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Gaining Weight and Running

Warvstar said:
Ok first I dont think I said there unsafe but rather untested(some of them), or at least thats what I thought I said. Anyway I just get the Protein powder and add my own calories. I did consider buying the Weight Gainer from GNC.. Mega Mass? Anyway thanks for the help.

What does untested mean? Its just food. There are no chemicals to test in it. Yopu know what- you probably should stay away from everything. You have a lot of learning to do before you should supplement with anything.
BeadWindow said:
What does untested mean? Its just food. There are no chemicals to test in it. Yopu know what- you probably should stay away from everything. You have a lot of learning to do before you should supplement with anything.

Ok first you can not judge my knowledge or intellect from my post, Also there are chemicals in most of them such as creatine and L-Glutamine I have found both of those in almost all weight gainers I have seen. Althought Im all right with those chemicals, they are still in there. Please dont make a flame thread out of this.
there is no creatine in weight gainers. And L-glutamine is made by your body......
BeadWindow said:
there is no creatine in weight gainers. And L-glutamine is made by your body......
and creatine is not a "chemical". It's nothing more than protein 'boiled down'. Every time you eat a steak, you're getting creatine monohydrate.
Head on down to Chapters, and educate yourself a bit.
Warvstar said:
Ok first you can not judge my knowledge or intellect from my post, Also there are chemicals in most of them such as creatine and L-Glutamine I have found both of those in almost all weight gainers I have seen. Althought Im all right with those chemicals, they are still in there. Please dont make a flame thread out of this.

lol .. dude you just advertised your ignorance in this subject area, sorry. With a post like that ... yes your knowledge can be judged.

Creatine is found in all meat. Is it a chemical? Uhh ... what do you think your entire body is comprised of? Ever eat steak? Chicken? Anything from an animal? Then you've eaten creatine.

L-Glutamine is a natural chemical which staves off muscle catabolism. In short, it lets you stay bigger longer and keeps the hard earned muscle you have. This is why L-Glutamine is in almost all of these weight gainers you see.

Don't rule out the Chapters idea from paracowboy ..
Look up word chemical in dictionary then read up on creatine. Creatine is a chemical and so is protein. My friends was trainded for 5 yrs by Mr. Canada strongest man in canada. And I get my advice from him. And you guys realize your like little kids right? complaining because I said I dident know about weight gainers.
Warvstar said:
Look up word chemical in dictionary then read up on creatine. Creatine is a chemical and so is protein. My friends was trainded for 5 yrs by Mr. Canada strongest man in canada. And I get my advice from him. And you guys realize your like little kids right? complaining because I said I dident know about weight gainers.
lighten up, Francis. You came here asking for advice, you get advice then, get hissy when you don't like it?

Groovy. I'm out.
paracowboy said:
lighten up, Francis. You came here asking for advice, you get advice then, get hissy when you don't like it?

Groovy. I'm out.
Ok first that was not ment to post i was in hurry wrote in about a minute and clicked post. Anyway I just hate it when people find little things like my not wanting to take weight gainers, as a thing to get upset about. And it is the way creatine and protein is proccessed that makes me not take a untestsed product, and anyway i never said I was 100% sure on nutrition Im sure I said I was no pro. Anyway sorry for freaking out.
Warvstar said:
Look up word chemical in dictionary then read up on creatine. Creatine is a chemical and so is protein. My friends was trainded for 5 yrs by Mr. Canada strongest man in canada. And I get my advice from him. And you guys realize your like little kids right? complaining because I said I dident know about weight gainers.

Was it Mr. Canada or was it the strongest man in Canada. Those are 2 different people. And if you have such a beacon of nutritional and training knowledge at your disposal why are you on an Army website looking for nutritional advice? You are raising my B.S. meter quite steadily.

chem ·i ·cal 

1.Of or relating to chemistry.
2.Of or relating to the properties or actions of chemicals.

1.A substance with a distinct molecular composition that is produced by or used in a chemical process.
2.A drug, especially an illicit or addictive one.

cre ·a ·tine    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (kr-tn, -tn) also cre ·a ·tin (-tn)

1.A nitrogenous organic acid, C4H9N3O2, that is found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates mainly in the form of phosphocreatine and supplies energy for muscle contraction.

pro ·tein    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (prtn, -t-n)
1.Any of a group of complex organic macromolecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and usually sulfur and are composed of one or more chains of amino acids. Proteins are fundamental components of all living cells and include many substances, such as enzymes, hormones, and antibodies, that are necessary for the proper functioning of an organism. They are essential in the diet of animals for the growth and repair of tissue and can be obtained from foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, and legumes.

glu ·ta ·mine    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (glt-mn)
A nonessential amino acid, C5H10N2O3, occurring widely in plant and animal tissue and proteins and produced commercially for use in medicine

So I did read my dictionary. What is your issue exactly?

Ignorance. That's all it is, pure and simple.

First you won't trust it cause of supposed chemicals in it and what not. Then it becomes the way it was processed.

How exactly is that going to impact you? It's not as if it was brewed in scorpion venom for christ sake. What's so wrong or unnatural or untrustworthy about whey/egg casinate or cold process or isolated process etc .. it's just the process and there are really only mild differences which truthfully only people with the most specific diets and workouts would take the time to consider.

Untested product due to processing? You think they just slap some shit together ... then throw it out for everyone to use? I don't care who you know, it obviously hasn't had a tremendous impact on you or you haven't been listening.

This is just ... ugh.. Amazing.... I think I'm going to step off from this before I say some worse things.
RE READ ALL MY POSTS, you will see I never said anything about it been unsafe. I just havent done any research into weight gainer products. Does not mean I have not done research into Protein and other nutrition stuff. I never researched them before, so whats the point again? Just finding little reasons to complain about? Again read earlier post of mine it will tell you why I asked here. Also wrong or right, I had enough of this thread, feel free to find some error in my logic on this last post.
Warvstar said:
RE READ ALL MY POSTS, you will see I never said anything about it been unsafe. I just havent done any research into weight gainer products.

but you say-

Warvstar said:
I have stayed away from "WeightGainers" because I have not found any proof they are long term safe.

I think YOU need to re read your posts.
Ok Ok fine, I lost. Your right ;). But dosent mean I dont know anything about nutrtion. Just nothing about weight gainers and I did say I was no pro. Im really ignorant sometimes and never like to lose.