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F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

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AFA: Eglin’s trainer F-35s could fly in coming weeks

By John Reed Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 4:58 pm
Posted in Air, International, Policy

ORLANDO — After sitting on the ground at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida for months, the Pentagon’s fleet of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter training jets could beging flying in a matter of weeks, the Air Force’s top training officer said Thursday.

“We’re not certainly talking months away at this point, it’s a matter of weeks in my mind and we’ll see how all that comes together,” said Gen. Edward Rice, commander of Air Education and Training Command, during a press conference at the Air Force Association’s winter conference here.

Read more: http://www.dodbuzz.com/2012/02/23/afa-winter-eglin-f-35s-could-fly-in-weeks/#ixzz1nJpBoLbg
Turkey plans on buying 100 F-35
ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

Turkey will proceed with its plan to acquire dozens of F-35 fighter jets worth $16 billion, says the Turkish Defense Minister. Many partner countries of the international F-35 consortium have reneged on their purchasing plans

Turkey is planning to purchase 100 multi-purpose F-35 jet fighters worth $16 billion, Turkish Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz has said, according to daily Milliyet.

Colin P said:
I think you have hit the nail on the head with this.

blah.. blah... (HMCS Bonaventure II anyone?)  ;D

...and more blah... blah.

Yes please  :D
Next up  . . . Korea.

Quote from: Colin P on February 17, 2012, 10:02:40

    I think you have hit the nail on the head with this.

    blah.. blah... (HMCS Bonaventure II anyone?)  ;D

    ...and more blah... blah.

Don't the English have spare ones?

news that CBC and all their buddies in the desperation media  will be sure to tell Canadians.

F-35 Surpasses 2011 Testing Goals (So Where Are All The News Stories?) Loren B. Thompson, Ph.D. Nov 21, 2011


"Aviation Week & Space Technology reports today that the nation's biggest weapons development program has surpassed its testing goals for calendar year 2011, and is on track to do the same in 2012. The goal for 2011 was 872 flight tests, and as of last Thursday [17 Nov 2011], 875 had been completed.....
Very good summary . . .  sure to be reported by the usual cadre of MSM'ers.


Seems they have found their Systems Engineering gene and gone back to some unglamorous basics.

Associate Minister Fantino's latest in Question Period here and here - a bit of a message add-on (highlights mine) to previous messaging in the House:
The Royal Canadian Air Force plays an important role in protecting our sovereignty and defending our interests at home and abroad. Canada's CF-18s are nearing the end of their usable lives. A contract has not been signed as yet for the replacement aircraft. We have set a budget for replacement. We have been clear that we will operate within that budget. We will make sure that the air force has the aircraft necessary to do the job we ask of it .... all I can say repeatedly is that we are engaged with all of our partners on this particular issue. No contracts have been signed. We will do the best we can for our men and women in the military, as well as Canadian taxpayers.
The latest answers on the F-35 from the Minister of Defence focus on who's asking the question:
Mr. Speaker, that is more of the daily diatribe against the interests of the Canadian Forces and their families and against the interests of the aerospace industry. I do not know why the New Democratic Party continually demonstrates that it is so out of touch with our country's defence needs. That member, among all members present, should know that this is the only fifth generation aircraft available to the Royal Canadian Air Force. This is the plane that Canada needs now and into the future .... Canada and the associate minister are showing leadership on this issue. We are meeting with the partners and with the industry. What we do know, and the Minister of Justice has reminded me, is that the New Democratic Party is against efforts to send a strong signal to those who would violate the justice system. That party is against the development of the energy sector, the aerospace sector and definitely against the interests of the Royal Canadian Air Force. It is against development. That party is the no defence, no deterrents, no development party. That is what we see time and time again in the House.
NDP MPs Matthew Kellway and Christine Moore are holding a news conference Friday on Canada's F-35 purchase as Associate Minister of Defence Julian Fantino attends meetings in Washington.

The NDP has been critical of Canada's plans to buy up to 65 F-35 fighter jets to replace the country's aging CF-18 planes ....
CBC.ca, 2 Mar 12
milnews.ca said:

Let's see...now I'm only guessing here...

"Blah blah blah too expensive...blah blah blah first strike....blah blah one engine....blah blah blah other countries cancelling orders....."

On a more serious note, I'm wondering what will come out of these meetings and whether the government will stay on its current acquisition path or whether they'll be considering other options, which, IMHO, are limited to the Super Hornet and/or Silent Eagle, both made by Boeing.  Or perhaps a combination of airframes...
If the NDP seriously supported outright that we should be buying the superHornet and that they would as a party approve of buying 65+ airframes, then I would listen to them. But I know that if the government cancelled the F-35 right now and switched to SH's , the NDP will find another stick about the purchase to beat the CPC with. Because for the NDP  buying fighter aircraft is not a cncern, just beating the government is the important end result.
WingsofFury said:
Let's see...now I'm only guessing here...

"Blah blah blah too expensive...blah blah blah first strike....blah blah one engine....blah blah blah other countries cancelling orders....."
Colin P said:
If the NDP seriously supported outright that we should be buying the superHornet and that they would as a party approve of buying 65+ airframes, then I would listen to them.
Only a bit of the above (in yellow) on this one - "open and transparent process" is the main messaging card being played:
As Conservative Associate Minister of Defence Julian Fantino meets with F-35 purchasing partners in Washington, the NDP is pressing the Conservatives to adopt a plan B. New Democrats are demanding an open and transparent tender process so the air force can obtain aircraft that meet Canada’s needs.

“Our partners are concerned about delays in deliveries, skyrocketing costs and the poor performance of these planes. This is why they have a plan B,” said Christine Moore, Critic for Military Procurement. “The Conservatives must follow suit with our allies instead of hiding the details from Canadians on this issue.”

“The Conservatives must be transparent and answer Canadians about what exactly the Conservatives are talking about in Washington,” said Matthew Kellway, Deputy Critic for Military Procurement. “The Conservatives shouldn’t be giving a blank cheque to Lockheed Martin before they know the real costs of the F-35s.”

For months, New Democrats have been demanding the Conservatives launch an open and transparent tender process to replace the aging CF-18 fleet. Restarting the procurement process is the only way to ensure Canada will acquire the best aircraft for our needs at the best price.
NDP Info-machine, 2 Mar 12
1)  The Info-machine's summary of today's meeting:
The Honourable Julian Fantino, Canada’s Associate Minister of National Defence, received his latest update regarding the continued progress of the multinational Joint Strike Fighter Program during a successful meeting with program partners.

“The Royal Canadian Air Force plays an important role in protecting our sovereignty, and defending our interests at home and abroad,” said Minister Fantino. “Canada’s CF-18s are nearing the end of their usable lives, and we will ensure Canada’s Air Force is properly equipped for the job we ask of them.”

Canada’s involvement in the Joint Strike Fighter Program began in 1997. The Government of Canada regularly receives updates and participates in routine discussions with our allies regarding the developmental Joint Strike Fighter Program that has already resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts for a Canadian industry that employs 80,000 Canadians. Canadian workers are helping to build the F-35 for Canada and our allies.

"The perspective gained from discussions with our allies and industry partners, including the Joint Program Office and Lockheed Martin, has been valuable," said Minister Fantino. “While good progress continues to be made, we will always be vigilant with our stewardship of taxpayers’ hard earned dollars. Canada has set a budget for replacement aircraft and we have been clear that we will operate within that budget."

The multinational Joint Strike Fighter Program represents a new model for international cooperation. Regular discussions between Minister Fantino and his counterparts led to agreement that multilateral updates add purpose over bilateral discussions and updates.

“We are demonstrating leadership to improve how Canada and our allies approach multinational development initiatives,” said Minister Fantino. “

We agree that similar meetings will help improve mutual understanding and collaboration to protect international stability from threats to security and human rights.”

2)  MSM quotes U.S. General saying other military leaders (including Canada's) are on board for the buy:
Declining orders for Lockheed Martin Corp (Dusseldorf: 351011.DU - news) 's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter from Washington's international partners reflect economic pressures in those countries, not a lack of commitment to the multinational program, the top U.S. Air Force general said on Tuesday.

Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz said military leaders in Canada, Australia, Turkey, Italy and other countries helping to develop the new fighter plane have told him they remain committed to buying the stealthy new fighter "as soon as their economic circumstances permit."

"It should not be read as a diminished commitment to pursuing this capability over the longer term," Schwartz told a hearing by the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee on the fiscal 2013 budget request from the Air Force.

Canada is hosting a meeting of the international partners at its embassy in Washington on Friday to get an update about the program and what effect Washington's plans to postpone orders for 179 F-35 jets for five years will have on the jet's price.

Washington insists it still plans to buy 2,443 of the new planes at a cost of $382 billion over the next two decades ....
Some of the comments are amusing as well:


Top Gun 2 will rock the F-35, Tom Burbage says

By Stephen Trimble on March 1, 2012 7:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (49) | TrackBacks (0) |ShareThis
Maverick is becoming an F-35 test pilot.

It's true.

Tom Burbage, the Lockheed Martin F-35 programme manager, showed up at a National Aeronautics Association luncheon today and dropped a bombshell of a Hollywood scoop. Sure, there was talk about schedules and budgets, partners and politics, software blocks and carrier hooks. But we'll get to that later.

The big news from Burbage's speech involves Top Gun 2, the long-not-quite-awaited-but-certainly-delayed sequel of the 1986 fighter jock classic.

Tom Cruise, of course, confirmed back in December that the sequel is coming, but nobody - not even IMDB (we checked) - knows the full story. 

But Burbage does. Lockheed's Fort Worth, Texas, factory and flight test center will host production crew in the "next month or so" to start filming, Burbage told the NAA luncheon crowd.

Burbage also confirmed that Cruise will not just make a cameo; he will be the star, and he is playing the role of a Lockheed F-35 test pilot!

Potential plot twists fill our heads.

There will be no need to resurrect Goose, as the F-35 is a single-seater. With the Libyan air force in smouldering ruins, there will also be no need to stage another improbable yet inspiring combat scenario. Indeed, as a test pilot, it's not clear how the movie's writers can weave Maverick into a combat situation.

Maybe we've been covering the industry too long, but our perfect plot for Top Gun 2 has no combat sequences at all. Instead, it goes like this:

Maverick is a test pilot struggling to keep the flight test programme on schedule, even though his better judgment is sometimes compromised by a lifelong, paralyzing fear of vertical landings. Maverick almost throws in the towel after his favourite knee board/test card holder is destroyed in an unfortunate lift fan malfunction. Meanwhile, the programme's enemies, led by the snearing Bill "Iceman" Sweetman and Karlo "Slider" Kopp, take advantage of Maverick's absence to nearly bury the programme in a wave of seemingly overwhelming blog attacks. That's when Maverick's love interest - a Texas congresswoman strategically placed on the AirLand subcommittee -  intervenes. She gives Maverick her father's last knee board (er, her father was also a test pilot ... just go with it) and literally pushes him back into the cockpit. Maverick straps on the knee board, takes the Block 3 software build out for a spin, hits every test point and - for the finale - lands vertically right on top of Aviation Week's building in downtown Washington DC. And that's when Kenny Loggins starts singing.
Not much.  Larded up with excessive use of pejorative adjectives and the usual drive by innuendos & smears.

The JSF Programis a complex system of aircraft types and systems that is still in the early/mid Test & Evaluation program stages. 

Issues are supposed to come up.  That's what testing is for. 

It is interesting to compare this programme to both the Bradley and Abrams programmes.

In all three cases there was a run-off to determine which supplier had a combination of the best concept and the best supply train.  In all three cases one supplier was picked to bring the project to the field.  In all three cases the whinging and moaning from the "I coulda done it better if only they had listened to me" fringe made life miserable for the project managers.

Anybody complaining about the Bradley and the Abrams now?
Kirkhill said:
Anybody complaining about the Bradley and the Abrams now?

We can all thank John Boyd and his acolytes for that. Without them, I'm not sure the Bradley would have been a good purchase.
Some news...

F-35A AF-15 First Flight

Lockheed Martin test pilot Al Norman flew the tenth production model of the F-35 Lightning II, F-35A AF-14 (Air Force serial number 09-5002), on its inaugural flight on 3 March 2012 from NAS Fort Worth JRB. The aircraft is the second produced under the third Low Rate Initial Production contract.


Norway upbeat on F-35; Florida test flight set

March 5 (Reuters) - Norway's No. 2 defense official said he was more upbeat about the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program than in a long time after visiting a test site in California last week and meeting with the eight other partners on the program.

Defense State Secretary Roger Ingebrigsten said on Monday that Norway was finalizing its plans to buy "approximately 50 fighters," but did not expect any significant cost increases to its order.
