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Friday 13th

How could I have forgotten that it was Friday the 13th.  What a day...all I can say is roof rack meets highway after it's fully packed of course!
I'm going to hide til this day is over.
Just to relieve some fears, its not, I say again, NOT the end of the world. I have yet to recieve my call to saddle the pale horse and go for a ride. you can come out of hiding now Trinity.
I'm referring to Danzig's old band.  I use the cover of his first solo album as a personal picture.  It also refers to an ancient celtic observance akin to haloween.
But it's not funny if I have to explain it.  Should I stick to Alice Cooper and B.T.O. references instead?
Please do... us old unedjicated types are kinda slow on the uptake.  Maybe Skynyrd or Foghat instead, that DB Cooper guy is way too wierd for me.
Ah, but Danzig does beat Three Doors Grace, Theory of a Puddle of Filth, and Lamb of Nickleback any day.
exsemjingo said:
I'm referring to Danzig's old band.  I use the cover of his first solo album as a personal picture.  It also refers to an ancient celtic observance akin to haloween.
But it's not funny if I have to explain it.  Should I stick to Alice Cooper and B.T.O. references instead?

Ah, I see...  I thought you meant the Halloween reference thus me saying the witch thing which was what the Templars were blamed for being, thus leading to their demise on Fri the 13th...but uh Danzig's good too...um watch out for Danzig!!!!

PS Checked out his website and Samhain.  Creepy.
It's Saturday the 14th

I declare all things calm once again.

Go back to your trivial lives.  The Haine brothers have gone on vacation
and will not be bothering us for a while.
Friday the 13th in Baghdad was just another day. Got out around middday and did a bit of souvenir hunting, found a bewt of a AKM bayonet, Tabuk, Iraqi made on Yugo machinery, and matching serial numbers too! Scrounged that up near the famous Crossed Swords landmark.

In the evening we watched Unforgiven with Clint Eastwood, and then there was a wicked wind/dust storm, followed by intense lighting, rain and good amounts of thunder, but it was thunder this time.

On the 11th we had a series of attacks in our area. 122mm rockets, mortars, etc. Some crumping in uncomfortably close. That even made CNN! At least that was on the 11th, and not the 13!

Since Fridays are the holy day here, seems the AIF slow things down a bit anyways.

Regards from the Sand Box,

Kat Stevens said:
Please do... us old unedjicated types are kinda slow on the uptake.  Maybe Skynyrd or Foghat instead, that DB Cooper guy is way too wierd for me.

Hmm... I was gonna pipe in with "Quick, name 3 songs by Foghat."  But, crap, I can only think of Slow Ride and Fool for the City.  So... I don't have the DS answers.  Who's got a 3rd song by Foghat?  (No Googling allowed!)

And, to add even more off-topic crap... why, for the past 2 days... have CF18's been doing figure 8's over Pet?  Now, don't get me wrong - they're not doing something out in the training area and circling back over the base to start again.  They're just staying over the base proper and going around and around and around and around and...
:fifty:  (too bad I can't crank that smiley up into an AA role...  ;D )

The best theory I've come up with is that they're preparing us for the ambiance of KAF before we go... ahhh... soothing thoughts...  ahh...