The new systems being purchased radio-wise are all GPS capable- some it’s a matter of infrastructure. Others it’s software or something- that’s not something I have even passing understanding of really. “Works here” vs “doesn’t work here” being the extent of it.
That capability seems comparable- but in my experience getting any reliable data off that system in any useable form isn’t. It’s either not sensitive enough- so radius is nonsense or it doesn’t work at all. I believe that’s how Lenaitch is looking at it- purely from that GPS function. Which tracking units and placing them on a map is indeed a tracker of a sort- ops wise it’s pretty archaic.
The individual device system is easier and more intuitive and reliable

The errors being the cops using them in most cases.
There are some challenges- like organizing intelligent groups that’s are useful, and getting people used to the features, or unsurprisingly, expectations of charging and carrying the platform.