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Foreign Interest in Army.ca

- Well, whoever is reading this, I just wish they would sell us some trucks...
TCBF said:
- Well, whoever is reading this, I just wish they would sell us some trucks...

Bombardier already got rich, it's now someone elses turn.....      :rofl:
On a serious note, I well remember sitting in on a hot wash from a "Storming Bear" exercise with 2 (EW) Sqn from 1 CDHSR and what I heard was actually pretty spine tingling...they'd done psych profiling on some of the unit/sub-unit leadership based on electronic eavesdropping and were able to figure out the weak links based solely on listening in on people talking to each other, their choices of words and inflection in their voices.  Forget all the other stuff they found out because people weren't being brief, using veiled speech, etc on insecure radio and cell phone nets.  I'm sure if the exercise went on any longer, they'd have started in trying to do some Tom Foolery on the net using that information.

The spooks are out there, their's and ours...and all I have to say to them is "F&^K OFF!!"  :nod:

What!  I had a free psych eval and no one let me know.  Damn!  I wonder how I faired?
George Wallace said:
What!  I had a free psych eval and no one let me know.  Damn!  I wonder how I faired?

Quite possibly...do you still use/need your tin foil hat?


medicineman said:
What!  I had a free psych eval and no one let me know.  Damn!  I wonder how I faired?
Quite possibly...do you still use/need your tin foil hat?
I'm glad you phrased those separately - Need?  yes.  Use?  :dunno:
medicineman said:
Quite possibly...do you still use/need your tin foil hat?



If anyone needs one I got spares.......ya know.....for the apocalypse.
George Wallace said:
What!  I had a free psych eval and no one let me know.  Damn!  I wonder how I faired?

Well, if the boys in the fun white jackets didn't come get you; you must have passed.
Jim Seggie said:
If anyone needs one I got spares.......ya know.....for the apocalypse.

Wow! You guys can afford tin foil hats? Our budget has been slashed so deep we can't even afford to pay attention.
AirDet said:
Wow! You guys can afford tin foil hats? Our budget has been slashed so deep we can't even afford to pay attention.

Scavenged from cigarette packages in the smoking area.

And it takes a lot of tinfoil to cover some of these heads ;)
- I think members should continue to volunteer funds for this site, but 'Guests' should have to type in their gummint issued credit card number and pay through the nose.