Vern is going to be the Erma Bombeck of the military set, upon her retirement.....
ArmyVern said:
Mother of Gawd people ... do you all actually believe that I am this incompetant and clumsy??  :-\

I do things like this when I get bored.

When it's a true story, I will say so:

True Story


I actually shaved my legs on Thursday, and will do so again tomorrow morning (yikes -- this morning egads!!).

(OH -- the story about losing half an eyebrow to an incompetant waxer was true ... frightfully so)

Even still... you've got the gift of storytelling... between this one and the waxing one I had to leave the room at work I was laughing so hard!
Vern, this one might even top your storytelling.


Don't text while you drive. Don't shave while you drive. And definitely don't shave your privates while you drive. That's the lesson learned by a Florida woman who was charged in a crash that police say happened because she was giving herself a bikini trim while driving.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, the 37-year-old woman was rushing to meet her boyfriend in Key West and wanted to be ready for the visit.
Police say her ex-husband took the wheel from the passenger seat so the woman driver could finish shaving.

That's when her car slammed into the back of a pickup. Two people in the pickup suffered minor injuries. The woman and her ex in the car were uninjured.

"If I wasn't there, I wouldn't have believed it,” Trooper Gary Dunick told the local newspaper, The Citizen.
Police told the newspaper the woman had been convicted of drunk driving the day before and she had her licence suspended and her car was ordered impounded.

She was charged with driving with a revoked licence, reckless driving, leaving the scene of a wreck with injuries and driving with no insurance.

Unbelievable!!  What idiot drives his ex-wife to meet her boyfriend?  ;)
PMedMoe said:
Unbelievable!!  What idiot drives his ex-wife to meet her boyfriend?  ;)

And let her give herself a touch up at the same time...threesome action perhaps?

PMedMoe said:
Unbelievable!!  What idiot drives his ex-wife to meet her boyfriend?  ;)

Aww Moe, I love the innocence,..............it's her pimp of course.

And here I thought that was very, very obvious and put there for the 'nudge, nudge, wink wink' factor.
Why the heck was she not waxing instead??

A razor while driving? This could easily have turned into a horror 'piercing' story!!

I can see the text message that she sent immediately afterwards while still driving with her revoked licence in order to get enough up the road to switch seats out with the training husband ...

"OMFG!! Txt 911 2 yall ... NE1 no if there b 24/7 KMart @ my loc?  Wuz vajazzling with razr not wax - despr8ly need nu jewelry b4 I get to nxt d8!!"

I'm glad to know there are far stupider people out there than I ... I am now off to test out this new "vajazzling" thingy wondering if model glue would be conducive to making the vajazzle last longer?

I'll report back my findings.