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georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

georgeharper said:
Oh please.To now suggest that Canada and Canadians were a target for a terrorist attack prior to 9/11 simply because some Canadians happened to be in the wrong place( the United States) at the wrong time is laughable.
Now because Canada is helping the U.S with the occupation of Afghanistan , Canada indeed is a target.

Radical islam selects targets due to western values such as booze, music, our women, yes their rights, and our way of life overall. They HATE us all, including you.

We (the west) were a target long before 9-11.

You don't know WTF you are talking about. 
I'm quite surprised this thread is still ongoing...  It seems this georgeharper person has brought a knife to a gun fight... more accurately; a dull plastic butter knife.

Conspiracy Theories backed up by hearsay and conjecture, with no hopes of proof, all based on movies (thank you Michael Moore) and media (thank you CNN) versus Fact made clear by not only empirical evidence, published accounts and unquestionable documentation, but also by those who have witnessed these events and places first hand.

geogeharper, bit of advice for you;  read... read everything you can from every source.  I'm not saying change you position, I'm saying; if you're going to run headlong into an argument with people who have read, witness and consumed everything there is to know about this subject, you might want to come with information to back up your position.
If you do read, and you find the evidence to prove your point, from creditable sources, by all means, post here and this might actually become an intelligent discussion... 'cause as it stands, you're arguing against proven subject matter experts, with sources to back up their statements, with nothing more than "someone said", "I heard" and "my buddy told me", none of which is helping your case.  (Just because Michael Moore says it, doesn't make it so... he's been proven to bend the truth about a great many things... he can manipulate media with the best of them.)

Anyway... enough of a rant from me...  On with the one sided fight.  :pop:
He's not going to provide links. He's not going to provide facts. He's not going to provide meaningful rhetoric or discussion.

What he IS going to do, is continue to flit in here, once daily, drop a few lines of unsubstantiated, left wing tripe, and then leave. It's called drive by posting.

He'll come back, once a day, and see how you've all been whipped up into a lather, with two more pages of solid response, to his propaganda. He'll lauqh with all his buddies on their forum how he's driving you all nuts.

He's not here to reason with you or even convince you of anything. He's here to drive you batty, and he's succeeding.

Quit feeding the troll.
georgeharper said:
Last I heard, Afghanistan had not launched a terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11

I certainly never said they had. Around here, we are fully aware of the facts WRT that little matter. There you go again ... not letting the facts get in the way of your shapeshifting.

Your clock is ticking down BTW ... you still haven't posted your sources for your erroneous information. Even pulling RAWA or enmasse out of your favourites bookmarks for us would suffice at this point in time perhaps, but you can't even put down your trash long enough to do that.

Qu'elle surprise monsieur. Qu'elle surpise.

Dix, neuf, ... tic toc tic toc

The ramp of the aircraft is lowering ...
stegner said:

Why not lock this thread up?

Agreed - end this, georgeharper will show up again, under a new user name and start doing this all over again, that's the nature of a mindless troll.  Might as well start the process now.
stegner said:

Why not lock this thread up?

Because he was given his warning and was given until Tuesday to post and cite his sources.

Quite easy to understand really ... that's already been posted in this thread.

The Milnet.ca Staff

Here it is again for all of you who missed it:

MCG said:
georgeharper, you have ignored my warning at your peril.  However,I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so maybe you just missed my post.  I will give you until Tuesday morning to come back and substantiate your drive-by spamming with real arguments.  This warning will also be PM'ed to you so that you will not miss it.  Failure to comply will result in an elevation of your warning.

The Staff
Canada is in Afghanistan at the request of NATO, the United Nations, and the democratically elected government of Afghanistan.  Sort yourself out on the facts.
Are you recommending that Canada invade Saudi Arabia, or is this a red herring to waste our time?

And this too:
ArmyVern said:
And, he's been given a verbal warning IAW this site's Guidelines.

He's now been given a further warning here in the thread and via PM to start posting factual links (citations etc) to back up his claims. He now has the opportunity to engage in actual debate (instead of troll) by posting links to credible sources which back up his claims.

Many here have posted facts in response to his posts, and the mandate under which we serve in Afghanistan has been provided to debunk his claim that we are there FOR George Bush.

Should he choose to ignore, or to further troll with drive-by unsubstantiated claims, he will receive that which is due him IAW the warning system.

The next step is up to him. It's really quite that simple. He can contribute in a worthwhile manner to a debate -- or not. His choice.

This is not enmasse.ca, we do not arbitrarily ban those with opposing viewpoints simply because they are idiots and piss us off, such as the likes of georgeharper and his friend janebella witness over in their regular enmasse haunt. We are not the enmasse Facebook Group either, which outright states that their group is meant for those holding their viewpoint and their viewpoint only.

Our standards are just better than that. He's been given his fair warning. It's his to take it or leave it.

The Milnet.ca Staff
RHFC_piper said:
I'm quite surprised this thread is still ongoing...  It seems this georgeharper person has brought a knife to a gun fight... more accurately; a dull plastic butter knife.

Conspiracy Theories backed up by hearsay and conjecture, with no hopes of proof, all based on movies (thank you Michael Moore) and media (thank you CNN) versus Fact made clear by not only empirical evidence, published accounts and unquestionable documentation, but also by those who have witnessed these events and places first hand.

geogeharper, bit of advice for you;  read... read everything you can from every source.   I'm not saying change you position, I'm saying; if you're going to run headlong into an argument with people who have read, witness and consumed everything there is to know about this subject, you might want to come with information to back up your position.
If you do read, and you find the evidence to prove your point, from creditable sources, by all means, post here and this might actually become an intelligent discussion... 'cause as it stands, you're arguing against proven subject matter experts, with sources to back up their statements, with nothing more than "someone said", "I heard" and "my buddy told me", none of which is helping your case.   (Just because Michael Moore says it, doesn't make it so... he's been proven to bend the truth about a great many things... he can manipulate media with the best of them.)

Anyway... enough of a rant from me...  On with the one sided fight.  :pop:

At the end of the day he/she may indeed think different, but we fuel what he/she wants to hear. Remember he/she is an attention/audience seeker. As far as he/she is concerned we are just a bunch of war mongering baby burners, being lead by the Great Satan, and an oveall western empire dominated by oil. Bloody hell, if only it was that simple.

I don't mind a conflict of opinions, and decent debate, as thats what makes many topics on here not only entertaining, but informative.. However, what is going on here is just plain trollery, and I am suprised of the level of tolerence being demonstrated.

He/she will give itslef enough rope soon enough, and then the dance in the virtual gallows will commence, all undone by she/he's own doing.

Regards from yet another rainy day here in the tropics,

stegner said:
Why not lock this thread up?

We are just wondering when georgeharper will get his/her head out of the toilet and realize that there is fresh air out there and (s)he doesn't have to inhale all those toxic fumes forever. There is reality, and not the warped NDP picture that (s)he loves to paint. Perhaps with some air freshener, georgeharper will see the folly of Taliban Jack's platforms, not that we really think someone of his/her ilk in La La Land will ever truly change, but stranger things have happened.  

You'll notice, georgeharper has already walked onto the Ramp.  Tuesday is Wings Parade and Prop Blast.
I think that we've played the greyhound to the rabbit enough times around the race track.
Tango2Bravo said:
I think that we've played the greyhound to the rabbit enough times around the race track.

True enough, but the rules still apply -- and are being applied.

It's Tuesday morning ... we'll see what he has, he's either going to cite his sources as per the Army.ca caonduct guidelines or not.

He was warned, the time has arrived ... it's up to him how it ends.

Agreed.  I was not calling for a ban, just for us (me included) to stop going around in circles.  A site should be tolerant of opposing views, even if it means aggravation.


Dunno.. they banned him over at Mapleleafweb.com under 3 different names.


He must be getting used to it.  And incidentally he dodged and refused to
post links over there also.  :-X
- No doubt, in his next post, he will remind us that the reason all of the MAPLE GUARDIAN exercises are held in Wainwright is because Wainwright is criss-crossed with PIPELINES...
Don’t mock the troll.  You’re giving it the attention it wants even while it cannot post.

The Staff