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Flat Feet

  • Thread starter Thread starter silverhorse86
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It depends on your trade too, if you are infantry, you‘ll have a much shorter life expectancy I would wager then if you were mseops or something similar. By life expectancy I don‘t mean when you are going to die, I mean how long it will take before your knee gets so messed up that you will be the only soldier with a walker in the infantry.
Like i said though, you absolutely have to see about getting a very good in-sole for your boot regardless of what trade.
hello, i went to a doctor and he said that i have flat feet, its not that severe but still i have it, now im wondering since i have that, well i not be accepted in the army due to all the running and marching that happens ? and if its a no, does anyone know if that problem can be fixed?

thanks for any help, ( the reason  i ask is cause my mom talked to an ex-army man who is out due to a disability that happened to him and he said the army wont accept me cause of my problem)
I have the flattest feet in the world.
Seriously I have a certificate stating that..well no, but you get the idea.

The meds at the CFRC looked at me for a bout a half hour, called Borden, asked them, they said there was nothing to keep me out from their end. They didn't seem too worried as I'd explained i'd been playing sports for most of my life and I could handle the added stress these flatties brought on.
You can't even slide a piece of paper under my arches but they basically said it was my call.
They reccomended getting a solid pair of inserts (300$ No medical coverage for that) which I did, and that's helped.
Be warned though, your feet, knees and hips will hurt for the rest of your life most likely. Your doctor will advise you against it, that's a given, but he can't stop you, and the CFRC won't either.
But if you've got the drive and determination, they won't reject you based on that alone.
The way I look at it is in about 30 years I'll be pretty frickin crippled as a result either way, so why not join and give'r for as long as I can rather then sitting around and waiting for it to set in worse.
my grampa had flat feet and wasn't accepted in the army when world war II was happening. Things have probably changed now since it seems you can get in with flat feet now.
My grandfather had them too (Seems its somewhat hereditary?) and he got into the Royal Marines.
Of course now it takes him abot 10 minutes to get up a flight of stairs because of his knees..but he enjoyed his youth at least!

Most army's around the world reject for that but i guess it all depends on the severity of it.
Well the American recruiters for the USMC told me it was alright.
The Royal Navy's told me it's fine, but if it hampers training I'll be done.
And the CF (from experience) didn't seem to care much once i displayed it's never bothered me.
Usman_Syed said:
Most army's around the world reject for that but i guess it all depends on the severity of it.

You really got to stop making comments about everything, here and on the other forums, unless you can back them with fact. Being a 17 year old R031 private does not an expert make. ::)
recce man i can because many of my relatives in Pakinstan have tried out for there army and been rejected for it, it is a universal thing because i know the United States army does to, i do not enjoy making posts but do like to keep informaty.(dont know if thats a word)
I know guys that have flat feet, they all have orthotics and they have no problems. So go see a foot doctor (I think they're called podiatrists) and get a pair of orthotic insoles made.  They're a mirror image of your foot bed so they give you support in all the right places, I don't have a pair myself, but everyone that I've talked to says they're the cat's arse.

So to sum it up,
No problem, get yourself some insoles (they do rock) and tell them:
Or simply say that you're fine with them and that you have (will have) insoles,
Usman_Syed said:
Most army's around the world reject for that but i guess it all depends on the severity of it.
Usman_Syed said:
recce man i can because many of my relatives in Pakistan have tried out for there army and been rejected for it, it is a universal thing because i know the United States army does to, i do not enjoy making posts but do like to keep informaty.(dont know if thats a word)

Having some relatives in Pakistan not being able to join THAT army does not qualify the statement you made of most armies around the world. Unless you have specific knowledge of the recruitment medical requirements for MOST armies around the world, don't make blanket statements. If you do, post them. From the other responses, it NOT the norm. As Che stated "from experience", the US and UK don't seems to have much problem with it.
Right then Anthony,
If you have any questions about the common affliction we share don't hesitate to PM me about them.

Anothny, Che, et al,

Sorry for getting off on a tangent. We have to be able to stop rumour, innuendo and just plain wrong advice when we spot it. My apologies.
Let Anthony decide. It's his thread, if his question has been answered to his satisfaction, why not.
Well I'll give a little spiel on ye old flat feet.

For the most part they don't cause anymore immediate pain than you would find in someone with normal feet.
If your feet pronate (turn outward, like mine) you might find you wear your shoes out a little faster.
There is some very old stigma attached to people with flat feet that still keeps some militaries from letting them in, largely I believe this is based on some ancient superstition...i am researching it now, and I'll post it here when I figure it out.
But for the most part they shouldn't hold you back any more than any anything else.
short and sweet. my friends feet are so flat they use them as rulers in Ethiopia, regardless he didn't seem to have any trouble getting into the Infantry, if I remember correctly he didn't even mention them in the medical and they have not caused him any trouble since... so who cares? just go for it.... the absolute worst that could happen is that they say "thank you" give you a few bucks for transportation and send you on your way.
Inch said:
I know guys that have flat feet, they all have orthotics and they have no problems. So go see a foot doctor (I think they're called podiatrists) and get a pair of orthotic insoles made. They're a mirror image of your foot bed so they give you support in all the right places, I don't have a pair myself, but everyone that I've talked to says they're the cat's arse.


Bang on...

Problems also, if not taken care off quickly, will include knee, hip and back pain as the structure of your feet is not adequately absorbing the impact your body is taking during walking or running. Past it was easier to just not sign you into the army. Now we just get you insoles...