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Families of 5 Fallen Make Trip to Kandahar

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I'm with MG34 on this one.

Security and safety issues. It's still a warzone and I think we need to remember that.  I'm all for famlies of the fallen visiting Afghanistan, I'd even throw in $100 in a donation to help BUT I think now isn't the best time. ONCE it becomes more stable, and safe, send them over. I wouldn't want my family putting themselves at risk going to Afghanistan.

You might also be surprised at how space can still be at a premium on herc flights and accomodations in KAF.

It's a great idea, I'm just iffy on the timing.
People should lighten up a little...This is not like the families did this on their own and just showed up in Kandahar - unlike a certain Liberal MP.  The trip obviously had the blessing of DND in order to get the appropriate approval and waivers, etc....

Has there been any indication of whose idea this was in the first place? 

Finally, until we all lose a loved on in battle we should not judge those who did what they felt they needed to do.

As one who just returned from KAF after 6 months, I would say that the risk at KAF is minimal and that the family members were well aware of the risk.

Let them do what they need to do to cope. 
I know CWO Girouard's wife from my time in Meaford.  I fully support her being given the opportunity to visit the country where her husband gave his life.  I sincerely hope that this helps her healing and recovery.  He was an outstanding soldier  :salute:

To those of you who disagree with this idea - have you ever had anyone die in a foreign country - did you ever have a son killed in action in a country you know nothing about - we did. We would go in a heartbeat  - we think it is a great idea - to see where he died - to touch the soil he touched - to breath the air he breathed - to look at the sky - the last thing he saw.
Families travel around the world to be with their loved ones as they die or to say farewell. We did not have that opportunity.

Albert Graham
mom of two soldiers said:
To those of you who disagree with this idea - have you ever had anyone die in a foreign country - did you ever have a son killed in action in a country you know nothing about - we did. We would go in a heartbeat  - we think it is a great idea - to see where he died - to touch the soil he touched - to breath the air he breathed - to look at the sky - the last thing he saw.
Families travel around the world to be with their loved ones as they die or to say farewell. We did not have that opportunity.

Albert Graham

Suddenly I had a vision of 1943 and wonder if you have the same opinion that the Government of the day should have followed this same policy?  Why would Family and Relations want to venture into a War Zone to see where a love one fell?  It never ceases to amaze me how utterly naive many Canadians are as to dangers in other nations and how many truly evil people there are outside of our safe little nation.
George Wallace said:
Suddenly I had a vision of 1943 and wonder if you have the same opinion that the Government of the day should have followed this same policy?  Why would Family and Relations want to venture into a War Zone to see where a love one fell?  It never ceases to amaze me how utterly naive many Canadians are as to dangers in other nations and how many truly evil people there are outside of our safe little nation.

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant some people can be.
Answer this.How many have died in KAF from enemy action?
It isnt the canteen on IFOR I know,but its still fairly stable.
1943 and now...your really gonna try and compare the two?

Take face value in the peace of mind it has brought to Mr.Graham.
Some of you people make me sick.
X-mo-1979 said:
..........,but its still fairly stable.

You and Infantry_wannabe can both fill your boots.  Your above statement is a sign of the ignorance of many. 

Yes, it was a very nice and moving gesture to escort some family members over to a War Zone, but what kind of precedence has it now set?  Who else would like to go into harms way just to have the morbid pleasure of seeing the exact spot that their loved one was killed in a War Zone?  Mr. and Mrs Graham?  I am sorry that your sensibilities are so delicate that you can't take opinions that oppose yours, but perhaps you ought to give this one a bit more thought.  Perhaps you may want to think of the administration and logistics involved in this undertaking and the security that had to be provided to bring these people to this part of the world.  Resources that had to be taken from other commitments.  Sorry, but I don't believe anyone should be put at risk to visit a "Battle site" in an existing "War Zone".  That is something that should be done after a war, just as many make pilgrimages to Europe and Asia today to visit WW I, WW II, Korean and Vietnam sites.  Now is not the time for 'family' to visit Afghanistan.

So once again, you can fill your boots.  I think you are out of line and wrong.
Mr. Wallace,

I do not believe the families went to the exact spot where their loved ones died.

Your comments, as entitled to make them as you are, in my opinion border on being "out of line".

Perhaps you should use your powers as directing staff to lock this topic before it gets out of hand.  It is obviously a topic that is very emotional and no good can come out of it.  Right or wrong, the event happened.  It was the decision of the government of the day.  Let the families deal with their losses.  Who are we to criticize?
Trip happened................very emotional subject............lets not re-open wounds that, God-willing, are starting to heal.

I'm locking this up and, unless you have something that would add some value and/or insight into this topic, don't even think of asking for it to be reopened.

I have posted, perhaps not too eloquently, as a member of the site, not Directing Staff.  It would be wrong for me to lock this topic down, because someone has been offended by my point of view or opinions or that I was offended by theirs.  This topic is a sensitive one, about a compassionate act that DND made towards a few members of the Canadian public who lost loved ones in Afghanistan.  It is a act that many of us can identify with, as there are few Serving and Retired members on this site who have not lost more than one friend and acquaintance in Afghanistan.  It is a small army.  My question is not really the act, but the timing.   I, unlike some, don't look on the situation being 'stable', but rather 'fluid' and subject to change suddenly and violently.  

As long as this Topic should remain a discussion, and not turn into a flame war or become derailed, there is no need to close it.......in my opinion.
See my post before your's George.
I locked it as I see no good that can become of this.

If you think I'm being heavy-handed you can appeal my decision to Mr. Bobbitt.
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