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Extremely disturbing news.....


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Boy, 8, used BBQ fork to kill dog: SPCA

CBC News
An eight-year-old boy in central Newfoundland has admitted to using a barbecue fork to beat a neighbour's dog to death, in an incident that the SPCA said is exceptionally disturbing.

The boy, a resident of Stoneville, admitted to killing the dog after his neighbours found their pet Pomeranian dead on the morning of June 4.

The owner suspected the small dog had been attacked, as there was blood on its face. The family, shocked and disturbed by the pet's death, buried the dog without examining further.

Bonnie Harris, who manages the SPCA in Gander, said when neighbours heard about the dog's death, the truth was revealed.

"One neighbour in particular realized what she had seen the night before was a young child, out with a red-handled instrument, she didn't know what it was, swinging it at the ground," Harris told CBC News.

"She couldn't see the dog, but she could see the child with the instrument, just banging it on the ground, she thought."

The eight-year-old later admitted to killing the dog, and revealed that the red-handled instrument was a large barbecue fork.

More on link

It states that Child Youth and Family Services and the RCMP are involved but no charges will be laid.  I certainly hope this kid gets some help very quickly and that an eye is kept on him by the authorities, the community and particularly, his parents.

Extremely disturbing.

Link from CBC news with more info:  http://www.cbc.ca/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2010/06/14/dog-killed-bbq-fork-614.html
PMedMoe said:
.... I certainly hope this kid gets some help very quickly and that an eye is kept on him by the authorities, the community and particularly, his parents.  Extremely disturbing.
Agreed on both counts - it doesn't bode well for the child's future if he's doing this sort of thing at this age and nothing is done now.
Was it not Dalmer that started out this way?

anyway, from what I have read, it is an indication of greater problems....like others, I hope he gets help.

mind......yappy little Pomeranians......oh, the urge..... :)
Torturing small animals is a significant sign of serious problems for a child.

GAP, when you referenced Dalhmer, I believe you were thinking along the lines of the 12 characteristics most often found in serial killers they are as follows:

The majority are single, white males. However, there are several recorded cases of non-Caucasian serial killers, such as Wayne Williams, Timothy Spencer, Charles Ng, Angel Maturino Reséndiz, Richard Ramirez, George Russell,[10] and serial snipers John Muhammad and Lee Malvo.[11]
They are often intelligent, with IQs in the "above normal" range.
Despite their high IQs, they have trouble holding down jobs, and often work menial jobs.
They tend to come from unstable families.
As children, they are typically abandoned by their fathers and raised by domineering mothers.
Their families often have criminal, psychiatric and alcoholic histories.
They were often abused — emotionally, physically and/or sexually — by a family member.
They have high rates of suicide attempts.
From an early age, many are intensely interested in voyeurism, fetishism, and sadomasochistic pornography.
More than 60 percent wet their beds beyond the age of 12.
Many are fascinated with fire starting.
They are involved in sadistic activity or torturing small animals.

Now, those characteristics are easily found on the net, wikipedia for the above, but remember do not read these and think that it is a blanket approach. I a close friend of mine has 11 of them and she identified that while doing a project and she is quite well adjusted, other than being married into the navy  :P
gunnars said:
a close friend of mine has 11 of them and she identified that while doing a project and she is quite well adjusted...

Is she hot ??  ;)

I wonder if anyone asked him why? or how the hell he could do that to a poor defenceless animal? Sick little bastard, can't imagine what I would do if that were my kid......no matter what, it wouldn't be pretty.
One of the articles stated that there had been problems with this kid (pulling up flowers, throwing rocks at other children) but not (seemingly) of this magnitude.  I wonder if some other kids will come forward with stories of bullying, etc?

As far as asking him why, he'd probably say "I just felt like it" or "I wanted to see how it felt".
Clearly, the chlorine pump for the gene pool is on the fritz again.