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Fitness test push up question


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When doing the fitness test push ups are you allowed to stop and rest in the pushup position and continue doing the rest of your push ups, say do like 17 stop for 2 secs and finish set?? Just wondering.

No. At least not when I did it. They make you do as many as you can, counting only proper form, and stop you when you reach the minimum (I was stopped at 19) or can't do any more.

Also, I did it after I had done the step test, and I found the pushups SIGNIFICANTLY more strenuous than usual. Careful not to burn out all your stamina and nerves in one go. Try going for your run and then doing as many pushups as you can. You'll notice a decrease, but it would be better practice.
no breaks, i believe you only need 19 and i dont think it matters if you do more because when i hit 40 she said "stop there,thats enough" but maybe i was breaking proper form.  when you practice at home keep your elbows at your sides and remember to breath
damn, elbows have to touch the sides. Shiat, my test is this wednesday
I had my test at the end of May and you can not stop, once you do, you're done.
My fitness tester stopped me at 30, even though I probably could have done a few more.  No pauses between, and yes the push-ips are done after the step-test and in my case, after the hand-grip.  I didn't find the push-ups that much harder, but a little more effort was required.  Just try your best.
When I did it the guy just let me go, telling me to go lower one time (he didn't count that one). He just told me to do as many as I could. I did mine right after the step test too, but found that I could do five more than I thought I could. I guess the steps warmed me up well or something   :-\

The details of how it's run may depend on who's testing you, but In the end 19 pushups is 19 pushups. Just get to a point where you can do more than 30 pushups on your own terms and there shouldn't be any possible way of failing that portion.
Make sure you ask the tester how he/she wants it done, you should try to do as many as possible.  The person who conducts your interview will look at your results.
Tracker said:
Make sure you ask the tester how he/she wants it done, you should try to do as many as possible.   The person who conducts your interview will look at your results.
Even if you do the interview first?
Hehe...my tester told me to not go so low...although he did count the ones where I went lower.
That seems a little odd that they stop your after a certain number. I thought the more push ups you could do the better chance you would have on being selected once on the merrit list. Also when i did mine only 3 people passed (including me) the fitness test out of 10, which to me seemed sort of weird. I would have thought a lot more people would have passed.
:o that is odd... or they haven't ready for the tests...
I'd imagine I was stopped because I was applying for the reserves, not the reg force. I was told at my aptitude test that those of us gunning for the reserves already had a conditional offer of enrollment, unlike our reg-force-wannabe-counterparts. It was kind of disappointing though, I'd spent the better part of a year getting ready for that test.

Oh well, you have the rest of your life to be challenged.
When I went through the process I too was told to stop after about 30 reps. I later said that I had more in the tank but was told that as long as you can meet the standard it's OK to go a bit past the minimum and stop. Now, if you are competing for a trade such as Firefighter (One of the most sought after right behind pilot I do believe) then it's wise to do reps until you drop because that may be the one thing that sets you apart from another candidate. That's what I was told.

nULL said:
I'd imagine I was stopped because I was applying for the reserves, not the reg force. I was told at my aptitude test that those of us gunning for the reserves already had a conditional offer of enrollment, unlike our reg-force-wannabe-counterparts. It was kind of disappointing though, I'd spent the better part of a year getting ready for that test.

Oh well, you have the rest of your life to be challenged.

Because you are joining the reserves should have nothing to do with it, the testing is supposed to be the same for everyone, regardless if there going Reserve or Regs.

I am in process for the reserves and I was not stopped on pushups.  I guess it depends on the tester more than anything. 
Freight_Train said:
I am in process for the reserves and I was not stopped on pushups.   I guess it depends on the tester more than anything.  

Same here, I did pushups till I dropped, was not stopped by the tester.
I have heard much to that effect...it all depends on the "tester".

When I took my PT, I did as many as I could.   The tester kept saying..ok, you have passed, ok, you have passed.   Then she realized I was not going to stop because I had hit the requirement...I had my own goal.   My goal as always..do as many as I can.

Other great advice I got...do pushups and situps all the time...if you watch TV...do them during the commercials.   My girls would watch me drop to the floor and do a few. And also, vary push-ups with sit ups...that is, do 10 push-ups and then 10 situps...you will notice that you can actually end up doing more.   Now of course, if you do this at work...people around may give you some strange looks.

Since I am on the subject of little bits of information as to fitness...since the PT involves the step test..that is exactly what I did...any place I could find steps I would do just that..step up one-two, step down.   Both feet need to rest on the top step before you descend and the same when you hit the floor.   Remember to let it flow and breath normally.   The test is based on a measure of your heart rate for each stage...so don't race ahead of the taped voice.
"That voice" nearly drove me insane... ::) "up, 2, 3, down, 2, 3" Although after a while, you find yourself stepping in time with it. Then they stop you, check your pulse, and then you get the faster version. BTW, in my test I did the situps and pushups after the step test and found them a little more difficult than usual.