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food in your cadets

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Well you still can beat hay box feeding out in the field  8)

well you can

Order a Field Kitchen  :salute:
rmc_wannabe said:
Pssssh yeah, cause eating in an officers mess is hardcore ::). On that note, who really cares? i'll eat anything if it's there infront of me (be it filet Minon or a a squirell:P) corps get there food in different ways, fresh, IMPs or what have you, i'm sure in anycase it's better than starving ,so you should consider yourselves lucky you're getting a free lunch.

Kesseler, hardcore is a term that is obsolete in my opinion. If you actually wanna brag about how crappily you got it at your SQN or corp, then go ahead. This constant **** fight about who can outsuffer who is moronic.

In my experience, food is food when you're in the field. Eat it up or, if not, i'm sure there are others (myself included) that would love to take your share.  ;)
Yes, well we've all learned a lesson that sarcasm is undetectable over the internet. Now if you read properly you would see I said our survival programme is hardcore and you would see the officers mess comment was for a pilot ground school weekend, not a survival ex. Also I use the term hardcore because it was drilled into my head when I was on ITLC almost 2 years ago and I have no other term. And so you know, I wasn't really compeeting with anyone, if it came across that way either I phrased it wrong or you're high strung you can choose which reason for yourself.

And after reading what everyone else wrote I didn't mean my sqn is harcore because we eat IMPs... I was kind of going off on a different topic. I ment my sqn is hardcore when it comes to survival because of the things we do, not what we eat. I was refering to what goes on in our exs such as sitting in a hot uncomfortable trailer for 2 hours not being aloud to talk or move much more than our legs to stop them from cramping then after it's dark having flashlights shined in our eyes to ruin our night vision then being blind folded, spread out from each other within a 100 metre area then having to regroup and find our gear that they spread out in the areas, under grass, in trees etc. We would then have to proceed to make our shelters. All of this being done with enough supervision to remain safe but no actual help with any of this stuff. Now alot of people are goign to say "who really cares?" well I only consider this to be hardcore relation to several sqns and corps that spend their weekends in tents and wake up to spend the day looking for socks hidden in trees. Of course not having explained all of this I can see how some of you would be confused.
Sgt. Papke said:
Anyone have the recipe for Ranger Stew?

umm as for as i have been told it is our corp that created it. i could be wrong.  to be honest there is no recipe for ranger stew, try and figure that one out.
Kessler, the person you are replying to might know a thing or two about the air cadet survival system  ;)......ill let him tell you more.......
WO2_mandal said:
Kessler, the person you are replying to might know a thing or two about the air cadet survival system   ;)......ill let him tell you more.......

Thank you Mandal ;D. Kesseler, i'm a former Air cadet ( DUN DUN DUUUN :o) I did SI with Mandal this summer so i'm quite familiar with the ACSS. All i was saying is that yeah, hardcore is a buzz word that cadets use to make them feel more than they are (hence why i don't use it ) if you have  to make yourself superior by inducing misery in the field, have fun, i'll just be here chillin. 8)
Is ACSS still at  CFB Cold Lake? I attended the course in Athabaska Ab in the 80's then they shut down the camp and set up shop in Cold lake. I was an instructor there during it's first year.
-Hutch- said:
umm as for as i have been told it is our corp that created it. i could be wrong.    to be honest there is no recipe for ranger stew, try and figure that one out.

Ok so im gunna guess, Carrots, Peas, Celerey and Beef, lots and lots of beef
Canadian Sig said:
Is ACSS still at   CFB Cold Lake? I attended the course in Athabaska Ab in the 80's then they shut down the camp and set up shop in Cold lake. I was an instructor there during it's first year.

SI is run out of Cold Lake, Greenwood, and Baggotville.
We just have IMP's, but if we go on a trip ar something then we have fresh food.
Sgt. Papke said:
Ok so im gunna guess, Carrots, Peas, Celerey and Beef, lots and lots of beef

umm nope. i don't think there is any beef. i am not sure if there is the same things in it each time. there is one secret in it though.
-Hutch- said:
umm nope. i don't think there is any beef. i am not sure if there is the same things in it each time. there is one secret in it though.

Come on, hook another ranger up
i don't have the recipe, the only one who has it is our old CO, a certain Major i think. he is the one that always makes it for the cadets when we visit his property for the weekend.
rmc_wannabe said:
Thank you Mandal ;D. Kesseler, i'm a former Air cadet ( DUN DUN DUUUN :o) I did SI with Mandal this summer so i'm quite familiar with the ACSS. All i was saying is that yeah, hardcore is a buzz word that cadets use to make them feel more than they are (hence why i don't use it ) if you have  to make yourself superior by inducing misery in the field, have fun, i'll just be here chillin. 8)
Good for you, I wish I had enough summers left to go to SI but sadly I don't. I don't use the term hardcore to sound superior I just do because my vocabulary is rather small (if you don't count certain four letterwords) so I have no other way. And what you see as making myself miserable in the field I see it as realism... there's no tents when your airplane goes down I personally don't find being hungry and tired to make me miserable I kind of enjoy it... maybe because I don't get a lunch every second day at school and because I operate on minimal sleep on a normal basis because I'm so busy. We can discuss our different opinions on the cadet survival system in PM if you want I personally would find it interesting but that's not the topic of this thread so I would like to end this thread jacking if you don't mind.
My favorite meal at Cadets is the following.

Cannought Ranges Mess Hall and
Holt said:
My favorite meal at Cadets is the following.

Cannought Ranges Mess Hall and

my favorite mess hall food would have to be Rocky Mountain. we got awsome full meals everyday, and at the end of each week we got thick nice prime Alberta beef, i loved those steaks.