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thanks for some reason the pics would not open on my comp at work!!!!!!!!

Happy to meet, Sorry to part.....

Come one come all you brothers.  The sands of time are but a few grains away before my bag of goods fade into time lost...




When I was at IAP, one of my divisionmates was a mason, I asked him because I recognized the masonic symbols from my great-grandfather's initiation scroll that I have mounted on my wall (I don't know what the official term would be).  He said that made us brothers in masonry.  Kind of curious as to the veracity of this... does anyone have an answer for me?
hotelquebec9er said:
When I was at IAP, one of my divisionmates was a mason, I asked him because I recognized the masonic symbols from my great-grandfather's initiation scroll that I have mounted on my wall (I don't know what the official term would be).  He said that made us brothers in masonry.  Kind of curious as to the veracity of this... does anyone have an answer for me?

It means you asked, therefore he is now able to explain how you can become one.


Since you were not sponsored, gone through the initial process, and  initiated, you are not a Mason.

However, we are all part of the brotherhood of mankind.


Thanks for the replies, they cleared up a bit of  personal history. A friend and I were introduced to the local Demolay chapter, attended a few meetings and were actually given 'titles". ( mine was Senior Deacon) We didn't do any of the initiations, they just didn't have any one else. Shortly there after the chapter closed, for lack of a better term. Not enough interest I guess.
We had fun and were curious enough to continue, but couldn't. I had forgotten about it until i started reading this thread. I may have to take some time and chat up my local lodge.
I'm going for my fellowcraft on Jan 25th.  I'm really looking foward to it.
My Father in law and Brother in law are both Masons in NS.
They tried to get me interested in it when I was on the east coast, but at the time, I just wasn't interested.

I am most likely getting posted back within the year and will be talking to them about it.

I was wondering if anyone on Army.ca could give me some information or what books I could read to better
educate myself about Masons without breaking the rules of their order.

hoist-monkey said:
My Father in law and Brother in law are both Masons in NS.
They tried to get me interested in it when I was on the east coast, but at the time, I just wasn't interested.

I am most likely getting posted back within the year and will be talking to them about it.

I was wondering if anyone on Army.ca could give me some information or what books I could read to better
educate myself about Masons without breaking the rules of their order.


"Freemasons for Dummies"

I'm not kidding.  It's a very informative book, and I read it when I was seeking information.
Jaydub said:
"Freemasons for Dummies"

I'm not kidding.  It's a very informative book, and I read it when I was seeking information.

No joking, he is correct.  I have been told by members of my lodge.

Great reads are a series of books by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas.  They are  very detailed on the history, and how things are tied in with Masonery, and get right down to rituals, without giving up what shouldn't.



Quote from: hoist-monkey on Today at 06:20:20
My Father in law and Brother in law are both Masons in NS.
They tried to get me interested in it when I was on the east coast, but at the time, I just wasn't interested.

I am most likely getting posted back within the year and will be talking to them about it.

I was wondering if anyone on Army.ca could give me some information or what books I could read to better
educate myself about Masons without breaking the rules of their order.


"Freemasons for Dummies"

I'm not kidding.  It's a very informative book, and I read it when I was seeking information.

Also there are good books by John J Robinson , one is "Born in Blood" that explores the connection between the Knights Templars and the Masons.  He was studying the Peasants Revolt in England at around 1370 and there seemed to be some strange things...peasants from different areas organizing with a type of "uniform"  a white cowl.  Also they seemed to take a real vengeance on the Hospitallers and their properties.  The second half of the book really gets into the Masonic Rituals but without giving any secrets.  He was not a Mason then, just interested but the Masons support his writing.  (He was actually a retired US Marine)  The third book was a personal tale about the fight between the Masons and the Christian Right:  http://www.masonicinfo.com/books/pilgrim.htm.  He actually decided to join the Masons by the end of the book.

He is interesting as he is a pure historian...not a fiction writer catching the Dan Brown tailwind.

To all who might have a question or perhaps more

Please send me a PM. I will be happy to assist

United Service Lodge
the original lodge on the Esquimalt base when the brits first arrived now located in Langford. A very long proud military/masonic history.

For some of our fellow service pers who may not of visited an out of country lodge. Give it a try, I have done so a few times and made some great friends who I am still in contact with now.
PigPen said:
what lodge perhaps ill try to make it down


Aurora #165
I'd love to see you there if you could make it.
As a side
I was installed as 1st Principle of my Chapter Thursday evening ;D

Visit by the Grand Chapter 3rd principle and Dist Superintendent  to boot a great time was had by all.

Looking forward to a great year in the East