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Someone stole my Gerber over the pre-BMQ from my kit, so I went to Canadian Tire to buy a new one. Problem is, the one I bought is silver but the one I was issued was black. This is a Gerber Pro Scout 600 series. Is this acceptable or am I going to have to find the exact model (and does anyone know what the exact model is)?
If it was stolen, fill out a lost kit report and the CF might issue you another one.
The same thing happened to me on my BMQ. I went out and bought the silver one too. None of my instructors said anything, neither did any of the NCOs back at my Regiment.
If it was stolen, fill out a lost kit report and the CF might issue you another one.

One of our sargeants (course instructor) is a very angry man...he said if anything is lost or stolen then it's out of our pocket and don't dare go crying to him, so I had to shell out the $80 at Canadian Tire.
One of our sargeants (course instructor) is a very angry man...he said if anything is lost or stolen then it's out of our pocket and don't dare go crying to him, so I had to shell out the $80 at Canadian Tire.

Asking that you be responsible and accountable for your own kit makes him a very angry man? I guess I must be a positive sociopath then, because I would have also put you on some extra duties to make sure you didn't do it again, with kit that you can't buy at Canadian Tire. I've done extras for much less than a $80 gerber, and boy did I learn.
I didn't know that you were even issued a Gerber for BMQ. I'm doing my SQ this summer and still haven't gotten one.
Britney Spears said:
Asking that you be responsible and accountable for your own kit makes him a very angry man? I guess I must be a positive sociopath then, because I would have also put you on some extra duties to make sure you didn't do it again, with kit that you can't buy at Canadian Tire. I've done extras for much less than a $80 gerber, and boy did I learn.

Oh no sorry I didn't mean it like that. I meant that he's "angry" as in he's been really on us in pre-BMQ and I'm just not used to it as I'm new to the army. I didn't mean he's angry because he told us to be accountable for our own kit. The thing is, my Gerber was with the rest of my kit and was there before I went to class, but wasn't there afterwards.

One question though, the Gerber that is issued in the army is not available anywhere else?
Fill out an LSR. Then the investigating Officer will decide whether or not you are responsible for the loss of your multi-tool.
2332Piper said:
Ask for a lost kit report. They have to give one to you. Whether you pay or not is up to the QM, not your instructors.

Actually, it's up to the CO.

Scaddie said:
I'm doing my SQ this summer and still haven't gotten one.

The upside:  It can't be stolen.

No one will ever fault you for not being an administrative burden.
I was issued my Gerber with my initial equipment issue.  I also got the fabled CADPAT bivy bag....  As I have been warned about the desire for that, I think I'll be using it as a my ninja-sniper cape for the duration of any course!  ;D
Britney Spears said:
...because I would have also put you on some extra duties to make sure you didn't do it again, with kit that you can't buy at Canadian Tire. I've done extras for much less than a $80 gerber, and boy did I learn.

Am I ever glad I'm not anywhere near whatever unit you're in. Giving a guy extras because someone STOLE a piece of their kit has got to be one of the dumbest things I've heard yet ::)

And exactly what, may I ask, did you learn from getting extras for having kit stolen from you?
392 said:
And exactly what, may I ask, did you learn from getting extras for having kit stolen from you?

For myself, it taught me to secure my kit.
PPCLI MCpl said:
For myself, it taught me to secure my kit.

The DS solution is to kick the crap out of thieves.  I'll give you 6/10 for buying a lock.
PPCLI MCpl said:
For myself, it taught me to secure my kit.

Ahhhhhh.....insecure kit is one thing, but that wasn't mentioned anywhere in the original post. ;)
As for buying a replacement Gerber at Crappy Tire.... wrong thing to do... well you just wasted $80 of your own money, when that nice lady across the big pond may have paid for it. Your course staff, as has been said before, cannot tell you to replace your own kit... you fill out a lost kit report, get that from your CQ and hand it in... its not uncommon to lose a piece of kit now and then. And yah yah yah, you kit would seem to have been insecure, well we all make mistakes and thats why your on your basic/SQ crse, to learn how to pay attention to detail and not make mistakes as regularily... we're only human after all.

You ask for a Lost/ Stolen Equipment Report, it's your entitlement;
Fill in nothing but the facts, no conjecture or flowery speech;
The little box at the bottom "I accept/ do not accept responsibility" gets checked "do not";
Submitted to the CO for approval.

MOST times it becomes a write off. If accepted, it costs no one but the system. On any excersize or course above Regimental level it gets submitted with all the other Unit/ Course write offs and becomes a cost at the higher level.

Don't worry about a Gerber. I've seen NODLR's written off on the same form after falling out of a jeep.