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Free Documentary on YouTube - 'Home'


Jr. Member
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I volunteer at the Food Bank for my University, which leaves me a lot of time just sitting around... so I brought my computer this week and searched around for a documentary (there's lots of free ones available on the internet), and ended up finding this one called Home. It focuses on methods of agriculture and the problems we face with the environment's stability now, and what we could face in the future:


Just thought I'd post it for anyone to peruse, as I ended up watching the entire 1.5h.
If you watch it, post your thoughts, as I'm interested to hear opinions and have some healthy debate on the subject.

Lastly, I beg anyone who chooses to comment that they not devolve into arguments which may suggest that the entire thing is just environmentalists getting their undies in a knot. I personally believe that we've moved beyond that argument and it's very obvious (as proven by science and common sense) that we're going to run out of resources sooner, rather than later. However, it's your perogative to comment as you feel fit and I'm sure we'll all put some thought into it before we do. If you honestly believe that global warming is a sham, I merely ask you to provide evidence to support that.

Many thanks.  :)
You can't have full, honest debate by putting up parameters to lead the discussion in the direction you want. Just sayin'.
hold_fast said:
Lastly, I beg anyone who chooses to comment that they not devolve into arguments which may suggest that the entire thing is just environmentalists getting their undies in a knot. I personally believe that we've moved beyond that argument and it's very obvious (as proven by science and common sense) that we're going to run out of resources sooner, rather than later. However, it's your perogative to comment as you feel fit and I'm sure we'll all put some thought into it before we do. If you honestly believe that global warming is a sham, I merely ask you to provide evidence to support that.

Many thanks.  :)

I like how you quoted your opinion as fact before the debate even began. Someone needs to go look at newspapers from the 1910's, 1950's and 1970's. "World to run out of fuel by 1920! Disaster!"
God forbid that I ask for intelligent parameters to shape a debate rather than letting everyone frolic into the realm of conspiracy and hype despite scientific evidence to the contrary. God forbid, indeed.
Gotta' love some forum debates  :p

I happen to agree with the poster in the general idea that we consume resources much more rapidly than we can replace them.  The climate is changing, and with that so is the use of land available for agricultural purposes.  We consume resources faster than we can replace them, I don't think anybody can really argue that?

I'll watch it on Monday when I have nothing but spare time.