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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Reminder of what Lametti (the Justice Minister) recently said: “Well, I think if you are a member of a pro-Trump movement who’s donating hundreds of thousands of dollars and millions of dollars to this kind of thing, then you oughta be worried.”

Sometimes the sh!t just slips out. Political affiliations and leanings should not be part of the discussion.
If he had said pro Putin or pro Erdogan would that have also been a faux pas?

Just curious.
If he had said pro Putin or pro Erdogan would that have also been a faux pas?

Just curious.
He could have even said ‘pro-Jinping’ (not that the current government would even dare…it’s leader is on record saying he admires Jinping) and it would still have been wrong to say.
He could have even said ‘pro-Jinping’ (not that the current government would even dare…it’s leader is on record saying he admires Jinping) and it would still have been wrong to say.
I guess I dont have as much of a problem with mentioning outside political forces.

Its less right wing, left wing as a Canadian versus not Canadian.
I would Hazzard to guess 66% of the people who support use of the EA have no idea what it actually means and the Pandora's box that is being opened.

As usual Canadians not paying attention and instead following nice socks and empty platitudes...
The opinion of a majority/mob isn't how these things are justified, either before or after.
Justification wise, you are correct. Parliament and the courts will decide that.

But in the terms of politics? Its very relevant.
I would Hazzard to guess 66% of the people who support use of the EA have no idea what it actually means and the Pandora's box that is being opened.

As usual Canadians not paying attention and instead following nice socks and empty platitudes...
When people just want things to end they stop caring as much about how it is done.

The telling part is that people dont care if others get hurt in shutting the protest down. That's not a case of needing to know the ins and outs of the EA. It's a far more simple people getting hurt or not and the majority of people do not GAF.
I would Hazzard to guess 66% of the people who support use of the EA have no idea what it actually means and the Pandora's box that is being opened.

As usual Canadians not paying attention and instead following nice socks and empty platitudes...
Go ahead, keep on saying it. Drop the Justin Castro in there again too, for a laugh.

Then wonder why the fuck the CPC new shiny pony cratered again.

Christ, show voters a little respect.
When people just want things to end they stop caring as much about how it is done.

The telling part is that people dont care if others get hurt in shutting the protest down. That's not a case of needing to know the ins and outs of the EA. It's a far more simple people getting hurt or not and the majority of people do not GAF.
Well to be fair, they were pretty okay with burning, looting, pillaging, assaults and murders, so it's business as usual I guess.
Go ahead, keep on saying it. Drop the Justin Castro in there again too, for a laugh.

Then wonder why the fuck the CPC new shiny pony cratered again.

Christ, show voters a little respect.
Yeah, the CPC seems commited to handing Justin Trudeau as many terms as he wants.
Go ahead, keep on saying it. Drop the Justin Castro in there again too, for a laugh.

Then wonder why the fuck the CPC new shiny pony cratered again.

Christ, show voters a little respect.

Relax. People are allowed to think this is the wrong call without having to think Castro is JTs Dad.

Hell my wife just told me she agreed with it and then couldn't tell me what EA stood for or what happens when it's enacted.

Pardon me if I don't think the public took enough civics classes.
100% imagine how big his head will be after this next win!
I don't know, it's hard to get worked up when you win because the opposing team is a disaster. I think at this point they just let the CPC keep the puck around their own zone and just wait for the self goals and unforced errors. Still a W, but hardly something to feel good about your efforts.

Being not as shit as the alernative isn't really something you can put on a self help book as a sales pitch.