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Gas Boycott!


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I received the following email as part of a series and thought I might share.

    As far as I am concerned this type of Boycott will never work.  What
are we all going to do all buy gas on 13-14 of May so we do not have to buy
on the 15th.  We are at their mercy for gas, we all need it!!  The real
Boycott should be directed at one very large Oil(Gas) company. If you don't
buy Gas at Shell for about a month or 2,  then you can cause some real
damage to a companies profits.  15th of May 2007 Shut-Down Shell until their
Price drops to Under $3.00 a Gallon. If that works, Shut-Down Exxon for a
month or more.  Those are the only real Tools we have to fight those Gas
Price Gouging  Bastards!!!!

Sorry for my friends' blunt tone, He's ex-NAVY  ;)

It occurs to me, if enough people "share" and decide to fill elsewhere
something like this may have a chance.

Recently we have had economists in Alberta come out with declarations
of gouging by Big Oil. ( to the tune of 20c - 30c/litre.)
Don't get me wrong, I'm Albertan.  I like big oil - But not what's happening
in the retail market here.

I'm sure the choice of Shell is arbitrary and it is a smaller company
than Exxon, and not Canadian owned like Petro Can.
We don't want the nanny state to rescue us.
It's up to consumers.

Any thoughts people?

Or am I just a closet commie ? ;D

If you want to show the gas companies, move closer to work so you can walk.

I walk to work 40% of the time and save a ton of gas because of it.

People keep telling me about the price increases but since I only fill up once every month or so, it doesn't affect me in the least.

Matthew.  :salute:
I actually live about a mile from my business.
Still need the wheels for errands etc.

And Matthew - it's not nice to be smug ;)

I had another thought.

If you don't want to kill the retailer, buy snack foods and other
non-petro items from him. That way it's just SHell that bleeds.

People are going to buy gas, no matter what price it is. This boycot thing has been tried before and failed, maybe a few thousand may take part, but surely never enough to even make a difference.

If you want to hit them we're it hurts, trade that gas guzzling SUV or monster Dodge Hemi in for a smaller more fuel effiecent vehicle, that way you spend less and use less. Take public transit or like someone already mentioned walk.

Sorry retiredgrunt45

I've gotta disagree a little.
If you buy a more efficient vehicle you can shave a few percent
say 25 to 35 off of your gas bill. I'm all for that anyway - fine.

If you can motivate people to pull together and boycott a
fairly large but not too influential oil company..........
Not all , just one  -  Shell in particular.
We can still buy gas and go on without inconvenience.

The only reason it doesn't work is because people allow it to fail.
That doesn't have to happen.

People know they are being ripped off.
People are angry. :rage:
People actually read my first post! :eek:

So, why not act on it?
Do it.
Buy your gas a petro-canuck for a while?
At least their gouge goes back into Canadian pockets.

If prices can be reduced down to $1.00 / litre that would
save me just under 8 bucks a week.
8 bucks by 52 weeks is a little over 4 bills per annum.

400 bucks is a lot of beer :blotto:
or any other thing you might be going deeper into debt for.

What would it cost to try ?

Nothing .
